Does this really happen ??



  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    Isn`t pizza one of the main food groups????
    Looks like pizza cravings don't go away as much as craving the other "bad" stuff. Unfortunately pizza is SO fattening.
    I have yet to make my own at home although I really want to do that so that it's alot healthier and calorie friendly!!
  • medrfs
    medrfs Posts: 3
    I agree with previous's not that you dislike it. If you stick faithfully to MFP, you start to realize the foods you used to eat "doesn't taste the same"........I am finding this out only less than 2 months with MFP! Love MFP!!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    There are a lot of things I used to think I loved that now I cannot eat. Now it seems when I am craving something sweet I prefer an apple! Or a greek yogurt. Your taste buds definitely "mature".
  • cool_as_hel
    i cant see it happening but i guess its just a craving like *kitten* really x

    Oh and how do you lot get that green wording lol! x
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    although each person is different, but for me its not that I dont "like" some of those bad foods, its just that I know to avoid most of it like the plague. When I have had it recently, after not having it for a while, it literally has made me ill. My stomach hurt for days afterwards.

  • bcatgray
    bcatgray Posts: 41
    Hubby brought home McD's for breakfast the other day and we all got soooooo ill. Not food poisoning ill, just the whole "uuuugh...this was so not good" kind of ill. I have had my whole family change their eating habits. So we have been staying away from processed and fast foods. When we do eat it, as soon as we take our first bite, we instantly regret it because the taste is so horrible. We've gotten used to eating fresh ingredients at home. Now when it comes to pizza...I can still scarf down a pepperoni pizza! LOLOL
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Yes Yes Yes, and I'm sooo happy about it too!

    However, it is frustrating now that there are very few "fast food" options for me when traveling, it would be nice to go somewhere and know that you can actually have something on the menu that won't blow your day.
  • kklemencic
    kklemencic Posts: 45
    I still like pizza, never eat KFC and burgers well I make turkey burgers for me. I look at my weight loss and exercising as a healthy life long change. I am not going to give up everything, I like cheesecake, pizza, chocolate, okay I admit I love to eat. I have worked on eating in moderation and making better choices a majority of the time. I will admit I drank diet dr pepper everyday for years and now I don't, in fact I rarely have it anymore. Healthy life long changes that's what I focus on everyday.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I very seldom eat those foods any more. If I do I choose healthier versions. I think the fat in those foods makes me sick. I have gotten away from high fat and fried foods.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Anyone heard of Soda Pop? I used to be real close to him. We would get together 2-3 times a day, and I have not seen him now for about 3 months. I have also not been hanging around his first cousin, Diet Soda PoP. So ya, it can and will happen.
  • AmandaOc2011
    it happened to me also, well not just about pizza but about meat! I used to eat it alot but more recently it makes me feel sick (even looking at it!!) so yeah, to answer your question, I do think peoples attitudes towards certain foods do change!
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    in short- yes. definitely happened to me. though it was more like, "oh, this doesn't taste as good as i remember... why did i like it so much?" i used to love bacon cheese burgers, onion rings, fries, RANCH DRESSING, just anything well, terrible. it's not that it tastes gross, it's that the amount of fat and calories in those foods are DISGUSTING to me.

    i will say that i will occasionally eat pizza (pizza hut stuffed crust is SO good and really not as bad as I thought (~400cal/slice) and chick fil a (also surprisingly healthier than i thought), but that's it. mcdonald's, burger king, wendy's, ESPECIALLY taco bell (all places i used to eat at ALL the time)... just aren't worth it, kinda gross. i'd rather eat a lot more throughout the day than kill over half of my calories by eating fast food once, same with chinese. i think it can be the WORST out of all of them if you get the right (or should i say, wrong) thing. i had no idea that general tso's and sesame chicken had so many calories. on the rare occasion I do get it, i just get chicken & broccoli.

    about chips, yeah those ARE delicious. but again, TEN of them for the amount of calories is just stupid eating to me. i would want like 50 chips not ten... though fat free pringles are good if you really want some chips (70cal per 14 or so chips? don't know off the top of my head)

    the foods that are bad that i KNOW i still love are desserts (brownies, cheesecake, cookies, ICE CREAM)... i just have to ignore them. i don't want/allow them in the house because i don't trust myself around them! when my roommate would bring back **** like that, i would make him hide it so i couldn't find it.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Somehow I find it hard to believe I'd stop liking pizza, but then a home made version is part of my eating now. But I have found that chocolate doesn't taste the same as it used to and I certainly don't want soda in the way I used to. Tastes certainly do change.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Well, what i'm finding for myself is that my I don't crave it as much.

    I am a HUGE chocoholic, we're talking I could eat a chocolate bar ever day, a huge bag of M&M's in one evening...and I find now, I do get the odd craving for it, and I will still let myself have it, but i'm finding i'm satisfied with much much less, for example fruit with a bit of chocolate syrup will usually satisfy the craving now which before would've been a tease lol.

    As far as fried/greasy foods go, I don't crave them, I do still occasionally eat them if say i'm out and the table orders some appetizers or something, but I find I can't eat it like I used to or else I feel terrible.

    I've taken to making my own pizza (on pitas) and and tacos at home so that there at least a little bit better for me, burgers now i'll just have two of those thin mini sliders with a big salad, I think allowing myself those things at home has helped as far as not going crazy when I go out to restaurants. Any sort of soda I can't really drink anymore, though I admit I sometimes will have a sparkling fruit juice for the fizz feeling.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    It happens! :)

    I used to be a fast food fiend! The first time that I noticed that fast food wasn't tasting so good was when the company I worked for had their 5-star chef cook lunch for us. (We were a specialty food company, and he was demoing products). The food tasted SO good, that I wondered why I ever thought that fast food was good!

    I went cold turkey on carbs for a couple of weeks to kick my sugar habit, and noticed that the cravings for sugar, white bread, and grease significantly diminished. I have re-introduced carbs in moderation -- I now eat fruits and more whole-grains.

    I did break down and had a fast food hamburger the other day -- and it was not as good as I had remembered -- I should have ordered the salad!

    Pizza and Ice Cream are still weaknesses for me, and I do have them occasionally. But I don't gorge on them as much as I used to!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I've found that everything in fast-food taste too ''much''. Pizza is too salty, cakes are too sweets, McD and the like taste awfull.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Been doing this for nearly three years, and I've come to terms with the fact that this will never happen to me.
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I haven't had fast food since March 29 of this year. I haven't had pizza since way before that. I don't crave it. I miss it. It was such a big part of my life. But now I have a more intimate relationship with my food. I prep it, cut it, cook it, ... am hands on with with. It really makes me appreciate and enjoy my food so much more. Going through this you have to realize that there are some sacrifices you have to make, but there are replacements that you can have that make the sacrifices so much more worth it!!! Good luck to you!!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't like fast food AT ALL. I wouldn't even go into a Pizza hut, KFC or McDonalds. I don't even see them as I walk past as as far as I am concerned, nothing they sell is food, so they may as well not exist.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I think it depends on the person! I've always been a healthy eater and I still crave those things. The good news is though I don't ever crave KFC because they are the worst offender when it comes to factory farmed meat. Chipotle is always a better fast food choice...they support small family farms! :)