

  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    Take the smallest pair of pants you own and wear them all day. Feel how uncomfortable you are in them, and how crappy you feel about not being able to fit in them.

    Then you'll have a new outlook to do something about it.

    LOL. That always works for me.
  • Lightingstorm
    Lightingstorm Posts: 15 Member
    The way I Start is by finding a couple friends to go walking with or go to the gym with. Set the days and everyone stick to them. Hopefully that friend will be pushy enough to say come on get up! Lets go! I know you are tired but when you walk in that door of the gym and start it will all go away. Trust me! When my friends say come on and make me I am so tired but when we get there it all changes, you find the energy!
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    I felt the same way-- I think getting your a** to the gym is 90% of the battle. Once you get there and the blood starts flowing, I've realized I actually have more energy than I did before I went! It will take a while to get over this mindset, but if you keep consistently pushing yourself to go it will turn into a habit, and you'll realize that you actually WANT to go to the gym after work (or whenever you end up going). It makes you feel so good! And when you don't go, you'll notice you feel slower, lazier, and don't have as much energy to get other things done.

    Also take a look at your motivation. Wanting to do it for weight loss, fit certain clothes, or look a certain way were not good enough motivators for me. I'm someone who needs intrinsic motivation (it has to come from inside me). So I really sat and thought about my reasons (which are all big picture-- living longer, setting good examples for those around me, feeling better about my body, etc), and then took it one day at a time. When you focus on other things other than the weight, it doesn't seem so impossible and then even if you don't lose weight right away you won't get too disappointed (that's just a bonus when you do!).

    That's my little tidbit. Hope it helps!
  • Lightingstorm
    Lightingstorm Posts: 15 Member
    I definitely agree with that!!!
  • CherrySunday
    CherrySunday Posts: 301
    Just remember that you can even do easy things like walking around the block a few times, each step in the right direction totally matters. My motivation, when I first started was my pedometer -- I'd make a goal everyday to walk a certain amount of steps (they say 10,000-12,000 a day for weight loss), and you wouldn't believe just how easy it is -- plus it allows you to space out and chill after work OR if you have a friend or partner you can take with you, you can have some pretty cool conversations.

    I think too often people want to get to the gym RIGHT AWAY, but sometimes you need to take baby steps to work up to it, I know I did. Another thing that helped motivate me, was looking at all the things I wanted to do and see, and realizing that a lot of the time my weight issues kept me hidden and held back - and I just got tired of it. You know you have to eat better and fit in some exercise to get to the size you want to get to, and if you do nothing to get there, you won't see any results.

    As for progress, my first month I lost 10 pounds (and that was just with diet (1400 calories) and walking (10,000 + a day).
  • BethanyCee
    BethanyCee Posts: 70
    I lost somewhere around 10lbs my first month (I unfortunately didn't weigh myself at the time, so I'm not positive where my starting weight was - I just made a rough estimate.) It really depends on how much you have to lose. If you have a lot to lose, you can probably expect to see results like that within the first month. I have 100lbs to lose, so it came off pretty quickly! I was down a clothing size after a month and a half.

    I didn't start going to the gym until the next month. All of that was just from changing my diet and adding some moderate excercise. I started walking, going for short jogs, and did pilates by using the OnDemand programs. Don't feel like you need to be a fitness guru right away in order to get healthier/lose weight. It's going to be a gradual change.

    It's hard to get started, but after the first week I think you find your groove. Just make small changes and you'll notice it add up. Walk more, if you can. If you drink a lot of soda, trying cutting back or cutting it out all together. Try not ordering out food for a few weeks.

    Best of luck with your journey. :)