As I read the food diaries of MFP members..



  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I am single and live alone so that means that whatever I buy or make, either has to be eaten by me before it goes bad (which happens more than I care for) or freeze it. I've got a lot of containers but I find that if I make something and take the time to portion it out and freeze it, I end up taking it right back out of the deep freezer and eating it because it was so good... It's unfortunate, but the stuff that I make and freeze that I didn't love so very much, but was edible, seems to be forgotten in the freezer and I go to the store and buy new stuff!

    I'm better off eating something until it's gone... but I do create recipes in the MyRecipe section so that I can create it again if I really liked it.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    If I have wraps for lunch, I'll have the same wrap every day for a week - because I buy the produce and spread it out over the 5 wraps. And then if I'm cooking, I'll pack up the leftovers into containers to freeze, so if I really like something I've cooked I'll eat it a couple of days in a row. I only have so many containers so can only freeze three different things at once (and having them for lunch and dinner, those three things don't have much variety!)

    I try to eat different things to keep myself interested, but sometimes the old faithful stuff is better because I know what is in it, I know that I like it, I know that it's good for me and I know that it will give me the balance I need.
  • animamelodic
    I am single & live alone so I can't afford to buy a huge variety of groceries.

    Same here. A lot of what I cook makes more than one serving and there's no one else around to finish it so I end up eating it for another day or two. I'm also a creature of habit; eating the same thing for breakfast every day makes me feel like I've started the day right and I know I can get it eaten before I have to rush out the door to work.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I like to keep various vegs and fruits on hand and then vary the proteins a bit with different preparations. I've started trying new recipes from Cooking Light and anywhere else I can find something that doesn't have too much fat or salt. I'm not against a healthy amount of fat but we're trying to stay away from fried foods and salty, processed stuff.

    I like looking at the diaries of other members to get ideas. Sometimes I'm just out of thoughts on what to make. I like that I can see what others are making and eating. Sometimes though, I see fast food or frozen dinners and it makes me crave the real, homemade kind! The versions of those I make at home are not exactly healthy either. But such is life.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Lack of imagination? Ha ha, the thing that cracks me up about some people with open diaries is that a lot of people are drinking a lot of supplement shakes, and eating a lot of sugar, and not much else.

    That's gonna work long term.......

    Kind of a generalization there, don't ya think? :wink: This is why many people choose to keep their diaries private--they may be doing the best they can, whether it meets with your standards on protein shakes and sugar, ya know? Personally, my diary is open and I appreciate suggestions, but insults and generalizations are hurtful, not helpful. I think we all oughta keep reminding each other that MyFitnessPal is about support, not tearing others down.

    To get back on topic, I agree with another poster who said when they eat many of the same things regularly, they don't have to guess about their nutrients...I tend to go through periods where I will eat the same thing a lot, then I change it up when I get sick of it...
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Lack of creativity for me and unsure of what else to eat. I get the same things at the store each week because they are "approved" foods (chicken, fruits/veggies). Plus, I know how much I can have of those foods each day.
  • Sweetpea472
    Sweetpea472 Posts: 229 Member
    In the past, I've had trouble coming up with tasty ideas. I got tired of the same old stuff, and I got to the point where nothing was enjoyable any more. I would end up in a drive-thru because I simply couldn't think of anything I wanted to spend time making. Yuck, huh?

    Now, I am working harder to come up with fun meals (for at least one meal a day). I am experimenting a lot, and I am also getting ideas from blogs. It seems like many of the blogs I've seen link out to other blogs, leading to a wealth of information!
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    Thanks you guys! I can totally vouch for all the reasons everyone has posted.
    The cost factor is so important, I usually buy things on sale to try and mix it up (if kiwis are 3/1.00... heck, why not? haha).
    About allergies, I'm gluten intolerant as well it's totally important to stick with what works (especially if all other options are not tolerated by the body). Cornbread, rice bread, and rice are staples! Ha!
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    I like routines. Weekday breakfasts I do eat the same thing and don't mind one bit - it's a protein bar mostly of out convenience (i can't be bothered to get up earlier to make eggs). Lunch often is a cheese sandwich and salad. Dinner changes, but I like plain foods so there's noth much to be done with plain old grilled chicken! And Wednesday nights is Outback steak night - my all time favorite meal healthified. Looking back, for me, it's convenience and comfort.
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I have about 5 different breakfasts that I do, 10 lunches and prolly 20 dinners. But that isn't any different whether I am counting calories or not. It's more about ease of cooking. Most of the things I cook I can do inu sleep. trying not to give food too high a priority because the more I try to spice things up the more indulgent things get. I do try to get a new recipe about every other week.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I have my low cal easy to pack go to foods, then I have my favorites I like to eat often, and then lately I've been trying new recipes almost daily and freeze and eat whever but usually quite quickly since they have been so tasty. So while it may seem that I eat the same foods all of the time, I really don't, I think I have great variety in my diet.
  • jlcrose
    jlcrose Posts: 22
    I am also single and live alone with one child who is a very picky eater, so I buy what I know I like and is good for me, and what I know she will eat, and the big factor is what I know I can afford. Also, same as you, I buy a pack of something and it's perishable, so I eat one of the pack every day until it's gone.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    for me, it's generally cost, knowing that i like it/will eat it, and the time it takes to prepare. :)
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I'm in a routine. It makes shopping and decision making on what to eat very easy. It keeps my calorie and nutritional intake consistent. I travel, so I have to buy stuff I can put in individual baggies and pack for breakfast and lunch and things that are easy to prep when I get back in the hotel. My variety is buying all different flavors of Chobani...LOL
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'm single. I cook in batches. I know what I like the taste of and fits in my nutrition goals. I do mix it up but usually week by week really.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I'm incredibly picky. I have a few things that I will eat and I stick with those things. It works for me, and thats all that matters.
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    I am also a picky eater, but getting a lot better since i am not a vegetarian anymore, so i am trying new things. I usually eat basically the same thing everyday except for dinner and one day a week that is sort of a free day. I eat low carb (less than 75g) and above 75g protein and stay right around 1200 calories.
  • MuchMovement
    MuchMovement Posts: 100
    I am a farmer and anarchist, and I only eat what is gifted to me by other people or what I grow myself from the earth. Because I usually don't decide what is given to me, there are frequent repeats. I do not typically buy food, I'll simply go without until it's given to me. If you think my food diary is bad, you should see my wardrobe!
  • ChristinaRamos
    Sorry Missy, I will never, ever stop drinking my Vi Shakes!!!!!!! But it is a meal, not supplement! Feel free to look :)
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    i definately do not lack imagination, but I am trying to use food for fuel and less for fun. I eat alot the same foods because it saves money for other things like my new treadmill and elliptical. I also like to eat the same things because I know the calories and it saves time as i have four kids and a full time job. Its great so many people are not afraid to keep their diary's open for others to see, I used to keep mine private for fear that somene would say something rude, but now I don't care. One rude person is worth the hundreds of great people on here who may be able help me out or get an idea from me. Also, what works for one person to maintain, does not always work for another.