Physical Education- Tell me about YOUR experience!



  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    For my degree (elem. ed), I had to take a fundamentals of PE class. What I learned from that is this: never let the kids pick their teams, just go down the line and do an "A, B, A, B" sort of thing. Also, scooters are really fun for kids (I remember from 1st grade). Now, here's what I learned NOT to do based on years of PE torture: never ever make the kids do an exercise you yourself don't do. I had a fat coach in 4th grade who would make us run laps forever and he sat there and watched. Conversely, I had an awesome coach the next year who always did the exercises with us. When we ran, he hung back with us slow kids and encouraged us to keep going. In short, awesome. Also, never make the fat/slow kid run extra laps. My high school coach gave us 10 minutes to run a mile one day and anyone who fell short had to run a second (again, this was high school, not boot camp). Finally, don't focus on sports's so beyond torture for the non athletic kids. Relay races are fun for kids. In my college PE skills class, one girl did a lesson on different types of dance. Super fun! Congrats on landing a job in the midst of all the cuts to education! Hopefully that'll happen for me soon, as well. :smile:
  • ladyluck5210
    ladyluck5210 Posts: 78 Member
    I hated being forced to do certain activities even though I have an arm disability! Push-ups were extremely painful for me (and still are.) I wish that my PE teachers were more sympathetic to that.. They also forced me to do volleyball.. I couldn't even turn my hand to spike that damn ball!!! So embarassing! :(:(

    I liked doing stretches.. I'm glad I learned different types. Not a fan of team sports. Jogging was fun.
    And I DID like the days where all we had to do was TEST!

    PE = :grumble:
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I had an amazing PE teacher in elementary school. He made it so much fun and we hardly knew we were getting exercise. The parachute was already mentioned but I LOVED that too. The scooter things, juggling, silly dance time. He basically just made MOVING fun for us. I think thats key anymore. Kids are so sedentary in everything they do. Make it fun and get them moving. Even if its not traditionally exercise-y stuff. Just getting them off their duffs would help soooo much!
  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    I didn't like sports day, any competitive sports or running, mostly because my P.E teacher when I was 12 pulled me aside and told me I needed a sports bra because I was "distracting the boys playing football" I was so embarrassed and ashamed (for what, puberty?) that my sharp response was "I'm already wearing two bras, Miss. You should do a better job of telling the boys off for looking at my boobs and not playing football."

    I did however love dance and gym! no competition (that's very important), just music and soft gym mats! I loved that! Perhaps explains my love of Zumba and Yoga lol.

    Perhaps get a big projector screen in a hall showing a Zumba or other dance DVD and get all the kids to do that :)
  • MrsMills712
    MrsMills712 Posts: 350
    Oh, I also was a fan of stations. Basketball was the favorite. They would put down each hoop around the gym, probably about 8 in total and there was a different kind of basketball game at each goal. We would have a certain amount of time to play at each station. Around The World and "P-I-G" were favorites.

    The thing I remember hating was climbing a rope, and doing pull-ups. I had no upper arm strength and it was embarrassing to just hang there.