Moxie's Merry Band of Booty Shrinkers!! (Closed Group)



  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Hi Moxie Girls!!!

    Im Kathleen and I have a few things in common with several of you, aside from our shared goal for weight loss and kickin' butt!!
    Im 32 (but think Im still 23 or 24), a stay-at-home mommy to our 2 yr old daughter, Whitney, who is the center of our universe. Growing up in Connecticut (Monroe, Fairfield), " was very active in sports and was thin/skinny/athletic. Twice, I was confronted by a guidance counselor with concerns I had an eating disorder because I ate SOOOO much and never gained an ounce. I was just super active.
    Then, I went to college.
    I graduated from Clemson University in 2001 and went on to teach second grade and run a learning center while doing fertility treatments and trying to become a mommy. Well, Im finally a mom, but YEARS of mistreatment have wrecked my figure. Im tall (5'9.5") but its a double-edged sword. When I gain 10 lbs, i can hide it. But when I lose 10 lbs, no one notices. Ive spent years starting and stopping various workout plans. I love to run but its just not shedding pounds for me the way it used to. (Dang 30's!)
    I am starting my first round of P90x on Monday. I say that as if there will be a second, third, or forth round....but for now, I am just excited to get started on a challenging routine that will keep me motivated and accountable. I have done the 30 Day Shred and all the Biggest Loser DVDs, but I am looking for something that will really change the shape of my body and help me get serious about HEALTH and FITNESS, with the added bonus of being thin again. :)
    I live in Central Florida (North of Orlando, South of Daytona) (Hi Rebecca! Wonder if we know the same people! haha) with my fabulous husband (who can lose 10 lbs by running around the block and sneezing), our daughter, and our mutt, Bailey.
    I have a pretty great P90x group to hold me accountable, and Im really excited to have Moxie to keep me going, too! I tend to give up or lose focus or find excuses, but when I KNOW other people are relying on me, I cant imagine letting other people down when you work hard. So hold me to the fire if my numbers are low, and let's work together to kick booty!

    I keep getting an error when I send friend requests, but I'd be happy to accept any Moxie friend requests :)

    PS Moxie to Milfs is my new favorite phrase :)

    edited to add, i found some cute Moxie avatars, too. Added them to my profile. snag 'em if you want :)
  • ccrawshaw
    ccrawshaw Posts: 166 Member
    I'm almost ashamed to admit how truly excited I am about this challenge, but I think the main thing that is driving my excitement is the wonderful group of ladies that have come together to make up Team Moxie! I love the new friends, the fresh support and the vibrant attitudes!!

    I keep having this vision of people needing to double check our boat to make sure that we don't have a hundred rowers based on nothing more than all the amazing "Moxie" that's going to be spread all over MFP!!!

    Let's go get 'em, ladies!!

    (P.S. Hopefully we'll get intros from adellepuppy and vmata1 soon. They were both already on my friends list and absolutely wonderful ladies!!)

    **Edited portion: Oh! And does the forum post seem to be working for everybody communication wise or would you rather I open my blog up for the this purpose? I'm hesitant to use my statuses for that reason just because I feel like I'm harassing approximately 50 friends that aren't aboard the Moxie. If the forum is working, then no problems, but if not and someone has an idea, throw it out there. I'm even ok with e-mailing if that would work for everyone. :smile:
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Im excited, too! But Im a big nerd...haha In the coming weeks, I assure you I will say things like "My friend ccrawshaw said that she did....." in my real life conversations! I adore staying home with my it! But its nice to have instant access to grown up and "big people words" throughout the day! haha

    Happy to meet all of you! Moxie Rox! :heart:
  • ccrawshaw
    ccrawshaw Posts: 166 Member
    Im excited, too! But Im a big nerd...haha In the coming weeks, I assure you I will say things like "My friend ccrawshaw said that she did....." in my real life conversations! I adore staying home with my it! But its nice to have instant access to grown up and "big people words" throughout the day! haha

    Happy to meet all of you! Moxie Rox! :heart:

    That's really funny that you say that (about your MFPeeps finding their way into your "real life conversations), my mom and I talk about our MFPeeps in real life, too! Adellepuppy is mentioned regularly and we actually workout every Thursday with abra526. Mom hasn't met TammyE yet, but Tammy only lives about 5 miles away. There's a thing going around about virtual friends being every bit as much real friends as those that you see in person despite the fact that we've never met. So true!! And I'm a big nerd, too! LOL
  • ccrawshaw
    ccrawshaw Posts: 166 Member

    edited to add, i found some cute Moxie avatars, too. Added them to my profile. snag 'em if you want :)

    I have some extra Moxies in my profile as well.
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member
    I was bored at work today, so I made myself a new Moxie ticker. If anyone wants to use it, here's the link to the photo...
  • ccrawshaw
    ccrawshaw Posts: 166 Member
    I was bored at work today, so I made myself a new Moxie ticker. If anyone wants to use it, here's the link to the photo...

    I've been seeing others have them and I LOVE the idea!!! Thank you so much!
  • journeytoahealthy51
    journeytoahealthy51 Posts: 89 Member
    I tried updating my ticker, so we will see if it works on this post! I am so excited to get to embark on this journey with all of these wonderful ladies! Sometimes, my MFP peeps are the only ones who understand why I am so excited about an NSV! (or knows what an NSV is!!!!) Hope I can pull my weight in this journey, but I will give it my best shot:)
  • journeytoahealthy51
    journeytoahealthy51 Posts: 89 Member
    Yeah, my ticker worked:tongue:
  • abra526
    abra526 Posts: 213 Member
    I was bored at work today, so I made myself a new Moxie ticker. If anyone wants to use it, here's the link to the photo...

    That is wonderful! Thankyou!
  • abra526
    abra526 Posts: 213 Member
    I can't get it to work on mine!

    Nevermind...I'm just a little slow. I love my new ticker!
  • adellepuppy
    adellepuppy Posts: 130
    My ticker is cut off at the top. Plus, I can't find where you add it to your signature. *sigh* I'm such a 'puter weenie.
  • adellepuppy
    adellepuppy Posts: 130
    Hi! My name is Adelle McDonnel. I'm 38 and have been married to Joshua McDonnel for 18 years. We have five children. Adam, 15, twins Meredith and Alison, 13, Fiona 9 and Eugene 3. I was an at home mom for a lot of years and never had to think about my weight. I entered the work force a little under 2 years ago that desk job put 33 pounds on me from being inactive. I'm 4'11-1/2". So 33 pounds is the difference between a butt and a volkswagon. I got back to goal weight in April, but I'm never leaving MFP. I don't trust me anymore. Currently I'm trying to gain weight. I got sick after hitting goal and ended up underweight.

    I grew up mostly with my Dad who is, to this day, a beautiful man, a fierce advocate for peace, and a proud Woodstock alumni. He looks a whole lot like John Sebastian except for the white hair. Although, I guess by now John is pretty white haired too. Heh. What a day for a daydream!

    I am a vegetarian and converted Hindu. Don't be scared. My religion is very personal. I won't preach.

    I grew up studying ballet. I was put in classes when I was just 4 and I didn't leave until I was almost 17. Actually, I never left. I got kicked. To be honest, I was a totally rotten teenager. I tested everyone and everything. Losing ballet was the wake up call I needed. Too late to get back in the company. But in time to save my life probably.

    I met Josh when I was early 19. It was literally like, Hello, I love you. In a couple months he proposed. We got married on my 20th birthday. I wanted nothing better than his name for my present.

    We combined everything we'd ever saved, and sold anything we owned, and bought our land on auction from King County. It was a failed green belt meant to stop urban sprawl from Seattle. Now it's pretty much just Seattle. But we managed to get 5 acres out of the deal. After our honeymoon we moved into a tent in the woods. And that started a long saga of clearing land and building and working and after 7 months we moved into a 16x32 cottage we'd built.

    Josh is a master carpenter and I'm pretty much an enthusiastic student. After we moved into the cottage we went to work on the house we're in now. The first half anyway. We moved into it just in time. The second month after we were in this house I peed on the stick and came up pregnant.

    It's a real thing of pride for me that our children live in a house that he and I built one board and nail at a time. I hope someday when they're old enough, they'll understand the love that made that happen. And even if they don't. I do. He does. Eventually, he and I will be that annoying old couple in the grocery store that walk too slow and go hand in hand up the aisle blocking everyone else. And you know, I won't apologize. Cause when that happens, that's success day. We went all the way day. It's Oscar time.
  • adellepuppy
    adellepuppy Posts: 130
    Sorry. That was probably too long. Sentimental tonight.
  • journeytoahealthy51
    journeytoahealthy51 Posts: 89 Member
    Sorry. That was probably too long. Sentimental tonight.

    I loved reading it! Got my day off to a happy start!!!!!!!!!!!
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member
    Hi Adelle - glad to have you in the boat and thanks for sharing your amazing story! I love the idea of literally building your life together with your husband board by board! And I too am trying to make my butt look less like a VW! lol

    If anyone wants help with using the ticker, here are the steps:

    1) Copy/paste this text into your web browser, right click and save the photo to your computer:

    2) Then go to Tools on MFP, select ticker, select change the style, personalized, and upload the photo that you saved. Move the "window " around within the photo to the center so that it cuts off just the top and bottom of the photo (you can try this a few times to get it right if you need to). Then select a new marker and save.

    3) MFP gives you some text (code) when you finish- use the one on the left and copy the whole thing. Then go to Community, and select Signature from the message board options. Paste the text there, and you're done!
  • ccrawshaw
    ccrawshaw Posts: 166 Member
    Does this thread seem to be working for everybody? Or is it kinda difficult to remember to check it? (I completely understand if it is.) Adelle had an amazing idea about creating a group page on Facebook (provided everybody has Facebook) that way anytime some one wrote on it or updated some info, we all would receive an e-mail. We wouldn't have to remember to check in constantly, the reminder and info would come to you all. What do you think? Is this something we might be interested in?
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member
    I'm fine with either way - I can check here or I have facebook too.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I don't mind checking it here as well. I am spending more time on this site than facebook these days.
  • journeytoahealthy51
    journeytoahealthy51 Posts: 89 Member
    I prefer the fb idea if everyone has facebook (and who doesn't these days!) I don't mind checking back on this thread often, but it is easy to forget if you are busy. But, I am OK doing it like this if it works for everyone else!