Every Morning I wake up on a diet and every night I end in F

Every Morning I wake up on a diet and every night I end in Failure

This has been happening way too much lately! Every morning I tell myself that today will be better then yesterday and that I will eat much better and exercise but then during the day I eat and eat and eat until I feel sick. If I continue like this then I will never lose the 40-48 pounds that I need too. Does any one else do this? and how can I make it so that I stop binging every day? Because In the past few weeks I have gained 4 pounds! and I know its not water weight.....


  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    It sounds like the problem might be that you are "on a diet". A lifestyle change is all that will really change your size for good.:wink:
    And my lifestyle is not diet foods, but everything IN MODERATION...that's the hard part that I've finally mastered, most days!
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    It sounds like the problem might be that you are "on a diet". A lifestyle change is all that will really change your size for good.:wink:

  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    I think you have to make a decision to change and stick with it. Find the motivation to succeed. Change the way you think - you are not on a diet..you are living a healthier life which involves eating better and exercising. It's all a mind game. It's not easy but once you choose to stick to it and start seeing the results then it will be a lot easier.
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    It sounds like the problem might be that you are "on a diet". A lifestyle change is all that will really change your size for good.:wink:

    I was just going to say this!

    Diets are restrictive and short term. What you want is to change your entire lifestyle. You didn't gain the weight in a month... why are you trying to lose it in a month. Take a moment to put how important YOU are in this situation in perspective.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Go to the library and find this book ...

    Eating less -- Say goodbye to overeating by Gillian Riley.

    It will help to teach you *how* to make the "lifestyle change" everyone talks about but never explains.
    *How* isn't obvious to everyone. If you don't know, you don't know.

    This book helped a friend to finally stop bingeing (for a year now) and she has lost 110 lbs.
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    It sounds like the problem might be that you are "on a diet". A lifestyle change is all that will really change your size for good.:wink:
    And my lifestyle is not diet foods, but everything IN MODERATION...that's the hard part that I've finally mastered, most days!

    Yes! you took the words right from my mouth! :P
  • hayley26d
    hayley26d Posts: 80 Member
    As soon as i say to myself "right im on a diet" i get hungry and eat everything i can find. :(.

    So now im not on a diet im just gonna eat less than i was and exercise more :)
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372

    I see you might be stuck in a little black and white "all or nothing" thinking...it's easy to do. It's also easy to get out of. Read my latest blog [link above] for more info on black and white thinking.

  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Don't think of it as a diet. You're changing your LIFE! Eat those foods you enjoy, just eat LESS of them. Pizza is delicious, have a slice, not the whole pie. There are a lot of people that insist that if you enjoy things like pizza, or fast food, or even soda, that you don't want to lose weight. It simply is NOT true. Many people go on diets and deprive themselves of everything and they don't succeed, or gain the weight back. It's important not to make yourself feel deprived. So important.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    solution is... stop 'dieting' *S*.. just decide to get healthy, and it all falls into place *S*
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    It sounds like the problem might be that you are "on a diet". A lifestyle change is all that will really change your size for good.:wink:


    I second the notion.
  • lisapickering
    You have to want to change. It's not about dieting (as others have mentioned). It's about making smarter decisions. Make a plan at the beginning of the week and decide what you are going to eat for the whole week. Grocery shop, do prep and it's a no-brainer you eat what you planned to eat. Of course there are temptations but just know that those things don't fit into your plan right now. Once in awhile, when you have enough calories, work a treat in, but plan for it don't just decide at the moment that you should have it. This may sound very boring but without this structure I would not have been successful. After awhile you just make the smarter choices without thinking.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Don't think of it as a diet. You're changing your LIFE! Eat those foods you enjoy, just eat LESS of them. Pizza is delicious, have a slice, not the whole pie. There are a lot of people that insist that if you enjoy things like pizza, or fast food, or even soda, that you don't want to lose weight. It simply is NOT true. Many people go on diets and deprive themselves of everything and they don't succeed, or gain the weight back. It's important not to make yourself feel deprived. So important.

    I eat what I want - when I want. I've learned to read labels so I know and understand what a true portion size is vs guessing and eating 2, 3 or 4 servings instead. Americans as a rule have a warped view of serving sizes. Using the food diary tool on here is a very helpful way of knowing what you eating, how much and such.

    Diets are too restrictive. Ask anyone and they'll tell you a "diet" doesn't work for long term weight loss. Lifestyle changes is what you need instead!
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member

    We've ALL been where you are! Listen to these guys, they know what's up. And if you need us, we're here for you!
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    ive been like thuis all week!
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    ive been like thuis all week!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Go to the library and find this book ...

    Eating less -- Say goodbye to overeating by Gillian Riley.

    Also try, "Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads"
  • 117bysummersend
    But how do I change my mindset? I have never really had a "healthy" relationship with food how can I just change that?
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    I've felt the same way. I've been on mpf for almost three years now and have kept off 10 lbs. but I've lost up to 20 lbs. I gave up when I felt like I was on a diet restricting myself to 1200 calories and doing C25k plus Jillian because I wanted the weight off asap. This time, I'm really not trying to set a date of when I want the weight off but really taking it day by day even hour by hour. Like right now I'm hungry and there are pastries downstairs but if I can just make it to 4 o'clock I can go home and have a great dinner. Keep yourself busy, find little things throughout the day to get some steps in, and try not to torture yourself.
  • ninaws
    ninaws Posts: 42 Member
    I have found it really useful to plan out my meals ahead of time and take that food with me to work instead of relying on cafeterias/restaurants/vending machines. I enter everything into MFP in the morning, make little adjustments as I see are needed (ie. I need more protein - add a scoop of tunafish in the afternoon; too much sugar -- do a half serving of fruit at lunch instead of a whole one, etc). Eat small meals but eat frequently -- my trainer has me eating a small meal/snack every four hours. That way, I find that I don't feel hungry until it's just about time to eat again.

    If you aren't eating to satisfy hunger, then you need to examine why you are eating. What purpose is it serving? Is it filling an emotion need? Is it out of boredom? If you can identify the cause, then you can take steps to figuring out solutions.

    And finally, don't deprive yourself 100%! That is a recipe for failure. I generally try to eat well during the week and then am a bit more lax on the weekend. I miss chocolate and ice cream so instead of having a bowl if it, I will have a single serving of an ice cream bon bon instead. Do stuff like that and you'll find you're less likely to go all crazy with your eating. Or at least, that's what works for me!