Any P90x sucess stories for women???



  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    I'm on round 2 of P90X (lean version), and while i haven't lost a lot of weight (i was within 10lb of goal when I started), i've lost ~5lb and have toned up a bit. I am stronger and fitter than ever (I run on the cardio days). I love the structure of the program and the results. I probably will do the classic version for round 3.

    I'll be done with Round 1 on Friday. I was doing the Lean version but I'm switching to Classic for Round 2-3. I've only lost about 8 lbs. since I started. I've been afraid to weigh myself recently. *Fingers crossed* I most certainly am more toned. Not quite ripped yet but people have been noticing the difference. I still have a tummy, which is my main goal - to get rid of it!