As I read the food diaries of MFP members..



  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    My breakfasts are lunch are usually always pretty similar. I love cereal, and adore tuna sandwiches! My dinners are always varied though (homecooked 99% of the time) and packed full of varied foods so I guess it balances it out.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    I find I get a taste for something and then eat it everyday until I hate it :laugh:

    me too.

    My evening meal is the only one that varies much, and even then its normally just a few meals on rotation.

    Im happy with it though, sorry it bothers you
  • notoriousgtt
    notoriousgtt Posts: 75 Member
    Lack of imagination? Ha ha, the thing that cracks me up about some people with open diaries is that a lot of people are drinking a lot of supplement shakes, and eating a lot of sugar, and not much else.

    That's gonna work long term.......

    Pray tell what is wrong with supplement shakes? You will find plenty of them in my diary as I believe that they are a necessity for muscle growth and recovery after a gym workout.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    . Sometimes though, I see fast food or frozen dinners and it makes me crave the real, homemade kind! The versions of those I make at home are not exactly healthy either. But such is life.

    They may not be healthy in terms of fat or other 'unhealthy' nutrients, but you can better the homemade stuff will be far better for you than the commercially prepared stuff in terms of less additives (I promise not to rant....)

    Also, I find that when I have cooked or prepared something myself, the care and attention I have put into it makes it taste better and be digested better. Sometimes, just grabbing a snack is not very satisfying.

    One thing I am finding really helps variety is having a veg box. You have to be creative and base your meals around what is delivered that week.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I would say that my diary is beautiful and dont judge me on it! Its my own diary and my own foods and if you dont like it go elsewhere :P
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    I love everyone's strong opinions! :D
    Food is one of the cornerstones for life.. I really enjoy seeing how we all interpret it!
    The pickiness is understandable.. honestly, I don't know what I would do if I went a day without chocolate :blushing: It's totally the hormonal shifts it gives me but hey, if it eases the transition off of Loestrin..that's fine with me :smooched:
  • MuchMovement
    MuchMovement Posts: 100
    I was talking to my friend about this topic last night.... Food is really a symbol of class, and it always as been.... Many people can not afford the luxury of a well rounded permanent diet due to finances.

    The Aristocrats of London have made it a tradition to drink eggnog at holiday meals, but in the years prior to the 18th century, the average person from London couldn't even get a glass of milk. In India, "poor" people eat a dish called "Dhal" and rice... people can tell your status by what you eat. Food, like clothes are indicative of a person's status in the world. Historically the wealthier you are, the richer food you consume. Ben Franklin developing gout is a prime example of this.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I am single & live alone so I can't afford to buy a huge variety of groceries.

    That's a big one for me as well. If I make something, I'm going to be eating it for days on end because there is no one else here to eat it!

    But I'm also just in a bit of a rut. I have a rough idea in my head of how my regular foods fit together nutrient and calorie-wise and so it's easy to just let it ride. I've been a little bored with my food lately though, so it's time to start searching out recipes and adding some new things.

    The biggest danger to monotony is that we miss certain nutrients. :(
  • danianya
    danianya Posts: 10 Member
    Money mainly, i'm the only one in my household on a diet so while we all eat healthy they also have snacks. So i also have mommy food like quorn or low fat yog. What annoys me th most is the media and governments big stance on eating right but the high prices on fruit and veg. Sometimes it feels like we're punished money wise for trying to eat properly.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I like to have variety, Im always looking for new recipes
    I kinda mix up my meals constantly.
    I don't do protein shakes or diet shakes at all, I can have filing food
    for less calories.
    Im a big fan of wheat pitas I stuff them with everything.
    I find that cooking in larger quantities and freezing helps with price
    I will buy spaghetti squash (which can be expensive) separate and freeze
    total of around 8 dollars to make it and i get prob 6-8 meals, same with
    black bean veggie burgers i can get 6 out of one recipe, just be innovative and
    look closely at labels.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    For me, it's something I've always done. I'll get a particular food in my head and I'll eat it consistently for whatever meal until I'm tired of it. Let's face it, I had tuna fish with lettuce and onion on multigrain bread every Friday for close to 12 years.

    I don't see this habit changing any time soon.
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Costco. My yogurts, pudding, cereal, oatmeal, etc all come from costco, and boy are there a lot of them in a package!. Same with the pistachios, almond butter, annie's fruit snacks, etc. I am single and it is easier to buy bulk every few weeks and supplement with fruits/ veggies/ trader joes stuff. The bananas I eat a lot of because I LOVE em :) And there is no excuse for the starbucks, other than to say I drank one too many skinny vanilla lattes and now am in love with the carmel macchiato. I try to limit myself to 2 a week, mostly because they are $$$. But read's kind of fun! BTW... I too wonder what others are hiding. I log my McDonalds and TGI Fridays....I'm just saying no cheating here!
  • waterjogger
    waterjogger Posts: 114
    I go with what's easy and convenient. If It takes too long to fix I don't want it.
  • _angua_
    _angua_ Posts: 35
    Cost is a large factor, I quit work this year to look after my kids so down to one income we don't have the spare money to buy a variety of foods, or let foods go to waste by not eating them all.

    Also with two small children I need convenience. Measuring new food all the time is a hassle.
  • oyvonnee
    oyvonnee Posts: 116 Member
    Variety and Easy. I get bored with the same foods (except for breakfast for some reason). I try to mix things to create new things. Like I took the bagel thins and made minii pizzas with them using turkey pepperoni and reduced fat cheese and pizza sauce - 109 calories each. I make a lot of casseroles to feed my family, using lean chicken and turkey and making sauces with low fat soups and 2% milk and lots of seasonings. Served over rice. The casseroles are between 30-45 calories an ounce. Sometimes I spend a long time in the grocery store because I keep reading labels ot see if there is something new I can add to the menu. That's how I found the turkey pepperoni.

    Keeping it fresh keeps me interested!

    Yvonne :flowerforyou:
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    I am a picky eater so when I find something I like, I eat it to death.


    It's also why when I find a shirt I love, I buy it in 2 or 3 colors. Some people thrive on habit and routine. As a classic introvert, I am one of those people. Habit equals comfort. Also, as a busy mom, I find I don't have as much time to experiment or research new recipes.
  • YooHoonewyou
    YooHoonewyou Posts: 8 Member
    It's pretty simple, If I buy a pack of low carb wraps, and a lb of turkey.....that's lunch for a week! Food perishes. Over weekends, I will switch things up a bit. Variey often means, ALOT of planning. Planning is one of the most important keys to success. So, I would rather not be caught unprepared and eat the same thing than to take a chance at eating something that isn't acceptable for weight loss.
  • solrak1969
    solrak1969 Posts: 92 Member
    I eat a lot of the same foods because it works for me. I don't fix what ain't broken. Boring? Maybe. But it works.
  • phyllis5
    phyllis5 Posts: 16 Member
    Most of my foods center around my childrens likes and dislikes. Hate cooking 2 different meals, so I keep with familiar foods that they eat and then add or subtract what is good for me. I like to think that if they see me eating healthier they will think that this is the way you are suppost to eat and bring on better choices.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    There are only so many things you can eat while driving a tractor. I work on a farm and have to be able to eat my lunch literally anywhere while doing literally anything and my lunchbag is in the heat all day. Even with the coldpacks in there I can't be having anything too perishable cause it could spoil in the 97-101 temp range in a heart beat.