Why do you keep your diary private?



  • Mine is private because I like to write personal messages to myself about my day and how I'm feeling. It's called a diary and I choose to keep it private for just that reason.

    Thats great! That is exactly what I meant by asking what's hiding in there. You have a personal dairy going on, I think that's awesome!

    Thanks, that means a lot. I want to have it open sometimes but when I have a really bad day I just let it rip and I don't want others seeing that. I have been hard on myself but its making me make better choices. This was a great topic btw
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I love looking at what people eat, just for ideas mostly. I would NEVER tell someone anything besides good job or something. Like someone said MFP tells you when you are over calories or whatever. I cant believe people would comment on poor choices, or extra calories. That person would be deleted!

    I do too! I've often found myself have a certain thing for dinner because I saw it in someone's diary the day before! As far as comments are concerned, I have made comments besides good job. I'm not judgmental. I would never say you shouldn't have eaten that. but I believe we have friends here not just to have someone pat us on the back but to help us. One person had logged grilled chicken breast with unbelievable amount of sodium. turns out she had made it at home, used only garlic and pepper.I pointed that out and she was able to find a listing that better matched her food. I have had people give me suggestions of another brand of food that had less fat or less sugar and I appreciate the advice. But just saying you did a bad job today? Yeah, the delete button is easy to find!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I eat a lot of processed/ pre-packaged foods because I DESPISE cooking. I'm reluctant to open my food diary because I don't want to hear that I should eat less of the stuff that I do. What I'm doing seems to be working for me and I don't think I'm eating terribly unhealthy stuff.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I opened mine because when I started using the community features on here someone that friended me suggested that I open it. Before then I didn't even know that was an option. So far, it has been fine and no one has made any negative comments to me. But, I know that the minute someone does I will probably turn it private again. Logging in honestly is the most important part of this weight loss puzzle for me and if I don't log in like I should because I am afraid of negative comments then I am hurting my own journey.

    Make it open to friends only. And if you receive actual negative comments, (not talking about helpful advise) then you need to remove the friend, not go back to private. No friend should be directing ANY negativity towards you...period..
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    I turned mine to private, because I had people who would make judgemental comments about what I was eating. So then I wouldn't put in what I was really eating because I didn't want to have to answer for an "off" meal. I realized then that I was only cheating myself and wouldn't get to my goal if I didn't fill it out completely so I turned it to private. Since I turned it to private I have been more honest with myself in what I have been really eating and have learned what I can cut out.

    I agree... same experience

    Good for you. Find what works for you and go with it. My diary is public because I enjoy the impending threat of criticism to keep me on my feet. But if keeping it private helps you to honestly log your calories, then it's doing its job. You're here to lose weight, whether you do that best by youself, with some help from others, or out in the open flailing your arms like an idiot (me, by the way), it doesn't matter.

    Stick to what works for you, but puhlllease stop feeding the trolls. lol.
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    The funny thing about losing weight is everyone else seems to know the best way for you to do it. If there is one thing I've learned is you have to find your own path both physically (eating/exercise) and emotionally. Im not interested in people judging or tell me whats best for me. If I wanted that, I would hire a trainer or a dietician.

    Amen! Mine is public to friends, but if they decided to go into my diary and give me unecessary info about what I am eating it will be turned to private. I know when I go over, I know when I go under and I know what I am putting into my mouth whether it be healthy or bad for me. My body my choice. I will suffer the consquences be it good or bad. :wink: I am already hard on myself when I make bad choices, I sure as heck do not need others to make be feel worse. :grumble: :huh:
    I think it is a whole different side if you ask for it. That is when you get a plethora of ideas, because everyone is different when it comes to weight loss.
  • eviltwinkie
    eviltwinkie Posts: 153
    Because I use this site to be personally accountable to me, myself, and I. To get recipie and dieting ideas. To use the recipie tool.

    If I so choose, I could share, but as far as I'm concerned my diary is between me and my doctor. Probably a little hard headed, but then I've never felt the need to be validated by others. And when I'm really off track, I'd rather use a paid professional to help figure out what I've been doing wrong. I don't believe in muddling around with 'he said/she said' when I have perfectly good health insurance and can see a nutritionist for a small fee.

    Why do you care that you can't see other peoples diaries that you don't even know? That seems odd.

    Ah, I see 'even from friends'. Well honestly, my friends SEE the results from my dieting. It's been going on 3 years now and - er - 104.5 lbs lost as of this week. My entire eating habits have changed. I have changed massively in my appearance. I share recipies with them, failures, successes... I am accountable to them by my lifestyle changes (and the determination to not backslide!) but I've NEVER felt the need to go down to the detail of sharing my day in day out menu. I won't bore them with the detail and honestly don't want that kind of feedback. That's what the doc is for.
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    I opened mine because when I started using the community features on here someone that friended me suggested that I open it. Before then I didn't even know that was an option. So far, it has been fine and no one has made any negative comments to me. But, I know that the minute someone does I will probably turn it private again. Logging in honestly is the most important part of this weight loss puzzle for me and if I don't log in like I should because I am afraid of negative comments then I am hurting my own journey.

    Make it open to friends only. And if you receive actual negative comments, (not talking about helpful advise) then you need to remove the friend, not go back to private. No friend should be directing ANY negativity towards you...period..

    I agree with your 100%, I never say anything negative towards those who make poor food choices or don't exercise, I just remove them and look for friends that have the same goals that I do. I actually hope that they would call me out on poor food choices, because my friends will hold me accountable. But once again, they should call me out in a positive way.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Mine is private, but anyone that wants to see it is more than welcome to, they just have to ask me for the password. I want to know who's looking. I'm not always proud of my diary. I am learning to have a better relationship with food and that doesn't include restriction. If I want something that bad, I'm gonna have it. I have been able to learn how to incorporate those cravings in and still lose weight. I truly believe that this is about my behavior and once I get better at incorporating the unhealthy foods at a more healthy rate, I will eventually be able to eliminate more and more of them.

    You are absolutely right! And this is a perfect example of why I don't accept friend requests from just anybody. I want to make sure the people I'm surrounding myself with have something in common with me. I don't have anything against anyone or their choices but vegetarians, vegans, this-free, that-free, types are not going to be able to support me and I won't be able to support them.
  • Lavmann
    Lavmann Posts: 54 Member
    The only person I am accountable is me (and it's about time...LOL!). To be honest I don't find looking at anyone else's food diary all that helpful. Everyone is at a different stage in their weight loss/gain/maintenance journey, people are from all walks of life, from different countries all of which affects their choices/availability of food.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I opened mine because when I started using the community features on here someone that friended me suggested that I open it. Before then I didn't even know that was an option. So far, it has been fine and no one has made any negative comments to me. But, I know that the minute someone does I will probably turn it private again. Logging in honestly is the most important part of this weight loss puzzle for me and if I don't log in like I should because I am afraid of negative comments then I am hurting my own journey.

    Make it open to friends only. And if you receive actual negative comments, (not talking about helpful advise) then you need to remove the friend, not go back to private. No friend should be directing ANY negativity towards you...period..

    I agree with your 100%, I never say anything negative towards those who make poor food choices or don't exercise, I just remove them and look for friends that have the same goals that I do. I actually hope that they would call me out on poor food choices, because my friends will hold me accountable. But once again, they should call me out in a positive way.

    I hope I didn't sound like I meant that! You can point out issues and give advice without being negative. I would never, ever just remove a friend because they made a food decision I don't agree with or didn't go to the gym.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I understand keeping it viewable to friends only, that is what I do. But why do you keep your diary private from all? What are your reasons? What's hiding in there?

    What a fantastic topic!! You can definitely see how everyone uses the same tools differently to match their personal needs and feelings.. Way to go, Life!!!
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    I'm a pretty private person I don't do any social netowrk stuff

    I only just added a pic after 6 months on here and thats 'cos I was sick of seeing the blue picture thing.

    I just made my diary open to everyone, previously only open to my friends - feel free to snoop

    I decide I just don't care anymore, any criticism grateful recieved.
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    Because most people are doing it for themselves and don't have the need or want, Hence the word diary. When you were a child did you have a diary and did you let everyone read it? Besides what works for them doesn't mean it will work for you.

    THIS...this is exactly why I have mine set to private. But, like someone else posted I also don't complain when I'm not losing...I know why I'm not losing.

    BTW, this thread has encouraged me to put in the crap I ate yesterday into my diary...............
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    My diary was defaulted private.... I didn't know we had the option to have it open to the public! A friend suggested that I make it open and I did. My group of friends is very encouraging and never negative towards eachother for what we are eating. We might give "advice" but never in a harsh manner! If someone was constantly nagging on me and not being positive they would not be in my group of buddies. Im sure that I could make some better food choices but I am taking baby steps (picky picky).
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    Accountability....some people don't want others calling them out on their shenanigans :laugh:

    Actually, yes. I'm not always proud of my food choices, and although they're a mile above where I used to be, I don't feel ready yet to have people approve or disapprove of my choices. I still make mistakes and have fast food on occasion. I just don't need someone telling me it was a bad choice. I already know.
    this is pretty much my reasoning too. I dont need anybody telling me how great a choice was or how terrible it was. Im already aware of how great or not so great my food choices are.
  • Sueboo31
    Sueboo31 Posts: 128
    Because most people are doing it for themselves and don't have the need or want, Hence the word diary. When you were a child did you have a diary and did you let everyone read it? Besides what works for them doesn't mean it will work for you.

    THIS...this is exactly why I have mine set to private. But, like someone else posted I also don't complain when I'm not losing...I know why I'm not losing.

    BTW, this thread has encouraged me to put in the crap I ate yesterday into my diary...............

    I'm with both of you and this is why I might change mine to private. Mine is open to friends but to be honest I have never been comfortable with it being open. I think because I am a private person and my eating habits are SO personal. I ususally eat well but the days I don't, I will not log. I'm thinking if I had it set to private I would be more honest and log everything.

    The first time someone commented on what I ate it was a weird feeling, not sure how to describe it. I want to say violated but thats a strong word but I'm sure you all know what I mean. Kind of like the medicine cabinet analogy made by someone else. I'm not hiding anything but don't want you looking in it.... that was funny AND true!

    I think it's like everything else... it's what works for you. If people find that it helps them be accountable then great. If you don't need it to make you feel accountable then that is great too. I must say this was a very interesting thread. :)
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    I am not here for people to point out the flaws in my diet, but on the flip side, I don't whine about not loosing or ask why something isn't working. I know what I need and what I allow myself. Occassionally, that cake with frosting is in there and worth it. :laugh:

    But, more power to people who are willing to be that open!! :drinker:

  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Because most people are doing it for themselves and don't have the need or want, Hence the word diary. When you were a child did you have a diary and did you let everyone read it? Besides what works for them doesn't mean it will work for you.

    THIS...this is exactly why I have mine set to private. But, like someone else posted I also don't complain when I'm not losing...I know why I'm not losing.

    BTW, this thread has encouraged me to put in the crap I ate yesterday into my diary...............

    I'm with both of you and this is why I might change mine to private. Mine is open to friends but to be honest I have never been comfortable with it being open. I think because I am a private person and my eating habits are SO personal. I ususally eat well but the days I don't, I will not log. I'm thinking if I had it set to private I would be more honest and log everything.

    The first time someone commented on what I ate it was a weird feeling, not sure how to describe it. I want to say violated but thats a strong word but I'm sure you all know what I mean. Kind of like the medicine cabinet analogy made by someone else. I'm not hiding anything but don't want you looking in it.... that was funny AND true!

    I think it's like everything else... it's what works for you. If people find that it helps them be accountable then great. If you don't need it to make you feel accountable then that is great too. I must say this was a very interesting thread. :)

    I agree. People can say what they want like" their just hiding what they are eating".Who cares! It is my business and no one elses. If someone has a problem with it, that is their problem not mine. They can find another diary to snoop into.
  • loriannmartin
    loriannmartin Posts: 209 Member
    mine is open. i havent had anyone ever give me lip about what i ate...i love looking at what everyone else has to get ideas... and i learn about different foods from all over the world... i love it... the way i look at it is... i log what i eat if they dont like it too flippen bad...i wouldnt ever give anyone rude comments for what they eat..... good luck to everyone in their weight loss journey... :drinker:
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