

  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    This week has not gone very well I have parked in the end of the lot but only gotten 1 lunch walk this week.
    Calorie deficit
    Sun 1311
    Mon 543
    Tues 116
    Wed 690
    Thur 735
    Fri 692
    Sat 112 :sad:

    So for the week 599 for the average daily deficit.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    1- Drink 6-8 glasses of water - just 3
    2- My cup of milk -done
    3-My protein level - high
    4-workout- done
    5-supplement- done
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Last week was a total bomb! Therefore I'm going to erase it and call for a do-over. My goals this week starting today Monday July 4th
    Goal 1: remember to take my vitamins daily(sounds easy but not remembering to take my pills is how I ended up with 3 kids!)
    I did it!

    Goal 2: clean out/organize 1 area every day(thanks mssdee)
    cleaned out my daughter's fridge!(Which they forgot to do before leaving for 4 days!)

    Goal 3: Wear pedometer daily and increase every day at least a few steps! I'll be posting by step instead of by mile this week!

    Goal 4: I will park in the farthest spot I can find at every parking lot!
    Took the girls grocery shopping and we parked by the very last cart corral in the lot!!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Little late but here's yesterday's report
    Goal 1: remember to take my vitamins daily(sounds easy but not remembering to take my pills is how I ended up with 3 kids!)
    I did it!

    Goal 2: clean out/organize 1 area every day(thanks mssdee)
    organized pantry. Who knew there was so much crap in there!

    Goal 3: Wear pedometer daily and increase every day at least a few steps! I'll be posting by step instead of by mile this week!
    yesterday:5941 today: 6885

    Goal 4: I will park in the farthest spot I can find at every parking lot!
    No parking lot today
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Hmmm, is there a new thread I haven't found? Or has everybody fallen off the wagon??
  • rjulian20
    rjulian20 Posts: 21
    i am moving my fiance into a new house, planning our wedding that is coming in October, and trying to lose as much weight as i can until then....

    the large picture seems so overwhelming....i had planned to have a whole year to lose 40-50 lbs but that seems a bit much for 3 1/2 months.

    what are some small weekly food/exercise goals that you use?
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    i am moving my fiance into a new house, planning our wedding that is coming in October, and trying to lose as much weight as i can until then....

    the large picture seems so overwhelming....i had planned to have a whole year to lose 40-50 lbs but that seems a bit much for 3 1/2 months.

    what are some small weekly food/exercise goals that you use?

    Start with one thing you know is an issue. Not drinking enough water, not walking enough, certain foods you can't limit yourself on. Change that one thing for the week. Then next week, pick one thing. It's just too hard to try to change your whole life all at once!