


  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    Oh you can do so much. Eat them plain or with a little seasoning. I like to use it on sandwiches and salads. I will use guacamole on my sandwiches versus mayo or anything fattening like that. Changes up the sandwich and is healthier. I also made a tilapia filet and used chili lime rub on it then topped it off with a avocado & tomato salsa. It was really good.
  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    I make a huge thing of guacamole, TDF guacamole :love: , and put it on EVERYTHING ~ eggs, sandwiches, wraps, dip, etc. So yummy!!! My triglycerides went from 100 to 48 this year ~ I swear it's the avacados!!!:happy:
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    i add 1/2 avacodo to my morning protein shake....

    It's amazing how good this tastes!! Avocado has a lot of good vitamins and minerals (and good fats) in it :) I hope you like them!!
  • ruenectar
    ruenectar Posts: 25
    Whip it up with some yellow onion and diced tomatoes. Keep the pit in the leftovers and its good for the next few days. By whipping it, you can make a nice addition to any meal, even a breakfast sandwhich on a bagel with egg and bacon...

  • AmyPfl
    AmyPfl Posts: 9
    I love avacodos, especially because the little fruit stand by my house sells them 10 small hass avacodos for $2. Anyway, I love them with salt, however I don't add the extra salt because I don't want to get bloated. Also, I wouldn't have anymore than like 3 little slices because they are good for you but VERY fattening. They are good for fiber, your skin, etc, but everything in moderation.
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    If you are a low carb dieter, then avocados are just about the perfect fruit. They are high in fat and have a large amount of fiber--the highest of any fruit if I'm not mistaken. They are very versatile as well. You can eat them like apple slices with a bit of seasoning or mash them up, either by themselves or mixed with a variety of other ingredients, as a salad topping or meat condiment.

    This thread is making me hungry!
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I buy 1 or 2 per week.

    I love it on salads, sandwiches, burgers, and especially fish tacos.

    I make these fish tacos with tilapia grilled or baked and topped with lime juice and spices, cabbage, avocado, feta cheese, fresh jalapeno, salsa, fresh cilantro, and onions.

    I spray Pam on fresh corn tortillas and heat them in a pan or on the outdoor grill and form them when they start to get crisp. The Pam keeps them from getting too greasy, but still gives it that home style Cali-Mex touch.
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    I dice 1/2 avacado and add to fresh salsa, and 1 wedge laughing cow light swiss cheese.. Makes a WONDERFUL dip.. I eat with baked tostitos..One of my fav snacks.. Also great on sndwiches and salads..
  • comcatee
    comcatee Posts: 48 Member
    For breakfast I smash some avocado on top of a whole wheat english muffin, and sprinkle a little lime juice and pepper on top. Its delicious!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Oh my goodness Avocado is FANTASTIC and is filled with healthy fats. They are great in LOTS of things..I take avocado and put in on a sandwich in place of mayo..the creamy blend is DELICIOUS...I put it on my salads, use a RIPE avocado for guacamole..mix it with tuna and cream cheese for a yummy dip (and a GREAT finger food for parties!!)

    They are calorie dense, but so very worth it!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Try it on anything and everything - seriously. Pizza, eggs, toast, oatmeal, sandos, crackers, chicken, salads, pasta, anything. mash it, slice it, dice it...anything you desire! Check out a video online for tips on cutting it.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Slice it in half lengthwise, pull out the pit, and then slice each half into halves and peel off the skin OR eat it out of the skin with a spoon. I squirt lime juice onto it and a dash of salt. Delicious.