For Fun : Phobias



  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    ew. moths are gross.

    i am also terrified of outer space (at least when i have dreams about it i am terrified)
    when i can't touch the bottom while swimming (unless it's in a pool)
    when i can't see the bottom while swimming- who KNOWS what's down there! the ocean is scary, but lakes are gross.

    i love this game.
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    okay, I forgot the needles, if I have to have blood drawn or a shot I cry everytime, it doesn't hurt at all, I'm just terrified of the needles. Having to have an IV in keeps my heart rate so high I feel light headed.
  • Ginial1479
    Ginial1479 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm scared of worms... Like really freaked out by them... When it rains and they come out I flip... I'm even gonna start talking about maggots... Just writting this word gives me shivers!
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    OMG I almost forgot SLUGS..............

    And airplanes
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i dont like swimming in lakes or oceans, because i fear what i can't see..i am also scared of the dark, especially outside, so if i HAVE to get something from the car, or leave or return home at night, i cover my head and face, because if i can't see what may be out there, it can't see me either :wink: i am also afraid of bad things happening to my family, spiders, and the big flying, almost mutated bugs we have in this area
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    okay, I forgot the needles, if I have to have blood drawn or a shot I cry everytime, it doesn't hurt at all, I'm just terrified of the needles. Having to have an IV in keeps my heart rate so high I feel light headed.

    I struggle with needles as well. I didn't mention them, because I have been doing much better with them recently. BUT my doctor knows I have to have 5 or 10 minutes after a shot to calm myself down haha
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    Okay, don't laugh..... spotted bananas. *shudders*

    I can't touch or even look at bananas when they've started to turn brown.... they look diseased and creepy. Ick!

    Oh, and driving during severe weather (insane rainstorms, hail, really bad snowstorms, etc.) But, spotted bananas are worse!
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    Thanks for the responses.... Fun and interesting
  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    CLOWNS..... n spiders n needles like getting shots :noway:
  • Lstrhi
    Lstrhi Posts: 132
    clowns and roaches are the big ones... oh and those huge fricken moths that we get around here. ughhhh. yucks.
  • Frogs...definitely. If they come near me I go ballistic and it's not cute. I have curly hair and I think the fear is that if they ever landed on my head I wouldn't be able to untangle their creepy little toes fom my hair. Ugh! It's freaking me out just talking about it.
  • Cheermamasita
    Cheermamasita Posts: 40 Member
    Spiders. especially large, fast, hairy or anyother distinct feature, hate them... Snakes are a close second, they are also very fast:
    fast and creepy scares me.
    Mean people, especially mean people without a conscious, that is super scary...
  • joamarelo
    joamarelo Posts: 161
    mine is bees... if i even hear a slight buzz that could resemble one of a bee, my heart rate skyrockets!

    ME TOO!!!!!!!
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    I have severe ichthyophobia... Sometimes I have nightmares about fish raining down from the sky, and I'm in a big open field with no shoes on.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Ghosts, lightning storms, and that someone will break into my house and kill me. Also the ocean, and any natural waters where there could be deadly animals in the water. This mainly comes from when I swam in a lake, then later learned there were small sharks in the water. Ahhh scary!
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Frogs...definitely. If they come near me I go ballistic and it's not cute. I have curly hair and I think the fear is that if they ever landed on my head I wouldn't be able to untangle their creepy little toes fom my hair. Ugh! It's freaking me out just talking about it.

    When my mom was younger, she was mowing the lawn and her sister's pet frog had been missing. You can probably predict the ending. Long story short, she got frog blood and guts all over her and to this day, she's not scared of snakes or spiders or anything. But anything that jumps, and she freaks out.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I would never reveal my phobias on here. Want to know why? Two words: binary jester
  • tfcolvett
    tfcolvett Posts: 18
    I have a fear of heights... Original, I know. :P
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    Stuff in my veins.
  • Moths!!!!!!!!!!! If I see a moth in the house, I will LEAVE and go stay at someone elses home, until I can find someone to come to my place and kill it... I've literally left my home at 4am before.. Oh I have also abandoned my vehicle on the highway and walked to an exit because I had one in the back window. Its pretty extreme.

    However, most bugs do not bother me one bit.
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