Every Morning I wake up on a diet and every night I end in F



  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I can't figure out how to view your diary (??? operator error on my end! lol), but I'm worried you may not be eating enough in the morning.

    I ***must*** eat breakfast. If I don't eat breakfast, I will overeat when I finally do eat. I also need to eat snacks. I just... have to have a snack. If I don't, again, I will overeat.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    But how do I change my mindset? I have never really had a "healthy" relationship with food how can I just change that?

    The book I mentioned tells you the *how*. It is NOT a diet book.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    But how do I change my mindset? I have never really had a "healthy" relationship with food how can I just change that?

    Knowledge is power my friend!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    But how do I change my mindset? I have never really had a "healthy" relationship with food how can I just change that?

    Take your time. Start switching out one food per week for something healthier and add in some activity. Example: switch fries for veggies if you go out and go take a 30 minute walk 2x per week. Gradually, keep doing this and adding more activity, and it'll become a habit.

    Don't try to do it all at once, just take your time.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I agree with the others about the diet mentality. I did that too for awhile and lost/regained the same 10 pounds for a long time. Then I decided I'd just focus on one thing at a time instead of feeling like I had to magically wake up a new person. I began by adding in exercise. Not a ton, just making sure I was working out at least three times a week. And since I already did taekwondo it really only meant I was holding myself accountable to do one extra workout. I immediately passed that up because I like working out so that goal was mastered rather quickly!

    Next thing I did was add green smoothies. I had been challenged by the Vitamix guy at the fair to add two a day for two weeks and see how I felt. He gave me a recipe but since I already owned a VM he didn't sell me a thing and didn't even attempt to. I did his two week challenge and was so amazed at the difference in how I feel that I have continued to have at least one smoothie every day.

    After that I began added in other little goals one at a time until they were conquered. I took out refined sugar and flour, then I banned as much processed stuff as I could. I determined to keep my carbs at a certain level since they effect me quite a bit. I began tweaking my diet here and there and at some point found MFP through someone's facebook post (who incidentally isn't on here anymore).

    I keep tweaking and changing things as I go and it's working without me feeling deprived or like a failure. Every time I realize something isn't working it's another thing I can cross off my list and don't have to revisit it. It's all a learning experience if you don't give up!
  • scoobysnack1983
    well, your profile says your 18.... So you attend school or have a job?? Do you have a gym membership??? I use to weigh 245 pounds and sit on my butt eating and watching tv for fun..... ive learned to love the gym and outside activities.... im not at my goal weight yet and recently gained 12 pounds (from the fire academy) LOL!!! just finished in may and now im back on track....

    anyway.... what im trying to get at... is pick the time you tend to eat the most and try leaving the house.... go out with friends window shopping... leave your money at home so you won't buy things (food)..... or do what i do!! go to the gym.... even if its to walk on a treadmil for an hour or so.... get yourself tired and then go home take a nice bubble bath and get ready for bed! i use to eat a lot at night and thats when id blow my hard work for the day.... now i don't really have that problem..... Just when im at work for 24 hours and get hungry running calls all day and night.... keep busy and don't leave time to lounge around near the fridge/sofa..... find a gym that has classes.... mine has a cardio cenima! a dark room with a huge screen on the wall and they play movies while you work out.... step class is a lot of fun too! and you burn tons of calories...
    hope this helps!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I think you have to make a decision to change and stick with it. Find the motivation to succeed. Change the way you think - you are not on a diet..you are living a healthier life which involves eating better and exercising. It's all a mind game. It's not easy but once you choose to stick to it and start seeing the results then it will be a lot easier.

    Exactly. When I started out, I said to myself, I can tolerate anything for 1 day. Then it was 4 days, then it was a week, then a month. Four months later, I've lost 12 pounds and love all the foods I eat. It is such a rush to see the scale go down, not to mention the inches I've lost. So easy to stick to it once you get used to it, but you just have to get over that first hurdle!
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I am the first to admit that I love food.

    I learned to accept that it is 100% ok to love good food. I had to change my perception not only of what I considered to be "good" and how much I ate of it. I had to convince myself that I would not go hungry tomorrow, and I am in total control of what I purchase and eat now.

    It's a slow process, but digging down and finding out the why behind my food issues has been very beneficial to me. I know a lot of people who are emotional eaters. I am an emotional starver. I refuse to eat anything when I get very upset, and it can go on for a few days. I am working towards disassociating food from my emotions and finding healthier alternatives to handling my emotions other than punishing myself.

    Hang in there, you *will* get through it all, and you will be successful. Believe in yourself and surround yourself with those who believe in you!
  • 117bysummersend
    well, your profile says your 18.... So you attend school or have a job?? Do you have a gym membership???

    I'm going to be a senior in high school this fall and right now my car is being fixed so I can't really go any where and I do not have a job so I can't pay for a gym membership...
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    It sounds like the problem might be that you are "on a diet". A lifestyle change is all that will really change your size for good.:wink:
    And my lifestyle is not diet foods, but everything IN MODERATION...that's the hard part that I've finally mastered, most days!

    Exactly. It can not just be a "for now" thing or you will gain it all back eventually. You have to commit to a lifetime of better health. That is the only way to really make this work. If you are not ready for that, then maybe you need to take some time to reflect on what you're actually looking for
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I don't have a gym membership either. I do workout DVDs at home. The Jillian Michaels ones I have (30-Day Shred and 6-Week Six-Pack) were around $8.00 each on walmart.com. Such a cheap way to get in shape!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    well, your profile says your 18.... So you attend school or have a job?? Do you have a gym membership???

    I'm going to be a senior in high school this fall and right now my car is being fixed so I can't really go any where and I do not have a job so I can't pay for a gym membership...

    Do you own a pair of shoes. get out and walk.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I started a thread that addresses the same issue. I have learned that I have to focus on one day (sometimes one minute) at a time.

  • scoobysnack1983
    how about a bike????? :) if no bike then some head phones a bottle of water and some tennis shoes should do the trick! when you're bored and feel the urge to eat (for no reason) head out for a little 30 minute stroll! If you have a dog take him or her! Go with a friend or a family member.... walk and talk :) then if you are still hungry or want a snack..... first drink a largeee glass of water and then have a small snack.... maybe some fruit... (i love me some water melon)... or better yet whip up a little egg whites and throw on a serving of reduced fat cheese (i like fetta and scallions).... tada the perfect snack.

    if you love cheese burgers try BOCA burgers... merita has 100 calorie buns.... skip the mayo and throw on reduced fat cheese and its half the calories than mcdonalds....

    i actually use a lot of plain greek yogurt in place of mayo... (tuna/chicken salad etc...)
  • scoobysnack1983
    ANOTHER GREATTTTT idea!!!! those are so much fun! especially if youve got a friend or family member willing to do it too! it can be fun :)
  • 117bysummersend

    Don't say Do you own a pair of shoes. get out and walk. Stop making excuses and make it happen.

    If your not going to be helpful don't say rude things you don't know my situation don't tell me to make it happen! I will never exercise outside because I feel as if I'm too fat for other people to see me trying to exercise. I really just wanted a little help on my mindset since I have had an eating disorder for around the past 10 years!
  • Uk_Yogini
    Uk_Yogini Posts: 167
    I recommend you read "Women Food and God" by Geneen Roth. It's an easy read, she explains things in terms that are easy to grasp and I think it would be helpful to you. Most of the issues people have around food, are actually nothing to do with food, but rather a manifestation of deeper issues that have not been addressed. Hope that helps.
  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    Yep, as many have said it's the word diet. Many people eat under goal calories and do it in the name of losing weight but what happens? You feel you are craving stuff,.binge and feel guilty. I have lost my weight by making myself eat something I enjoy daily like a chocolate bar or maybe a alcoholic drink. It stops me from craving it as I only have to wait one more day for a hit. Also full on salad and veg through the day. Sugar free jello and pop helps too. Good look.
  • scoobysnack1983
    never say never :( who cares what people think..... its your life and its all about YOU not them.... do you want to add years to YOUR life and live happy or would you rather have your life cut short because of what people may think about you??? i say FORGET them and do what YOU want! Never let what people say or think effect your efforts for trying to get healthy for YOU..... I was made fun of the entire time i was in school... finally i put my foot down and did something about it... for ME... find some music you like and take it with you walking... even if its several times up and down 1 street... time yourself and walk a speedy pace :) you will and can get there! just have to ignore the everything and everyone who doesnt matter to you :)
  • 117bysummersend
    I can't so that......I can let peoples comments just roll off my shoulders I have never had any self confidence and I don't think I ever will