Real Life Ghost Stories

LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
edited September 29 in Chit-Chat
have any? Seen one? Do you believe in them?

go ahead. scare meh.


  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    So when I was pregnant with my last baby I was lounging in the bath tub while my hubbie was rubbing my feet. We heard a crash in the living room and ran to see what it was. Our dvd's were in a huge circle in the floor all facing the same directions. Creepy but not that bad. My son started telling us that he was seeing a man without a face in his doorway. I never saw him but he liked to make sure we knew he was there. After I had my baby I was sleeping on my bed with my lil guy while the hubbie played video games. We heard another crash and came to find all of our dvd's (about 100) standing on end like dominos all over the living room. We moved haha!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Hung around friends girlfriends house. The mother came home from grocery store. We all went out and carried in groceries.

    Went back into living room after helping carry them in.

    Mother came in to hang out with us. Door started slamming in the other room. When it stopped and we could speak we went to th kitichen all the cabinets were open and all the food stuffs were set out on the counters all around the kitchen.

    P.S this house (Horse farm) the wife posioned husband and mistress and then herself. The slaves took over the 'farm'.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    There is a framed picture of my family on the wall that I always see the reflection of a tall man wearing a heavy coat off the glass of the frame. I've probably seen him about 20 times. It happens quick and then he disappears and I'm always trying to figure out what object in the room is playing a trick on me and making me mistake it for the image of a man and I can never figure it out. I don't know if it's real or not, but it sends chills up my spine everytime it's happened.
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    Just this past week, something odd happened that we can't explain~
    It was 11:30 at nite and i hadn't been asleep long when i heard glass breaking. I listened for a minute for any other noise to see if it was one of our children, but the house was dead silent,.. i decided that i must have been dreaming, but got up anyway to check things out. I first checked the children ofcourse, and sure enough, they were all asleep. I made sure the doors were locked again, and went back to bed myself. The next morning, my hubby asks me- "hey! why didn't you clean up the glass you broke in the kitchen?!"... well, that's just freakin weird!!! There is one cabinet in our kitchen, very top shelf, ( the kids can't reach ) that i had left some very old cocktail glasses that belonged to my husband's first wife... she died of a heart attack almost 5yrs ago. We don't use them and i just hadn't gotten around to throwing them out when i moved in and had pushed all of them to the back... so it's not like one was teetering on the edge and fell. No explanation what so ever!:noway:
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    One night my wife was standing on one side of the open bedroom door (in the room) and I on the outside of the room. We were talking about some crap.

    The dood slammed hard right between us. I was stunned. She screamed and I heard a thud, I opened the door she was on the bed, something grabbed the glass from her hand and threw it at the wall all the tea was all over the wall and the glass was laying on the floor unbroken, yes it was a 'glass' glass.

    Later that night we say a shadow of a man that looked like my dad in a dark window behind the curtains where there was no light shining through. Could explain that one.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    I don`t believe in ghosts as spirits of the dead.
    I do believe in a supernatural of demons and angels though.

    There is an old cemetery in the woods less then 300 yards away from where I sit typing this.
    It dates back to the early to mid 1800s.
    Going the other direction the same distance is the cellar hole of a house that once father told me his father said that passersby in the late 1800s noticed the windows covered with flies.
    At some point someone investigated and found the owner dead.
    They dragged out the linens to burn them and by accident (yeah right) the wind changed and the house burned.
    I can still pick though the dirt and find remnants.

    Have never seen anything here and have never lived anywhere else so why I don`t believe in ghosts.
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    Although I've never seen anything I am a believer. Kinda strange since I'm also atheist, but who knows? Anyways... my great-grandmother was an immigrant from Yugoslavia and brought lots of her beliefs over with her. Every door and window in her house had garlic hanging over it to ward off vampires. And when my grandfather (her son-in-law) died in his home after battling cancer, she wouldn't let my grandmother (her daughter) stay in the house until she had performed an exorcism.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Since we've moved into this house, I catch "movements" out of the corner of my eyes here all the time. No matter the room or time of day.

    Wish I could catch them cleaning. :laugh:
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Two stories; both relating to relatives (I'll give the short versions):

    The night my uncle died, a picture of him flew off a shelf and landed about 10 to 15 feet across the room from the shelf. It didn't fall, it quite literally flew.

    Not longer after my father died I woke up one morning and could feel a weight like somebody sitting on the end of the bed. I looked but could see nobody. The cat walked into the room, froze on the spot, stared at the end of the bed where I could feel the weight. Looked at me, looked back at the end of the bed. The cat kept doing this looking back and forth. Eventually, the weight lifted from the bed and when it did the cat left the room.
  • pandaeye
    pandaeye Posts: 126
    I believe there is something just not sure what or why

    When I was about 4 my mum said I was gazing out the front room window smiling. When she asked me what I was doing I said I was watching a little girl play across the road. I asked who she was and why wasn't her mummy with her. When she looked outside there was no one, she said that but I still insisted and pointed at her saying" there she is mummy, can't you see her?" Don't remember it myself.

    My daughter thought she saw a ghost once. I was working and my husband was watching football downstairs. She woke up and walked down to ask daddy for a drink, got half way and heard a noise. When she looked back up the stairs there was a young girl standing on a step in a long old fashioned nightgown smiling. She ran to get daddy but she disappeared. No one else ever saw her, it was an old house, we moved since.

    I do know a lot of people who have seen things they can't explain, even spoken to them only to find out later they couldn't have as they were dead. Who knows?
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    When i was in high school, i worked in a restaurant in the basement of an old hotel. Word was guests had died in the hotel and thier spirts roamed the halls of the "hotel", now converted to office space. One night while checking the halls for vagrants, i was walking side by side with two other co-workers, when i felt a cold blast of air pass right through me. the hair on the back of my neck stoud up, and my coworkers felt nothing. creepy!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    3rd thing I just remembered:

    When I was about 12 I was in bed one night. I heard footsteps walking up the stairs and along the short corridor outside the bedrooms. The footsteps stopped right outside the door of my bedroom. The only thing was; I could still hear my parents and my older brother. They were still downstairs in the room underneath my bedroom. They were the only other people in the house.

    (My parents house was built in the late 1700's/early 1800's. So it is pretty old and has a lot of history in it)
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    I grew up in a town on the east coast of Florida- a fleet of 20 Spanish galleons wrecked there in the 1600's and pirates were common on the barrier island where we lived. Our property was haunted by several spirits we called "pirates" but it could have been Spanish sailors. I saw them several times from the ages of 12- 24. The most intense sighting was when my mother, father and a family friend who knew NOTHING of the spirits- saw a man (dressed like a pirate) walk through the wall into our kitchen through the kitchen, through the outside wall of the house and through the back yard...completely freaky. We all sat there and then got up and looked at the window and watched him walk across the backyard into the trees.

    I have lived in another house that I believe had a spirit in it as well. Although it was never seen, but we knew we were sharing the space. There is something "odd" and just "off" about the property-- and bad luck falls on those who own the property. Almost every family (10) who has owned it has foreclosed on the property due to some kind of financial issues, including us. We had NO financial issues when we bought this house, we were very well off actually (no debt etc)- we laughed when someone mentioned to us about the bad luck history of the house-I LOVED the house amazing view, huge house lots of room, BIG lot. Immediately after closing weird things started to happen with my husbands business and our income...we were there 3 years and finally left. As soon as we moved out and back to our farm- our finances started to improve drastically- but NOTHING changed in the economy- and we were in the same business. Sine then 2 other people have owned the house- one foreclosed- and the house is again up for sale....and I have heard the new owners are struggling financially. (this is not a low income property-- it is a 4800 sq ft house) The place is just weird....I loved it, but I never felt like I could "breath: there.
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    I do believe in ghosts and other spirits. Once when my son was 3 years old, I toured an antebellum mansion outside Columbia, TN (my hometown) with my mom, my husband, and my son. It's an amazing house called Rattle and Snap (no longer open for tours, unfortunately) built by the Polk family. After the tour as we were getting into the car, my mom asked my son if he had enjoyed the house. He said no, he didn't like it. My mom asked why. He said, "I didn't like the Pink Man. I didn't like how he kept trying to pull Mama's shirt." Freaky. There were no men in the house when we were there. My mom and I still talk about how we got chills when he said that. My husband does NOT believe in ghosts, but admits that our son's story that day made him think it could be possible.
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    I used to work at the Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego. It has a ghost. She's pretty famous...only because the hotel is. I never paid much attention and thought the entire story was bogus--just a marketing scheme that's been working for years. one night when working night shift i was alone at the front desk. the ceiling fan started spinning very slowly all on its own and i felt a chill. i thought it was one of the security guys f'n with me but nobody was around. i was awake after that. Too much coffee and not enough sleep...right? Then a few weeks later i was doing VIP room checks (making sure housekeeping actually cleaned the room before i checked somebody in) and there was a crumpled mess in the middle of the bed, like somebody had laid in the middle of the bed. i pulled the comforter and smoothed out the wrinkles and walked away. when i turned around again the wrinkles were back--i said eff it and left. that ghost was messing with me. Lots of other stuff happened there too but i just summed it up to lack of sleep, and over worked....
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I am practicing psychic and psychic mediumship, since it runs in my family. If anyone wants me to give them a free reading please email me -- who knows if I will get anything, but there is a chance I will! I would love the practice. :happy:
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    When I was about 11 yrs old, I remember waking up in the middle of the night. I looked over at my dresser and saw 3 figures there. Actually one was sitting on the dresser and the other two were standing. They were a bright white...glowing in fact. I actually tried to talk to whatever I thought was there. I remember it like it was yesterday..don't think I'll ever forget it.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    This thread is awesome!
  • So, I have a couple creepy stories

    Since I was young, my mom has told me that I was constantly talking to "people" and imaginary friends and she also told me that my aunt, who was basically a median told mom that what I was talking to was the deceased people's energy or aka ghosts. This continued all through my life, but it comes and goes I guess....and no I didn't talk out loud to them as I got older lol....I would just sense something weird or in the middle of the night, when I was half asleep, catch something out of the corner of my eye, or hear a whisper.....I got used to it.

    When my parents moved into their new house when I was about 11, I was terrified of the basement....would not go down there at all!! Completely terrified. I kept seeing "a man standing by the crawl space", my dog at the time could sense it to. Now, of course as I got older and being a teenager, I wanted my privacy, so my parents renovated the basement and turned it into my bedroom. Like I said, earlier, when I sensed things, they would come and go. I still saw the man by the crawl space....and yes it was creepy....but he never did anything and it was honestly just like a shadow, no outline or anything, and just a presence. Whenever I saw him, it would be between 3 and 3:15 in the morning and my dog would acknowledge his presence to....because when I would wake up, my dog would be looking at the crawlspace door, where the man was. So anyways, one day my little cousin who was eight at the time was staying over...she's basically like my little sister:) So we would be sleeping down in my room and mom made me promise not to mention anything to her about the creepy "man" lol, since it would freak her out. Well....let me tell you! At 2:20 am, my cousin wakes me up freaked out and crying, said she wanted to go sleep guessed it.....she saw the creepy man by the crawl space door. Another creepy thing about the story is that my cousin is the daughter of the aunt who was a median! We never did figure out who the man was or what he was doing there but dad still says he is still scared sometimes if he is doing laundry in the basement lol

    Story #2

    First a bit of backstory:
    Before we bought our house, my hubbies parents bought it and were living in it and fixing it up. One day, hubbies mom was doing dishes and heard a "primal" scream! She ran to the patio door to see what was going on, and saw the next door neighbor on her knees screaming, looking into the open garage. Sadly, she opened the garage door to find that her 21 year old son had hung himself (apparently he had a drug history and was a really nice young man, just very depressed).

    Alright, so when we first moved into our house, everything was fine for awhile and then I started sensing things....just sort of a sadness, especially when I was in the basement room, closest to the neighbors garage. Just a really heavy sad feeling, to the point, where I would be in tears sometimes. Also, one day, my dog was barking downstairs (she never goes somewhere in the house where there isn't a person lol), sort of in a playful way. I go downstairs to see what on earth she is doing, and she was in the "play" position looking at the corner of the room.....seriously creepy. Then she spins around, barks again, not even paying attention to me at all, like she is playing with some unknown presence....I stood watching her do this for about five minutes.

    The real kicker though.....I had quite a few dreams about this young guy named Mathew, weird dream, where we were just walking the trails by my house and talking about life. One day, I went over to our next door neighbor's house (new people live there now as the previous tenants moved after the death of their son), since I visit with her all the time. She asked me if I knew anything about the history of the house. I asked why? completely creeped out. lol....she said that her cats REFUSE to go near the garage and a lot of weird stuff happens in things will roll off shelves and she will just be scared when she goes in there. She then proceeds to tell me about these weird dreams she has been having about this young guy. At this point....I am SO creeped out, so I tell her about my dream and how his name is Mathew. And guess what? That is the same name as the guy in her dream. We have tried to find out the name of the guy next door who hung himself, but have been unable to find it. Creepy though regardless!

    .......I was going to go to bed now, but Im way to creeped out !!!
  • katyncal
    katyncal Posts: 100 Member
    When I was about 5 years old I was haunted by a spirit that lived in our house.. I remember laying with my parents in bed and looking up in the closet and seeking a dark figure looking at me then he would smile... I would get so scared and my parents couldnt see him... my mother always kept sheets and pillow cases up there... every morning after I would see him there would be indents of where he was laying..... it got worse.. we had a very long hall way... my room was at the very end.. at night I woul get up to go to the bathroom and he would be behind me... ... needless to say we had to have our house blessed by our town pastor.... it stopped after that... but it was horrifing
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