Real Life Ghost Stories



  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    #1) My parents have lived in the same house ever since I was in kindergarten (way back in 1986). They knew since they bought the place that the previous owner had died on the property. When we were growing up (I have two older brothers) my mom said that she would hear the cabinets opening and closing in the middle of the night. She figured it was one of us kids getting a snack and when she got up to check, no one was in the kitchen and we were all asleep.

    #2) Well, when I was a teenager (same house) I would watch TV in my room before going to bed. I always watched channel 33 (fox). On several occasions I would wake up in the middle of the night and the TV would be turned on again to chanel 31 (just grey/white static). I remember one night it happened multiple times and I said out loud "will you please stop turning on the TV, I'm trying to sleep." and then the tv didn't turn on after that.

    #3) One time in particular I will NEVER forget. I had been in my bed (same room, same house) and I was about to go to sleep (so of course the lights were off). I started getting a really weird/creepy feeling. It felt like I wasn't alone in my room anymore. I was really creeped out (goosebumps/hair standing up kind of feeling) so I pulled the blankets up over my head. Soon after I pulled the blankets up, something pressed down on my face and pushed the blankets down on my face (felt like a hand lightly pushing the blankets on my face). I froze! Then a couple seconds later the pressure was gone and I jumped out of bed. Nothing there (that I could see).

    #4) I had gone on a ghost tour at a hotel in Eureka Springs, AK. The tour guide was explaining what happend in that portion of the hotel and also mentioned that there had been a possum found in that area as well. A few seconds after he said that I felt a very light soft touch in the middle of my palm. I just about jumped out of my skin because it was so unexpected. I was more worried about the touch coming from a possum than a ghost. (FYI, no animal movement was see/heard during that time)

    #5) In the house I live in now I've heard a couple of voices that I couldn't really explain. I was on a ladder in the stairwell hanging up a curtain and right in my ear I heard a young girl say "Hi Mommy!" (my daughter was a baby at the time). And a couple of times I have heard a man talking while I've been in the shower. With the man's "voice" once I couldn't tell what he said, just mumbling that sounded male. Another time I was in the shower and I heard a man say "hey!" I seriously expected to see someone on the other side of the shower curtain.
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    My mom's one house she rented was definitely haunted by a little boy. He HATED candles and would always blow them out. He would also always pull on my sister's blinds after she would close them at night before bed.
    One time, my sister had me take a picture of her and her boyfriend of the time. I lived with my dad, and after she got her film developed (back in the days of film) she called me and asked if I messed with the film at all. When I told her I didn't, she told me she had something to show me. When I went down there, she showed me the picture, and standing behind them on the bed was a boy of about 8, in blue overalls, smiling along with them. SO creepy. You could tell he wasn't actually there, he was faint, but definitely visible.

    Also, this year on my grandma's birthday, I woke up out of a dead sleep at about 3 am, and I got the creepy feeling. You know, the goosebumps, hairs raised. My cat jumped on the bed and stopped and starting staring in the direction I felt the feeling coming from (if that makes any sense). I called my cat's name, petted her, tried everything to get her attention but she wouldn't snap out of it. Then, I smelled my grandma's perfume. Maybe it was psychological, but I just felt like she was in the room with me. I wasn't scared, just startled that I felt that presence again. My grandma has been gone since 2004, and I haven't felt that since the weeks just after she died.
  • bump
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    Eh, I don't believe in ghosts or the supernatural, period.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    about 35 years ago with my first wife we were laying on the couch watching TV together. We heard a sound in the kitchen (right off the living room). The sound of silverware being rattled together. Turned around to see a fork fly across the kitchen from the dish drain and land on the rug in front of the back door.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    I'm an atheist, but I'm open. I've had a lot of odd experiences I can't explain, and I file them under "not yet explained.". When I was 17, I was staying with my aunt and uncle in their almost 200 year old home in northeastern Pennsylvania. It was around 2am, and I had been asleep for an hour or so when I was awakened by the bed shaking. As I became more aware, the shaking became slamming, with the bed rising and crashing back down VERY rapidly. The sound of the bed banging against the hardwood was, to me, deafening. I wasn't screaming, but rather whining, my voice becoming louder and higher pitched as the banging about continued. I wound up staggering from the bed, which promptly banged down a final time-on my foot. I ran/limped downstairs, and stayed on the sofa, not sleeping for hours. The big, angry, bed-post shaped bruise on the top of my foot I likely could have written off, but my aunt and uncle chewing me out for all the middle-of-the-night banging? Not so much.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    More! I love these!

    A friend of mine had moved into an old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere and they had kept seeing what they described as a man in an old soldier's uniform standing in the kitchen.
    One day they had gotten around to cleaning out some old stuff that had been left in the attic and they found the old uniform in a trunk and some pictures of the same man.
  • for many years i lived in an old farmhouse. i drove the moving truck and arrived before the others. the first couple of nights i was quite freaked out by the very clear sound of someone walking around upstairs when quite obviously there was no one there. i heard it on and off and eventually for the most part learned to live with it. there was one night there were about five adults with me when we heard some very loud banging and thumping from upstairs and all of us were simply to frightened to go up and explore. then the nightmares started. one night they seemed to be having a party in my dreams and i awoke paralyzed with fear (or so i thought) thought i saw one of my roommates only to have him turn his head and expose himself to me as some kind of faceless evil ghoul. of course, that is when i really woke up. another time i had similar nightmares but this time i remembered more details where i had actually invited these people to visit our house and what started as a party turned very malevolent. they were destroying my house which at some point morphed into my parent's house (the house i grew up in). i was trying to get them out of my house, cut my foot somehow and looked down and saw my cat looking particularly evil chowing down on my raw flesh. they took a helicopter with a wrecking ball to the house and as i was expelling the last of these evil spirits it ran back and went to stab me with a large knife which as he plunged it into me turned out to be a gag rubber knife which turned to the side instead of penetrating me. he laughed evilly as he danced out of the house. i awoke terrified and ran upstairs to my female roommates room. she was awake in bed and proclaimed to me "there's ghosts in the house". i dove under her covers (for whatever reason she wasn't as terrified as i was) where we watched as the walls breathed and the doors slammed open and closed. it was like something out of a movie but it was 100% real. finally it subsided and eventually we were able to fall asleep. the next morning over coffee our other roommate came down and without any prodding or mention of the topic immediately started to tell us "aliens tried to attack me in my dreams last night...but i told them they couldn't hurt me because i believed in god!" (this guy was a character to say the least...).

    anyway, this story never sounds real to me when i tell it but it was as real as can be. personally, i never had an encounter with the ghosts (not even footsteps) again after that night. i wondered if maybe robert had succeeded in casting them out. however, over the years i had many roommates, and one after one they always seemed to approach me with their own stories of encountering spirits both in the house and in their dreams...
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    these are all so creepy! best thread ever.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    bump ... no it's not a ghost going bump ... just me ... I want to keep reading these later.
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    Bump this! love ghost stories!!!!:noway:
  • crystalpotts
    crystalpotts Posts: 130 Member
    When I was fifteen, my grandmother whom I was very close with, and lived with died. Two weeks after her death, I dreamed that I walked down the steps and went to her and my grandfather's bedroom. When I opened the door, she was lying on the bed. She asked me how I was, as well as a few other family members and told me to never forget that she will always love me. Then she glowed and floated up and into the mirror. When I "woke" up I was looking towards my dresser with a mirror. I had two beds in my room. There was one in front of the dresser with the mirror. (if that makes sense) I was freaked out for weeks after that. I would sleep with my tv on.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    This thread creeps me the F out.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Bump! I want to read these later

  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    i think my sister has the spirit following her. everytime she moves i swear its haunted! my daughter was in her apt one time, she was like maybe 3. she was standing at the gate talking. i said hey who are u talking to.. she said look at the light mommy... there was no light. i said what light she said right there mommy... its jessicas light. no clue who jessica is. as she said that, her hanging mirror on her wall was tilted sideways. super freaky. one morning she woke up, and ALL the pictures and things hanging on her wall were tilted. lots more stuff, but those are the freakiest!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    My bedroom in the house I grew up in was the room someone had commited suicide in.Lots of stuff happened,things would fly across the room,I was hit,scratched,you could hear whispers in the closet at night.When nobody was upstairs you could hear someone walking around.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    Mine is not scary really, just a odd.

    About 15 years ago my mom and I went to Savannah, GA for a vacation. As part of our trip we went on a Ghost Walk tour. Basically, they take you around the historical portion of the city and tell you the ghost stories. Of course they hit all the famous locations, including the home of Juliette Gordan Low, the woman who founded the US Girl Scouts. Not much haunting at this home, but for some reason the tour guide chose to make fun of Juliette's appearance. Well, as a former Girl Scout Leader and Girl Scout (respectively) my mom and I quickly protested what he said. Later when we got back to our hotel, we stopped by my car to get something and there was a Girl Scout Badge on the trunk of my car...Just sitting there. We asked at out hotel and those near out hotel and they have not one single Girl Scout registered at the hotels. We figured it was Juliette's way of thanking us. It was a Camping Badge, and that did not fit exactly with what happpened, but I figured it was the best she could do on short notice.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    And then a ghost made me double post....
  • sweetmelissa222
    sweetmelissa222 Posts: 290 Member
    When I was a kid my parents had one of those lamps that you would touch to turn on and off. There were lots of morning where my brother and I would get chewed out for getting out of bed in the middle of the night and turning the lamp on and forgetting to turn it back off on our way back upstairs. (a parent's easiest way of explaining why a light is on when they know they didn't turn it on) The only issue was that we always swore up and down that we didn't get up and we hadn't touched the lamp. This went on for months until finally one night my mom and my brother and I were sitting in the living room and the lamp turned itself on and off and on again. It creeped my parents out enough that my mom got rid of the lamp. We kind of wrote it off as just something being up with the lamp until the new lamp we got (not a touch lamp) started turning itself on and off too. The lamp still turns itself on from time to time, but not nearly as often as it did when I was a kid.
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