Do women prefer guys with 6pack abs?



  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 480 Member
    LOL at this thread... of course girls like dudes w/ some abs! (I know, not all of you... some of you like the chubby, hairy, tattoo'ed, etc look) But seriously, guys should try to look good for themselves and their significant other. I never realized how much it doesn't matter to a woman who loves them until I was married to a hot wife and I was out of shape. She loved me regardless... ha, but now she likes to touch me a bit more... :wink:
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    I am in love with my boyfriend and his beer belly. I want him healthier for him. I think 6 pack abs are hot do i need him to have them? no. Just like he loves me for me.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    @Atlantique: mental note... I have to come up with a good 'I saved a puppy' story... :smile:
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I know this may be a silly question BUT, do women prefer a guy with abs or does it matter? I have heard women say it does not matter what a guy looks like - and I slap BS on that. Anyone who spends all day looking for shoes that match an outfit cant be that unpicky when it comes to guys... :smile:

    Unfortunately, they can. Browse through some random Facebook profiles, you'll find that by-and-large, our standards drop for no apparent reason when we're talking about men. But to answer the question, they're nice to look at, and if I'm just looking, sure abs matter. But in an actual relationship, no.

    To add to that, I want a guy who looks like he uses the muscle he has, not a guy who looks like he spends all day in the gym lifting weight and doesn't do anything with his muscles but flex them. Soccer players = hot, basketball players = hot, construction workers (assuming good looking and clean) = hot, skrawny skater guy = hot, gymnasts = hot; any Mr. Universe ever = NOT HOT, that's gross.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    Great! I have some great stuff. I save a puppy, dont get too ripped, have nice arms and a nice backside and keep running!

    AWESOME! The babes will be kicking down my door to get at me now - and hopfully they arent bringing torches and pitch forks :smile:
  • stephgreene
    stephgreene Posts: 143
    Preferably I'd like a guy who is taller, and broader than I am... being muscular and nice and a 6 pack would just be an added plus! It all comes down to personal preference
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I enjoy looking at healthy people. The well-defined man and feminine curves have been sculpted, painted, and immortalized on pages. Everybody can appreciate a healthy, beautiful body.

    My husband doesn't have a 6-pack, and I don't care. He wants one, though, and he's working hard to get one. I find that attractive. Bathing our kids, reading bedtime stories, and singing a lullabye in a horribly off-key pitch, though, can turn him into a god in my world.

    It's the substance that's important, not the packaging.
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Personally, I like a little squish. Just a little. It's my thing. My bf is my height and skinny but he's trying to build some muscle.. (doing a good job too :wink: ) but I odn't want him to lose his like inch of tummy flub cuz i love it. lol .. I might be weird tho.
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    Rock solid 6 pack or beer gut is cool with me... but my picky vote would be barely visible 6 pack. nice and sexy.
  • lizhipwell
    lizhipwell Posts: 70
    Not really..I am weird! I like a little bit of mush...just a tad so I know the guy is embarassed...I know that is probably not the status quo. But you know, in the end, I just want someone who treats me well, is intelligent, and takes care of himself physically, spiritually and mentally... It's all a matter of preference isn't it?
  • lizhipwell
    lizhipwell Posts: 70
    The reason I ask - I am a runner. My belly is melting and I want and desire 6 pack abs on me - just a goal. Im not talking abs like the guy on the cover of 'Muscle Magazine' - just a toned body with some hint of abs. About the Maxim girls - unless the guy was GAY - he would love to show off one of those babes under his arm. Its nice to have a head turner. Plus most guys are pretty shallow (i know this is a shock).

    Not really a shock, no! Hey, at least your honest about it!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I don't need a guy with 6pack fact it's an anomaly to have ripped 6 pack's about the same percentage as naturally skinny models...very rare. I like my man a little chunkier...and freakishly tall lol
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I don't choose partners for their bodies, but if I try to think purely about aesthetics I don't really enjoy looking at body builder types. Toned and nicely tanned is ok. (Preferably WITH visible tan lines.) But ripped and bulging actually turns me off.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I agree with the majority. Fit's great. 6 pack isn't important. The heart and soul under it are what count.
  • Fatsau
    Fatsau Posts: 12
    This is not a silly question at all,
    i absolutley looooove looking at men with sixpacks,
    but i like men with bellys as my partners.
    Its like admiring the porsche at the showroom
    and than driving happily home in my 4WD
    because its more practical... :blushing:
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    This is not a silly question at all,
    i absolutley looooove looking at men with sixpacks,
    but i like men with bellys as my partners.
    Its like admiring the porsche at the showroom
    and than driving happily home in my 4WD
    because its more practical... :blushing:

    I'm trying to imagine what my husband would say if I compared him to my 14+ year old rusted out 4 door. LOL
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    Thanks! I dont feel so bummed out now :) I have a rippeled stomach, only thing its just ONE RIPPLE! Instead of a 6 pack, its more of a 'keg'. hahahaha
  • stinabear13
    i dont know if id then be a chubby chaser, but i like guys who are ussualy 6 ft tall or taller, and i like them to be between 230-245lbs, no stomach tone, slight sticking out but not big beer guts or looking pregnant, just a slight belly to them and got just enough fat that no matter how i cuddle it like a bit of a pillow. like them with a larger bear-like bone structure like a stocky bone structure, i suppose im just weird like that, very few of my ex bf were thin. heck my now soon to be ex husband left abruply saying i was too fat for anyone to ever love. (hes shallow) beauty is in the eye of the beholder. if he was right that im too fat to be attractive to anyone then why on earth are all his male coworkers, and men her went to school with asking me out on official dates. when i ask why because they work together or knew him, they say hey hes and idiot to walk out, you are fair game he left so he doesn't get to feel anything about it., very flatering. yet only one i really like and have tons in common with and he since doesnt work there now. :) hes 6'5 and 270lbs :) much more what i go for physically, hes no johnny depp on his face but hes average yet looks more and more hot as heck as we get to know eachother taking it slow

    ps . i have very few shoes and never put thought into things matching much unless it just something black, and im able to get ready and be out the door in under 15 minutes, including picking clothes, doing hair and makup, yet i look good, and get hit on shopping for food. im a laid back low matinince gal.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Honestly, muscle men do nothing for me. I'm a sucker for strong toned arms but actually six packs turn me OFF, sorry. I like big blokes..tall, long hair, tattoos, beards, bit of a belly! :love:

    Haha, other than tall, and long hair you kind of described me =p.
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    every woman is going to have their own preference of guys to ooh and ah over. for some it's the total gym buff look, for others it's the sexy nerdy guy, and for some it is the pierced, tattooed angry punk rock biker skinhead look.

    Everyone has their own 'tastes'.

    Personally, not a big fan of the muscly gym buff.