Am I the only person that thinks...



  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    and now Arby's new commercials are calling their food "the good mood food"....that's outragious to me. The Golden Corral calls their food "comfort food"!
    golden corral is bland as hell anyways. if i want to make something they have i can make it at home 10 times better.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    I take my son to Mcdonalds for an icecream and to run on the equipment (to save my sanity) but frankly the video games keep the 11-adults out of the tunnels designed for toddlers and young children that have actually pushed my 2 year old down a tunnel because they were bickering and pushing each other

    oh man! they pushed your baby! i'd spank their little *kitten*!
  • crazymama2two
    i want to play on that playland...i think i would jump the fence at night and play in it :)
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    You can blame McDonalds if you want, but the fact of the matter is that these kids can't get there without an adult to drive them, pay, etc. Parents have to be the responsible ones. Whatever happened to "Quit your whining, I'm your mom and I said NO"?

  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    that is ridiculous... the video games.

    I haven't taken the kids to maccas all year this year... but they still know, they still drive past and say "chippies" but I have the strength to say no, that's no good for you, it'll make you fat.

    I hate the subliminal advertising they have that gets into kids heads. To start with I used to take my young child there to play on the equipment when it was cold and rainy, and i'd have a coffee... she never even knew anything about the junk food involved. Then eventually I bought them a soft serve icecream, then gave them some fries. and it was all on.

    Now, I don't even go into the establishments, and i wouldn't do a Macca's party. I think I'd even hesitate at letting my child attend a birthday party there because it just gets into their heads.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    Pssh I love that McDonald's has this. When I take my kids there as a treat (I hardly do), they get to run around and get all their energy out of them. Hate all you want, but this parent is grateful.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    I get irritated when those indoor play places that have the big inflatable jump castles, have video games set up. I came to let my kid jump and play, not play video games.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    My only irritation is that is I let my kids play on those, almost inevitably one of them gets sick.
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    Pssh I love that McDonald's has this. When I take my kids there as a treat (I hardly do), they get to run around and get all their energy out of them. Hate all you want, but this parent is grateful.

    I am not saying the play area is ridiculous i am saying the video game areas are. I guess i should have made it more clear in my post.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Also wanted to add that I've never seen a McDonald's that actually has WORKING video games. Lol. :) So, the playset is pretty much the only choice. If parents are going to take their kids to McDonald's, there might as well be a bit of playing/exercised involved!

    And, McDonald's is no better than any other restaurant out there. NOT JUST FAST FOOD. The amount of calories in chain restaurant kids meal makes me sick to my stomach. :P
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    You can blame McDonalds if you want, but the fact of the matter is that these kids can't get there without an adult to drive them, pay, etc. Parents have to be the responsible ones. Whatever happened to "Quit your whining, I'm your mom and I said NO"?

    EXACTLY!!! My kids know when I say "No" that means "No" - there is no bargaining with me. I'm tired of people blaming the big bad corporation when it's their duty as a parent to make healthy choices for their kid. I'm not saying I've never taken my kids to Micky D's, I sure have. What I am saying is they know that is not an everyday meal choice and they know how to make healthy choices based on what I've taught them. In fact my son orders water (not soda) when gramma takes them out to eat.
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    Pssh I love that McDonald's has this. When I take my kids there as a treat (I hardly do), they get to run around and get all their energy out of them. Hate all you want, but this parent is grateful.
    I actually agree with this. Taking my boys to Mc D's is a treat on a VERY rare occasion and I like to let them run around and play and have that supervised freedom.

    It's a parental break and the kids have fun!!!!!

    We as adults "indulge" as well.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    You can blame McDonalds if you want, but the fact of the matter is that these kids can't get there without an adult to drive them, pay, etc. Parents have to be the responsible ones. Whatever happened to "Quit your whining, I'm your mom and I said NO"?

    EXACTLY!!! My kids know when I say "No" that means "No" - there is no bargaining with me. I'm tired of people blaming the big bad corporation when it's their duty as a parent to make healthy choices for their kid. I'm not saying I've never taken my kids to Micky D's, I sure have. What I am saying is they know that is not an everyday meal choice and they know how to make healthy choices based on what I've taught them. In fact my son orders water (not soda) when gramma takes them out to eat.

    I WISH! my 18 month old is already obsessed with soda pop. when he's at his grandma's that's all they drink and grandma will come home with her fountain drink from some where (it's usually mostly water with a little soda flavor) and lets him have it if he hasn't misbehaved, now every time i have a cup with a straw he throws a fit "pop pop POP!" :screams and cries: i pretend to put it in his cup with juice in it and that usually fools him for a few minutes.
  • JWALL101
    JWALL101 Posts: 60
    They are getting ready to start serving beer to adults now. They have 2 test sites now in Florida that are serving already. So they are really over the top!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Pssh I love that McDonald's has this. When I take my kids there as a treat (I hardly do), they get to run around and get all their energy out of them. Hate all you want, but this parent is grateful.

    I am not saying the play area is ridiculous i am saying the video game areas are. I guess i should have made it more clear in my post.

    If they are running around, then good! That isn't what the post was about. :)
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    oh geez! I had NO idea they were doing that now. Figures. Fast food and video games/excessive tv is whats wrong with us.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    You can blame McDonalds if you want, but the fact of the matter is that these kids can't get there without an adult to drive them, pay, etc. Parents have to be the responsible ones. Whatever happened to "Quit your whining, I'm your mom and I said NO"?

    EXACTLY!!! My kids know when I say "No" that means "No" - there is no bargaining with me. I'm tired of people blaming the big bad corporation when it's their duty as a parent to make healthy choices for their kid. I'm not saying I've never taken my kids to Micky D's, I sure have. What I am saying is they know that is not an everyday meal choice and they know how to make healthy choices based on what I've taught them. In fact my son orders water (not soda) when gramma takes them out to eat.

    I WISH! my 18 month old is already obsessed with soda pop. when he's at his grandma's that's all they drink and grandma will come home with her fountain drink from some where (it's usually mostly water with a little soda flavor) and lets him have it if he hasn't misbehaved, now every time i have a cup with a straw he throws a fit "pop pop POP!" :screams and cries: i pretend to put it in his cup with juice in it and that usually fools him for a few minutes.

    My son is 16 and has always preferred water over anything else (juice, milk, soda, etc...) My daughter is 9 and LOVES milk (can't complain about that one). I do allow them soda for special occasions (birthday, pizza night, etc...) but it's not an everyday thing. It's a treat to them.

    My ex's grandparents were bad about letting him have whatever he wanted, I had to put my foot down a few times and they eventually got the hint.

    It's definitely challenging that is for sure! :)
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    They are getting ready to start serving beer to adults now. They have 2 test sites now in Florida that are serving already. So they are really over the top!

    Hell, I'd go to Mickey D's more often if there was beer involved! LOL j/k Actually doesn't the fast food restaurants in Europe sell beer? good :drinker:
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    You can blame McDonalds if you want, but the fact of the matter is that these kids can't get there without an adult to drive them, pay, etc. Parents have to be the responsible ones. Whatever happened to "Quit your whining, I'm your mom and I said NO"?

  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    But it's the parents taking them there in the first place who are ultimately responsible for all the choices for their children. I feel like you can't really blame a restaurant if your kids eat poorly and don't exercise.

    Hell yes!