Team Fat-Fighers Weekly Challenge (Join Us)

spiceshirl Posts: 177
Well Hello again to everyone in The ‘fat-fighters’ Weekly Challenge Team:
Stephlake, TeamLeea, TanajaP, Oxsaraox, Sangostar, 3Monkeymama, Hzminda, Diva lovely

It’s Monday and that means a new challenge Whoopee!!!:bigsmile:

Congratulation:flowerforyou: to everyone who was pushing for those 888 I read all your post, it was very encourage to see you meant business and you were going for it despite some minder setbacks some teammates had.

(Lastest Post)

Now is the time for me to do the ranking of members as I said in my earlier post, team members will be ranked according to achievements. For every weekly challenge you complete you would be given a sticker, which represents your successful completion of the challenge. From this sticker you will be able to reflect or have a visual of your achievements. Once persons achieve 10 (ten) sticker they will be able to set a new weekly challenge and will be called upon for ideas on challenges also you will know if you are a real ‘Flop’ or a true ‘Fighter’!!!

With that statement can everyone send me a personal email today with the subject ‘Flop’ if you achieve zero to two 888 or ‘Fighter’ if you have achieved all three or more, I know there are more fighters than flops in this team so I know most of you would have blasted that challenge to pieces!!! However if you have not been able to achieve last week’s challenge do not be dismay, Here is a kick up your butt to getting you running because it’s time to (Drum Roll) “unleash the beast” in this week’s ‘GIVE ME 66/6 BEASTLY CHALLENGE’.

Here is how it bites!!!! In this week’s challenge you need to complete 66 minutes of exercise daily for 6 days to earn a grand total of weekly exercise minutes of 396. This week is not what exercise you do or how many calories you burn it’s how long you stayed to get that burn. This week ‘GIVE ME 66 for 6 days (666) is your challenge!!

Come on guys I know you can do this!!! I know some of you would say that you can’t achieve this because you can only exercise for 4 or 5 days a week well that means you would have to work twice as heard the main concern is that you achieve 396 minutes of exercise by Sunday midnight, you can decide how you do it. However I rather you aim for 66mins for/6days the question is CAN YOU DO IT???????


It’s time to stop flopping and start fighting!!
It’s time to stop wanting to exercise and start doing your exercise!!
It’s time to stop making excuses and make time!!
It’s time to UNLEASH THE BEAST!!

Now go out there and give me 666 …………..Time is running out!!!


  • Jentorres8814
    Jentorres8814 Posts: 121 Member
    I would like to join your group if your still open
  • spiceshirl
    spiceshirl Posts: 177
    You Welcome to join us Jentorres884, the challenge starts every Monday!! So today is your chance to start hiting it for 6!!!

    Don't get bowl out keep batting for 66mins to complete an over!!!
  • TanajaP
    TanajaP Posts: 57 Member
    32 minutes left for the day =)
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hey Spice! :bigsmile:

    Today is my rest day, but I am going to def. try and hit those 6's this week.

  • sangostar
    sangostar Posts: 91 Member
    I will be a beast!

    Oh, and today was the closest I've come to the 888. I hope to hit that soon.
  • oxSaraox
    oxSaraox Posts: 27
    I will get that 666 this week, actually i will do more. I was working out for 90 mins the past week and will continue to do that :bigsmile: I love these challenges :heart:
  • spiceshirl
    spiceshirl Posts: 177
    You Go Sangostar Unleash the inner BEAST!!! Well done for still aiming for that 888 I'm proud of you.


  • spiceshirl
    spiceshirl Posts: 177
    Well done Oxsaraox!!,You have the eye of the tiger and the fire of the dragon 'A MOTHER OF ALL BEAST' go for your 90minutes why not!!, am staying far away from you YOU ARE A TRUE FAT- FIGHTER

  • atashap
    atashap Posts: 85
    Today is my off day because of the double shifts but I am down for the challenge I will get my other 66/6 the rest of the week. Its on and poppin. Loving the challenges because it makes me push harder.:bigsmile:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    bump will have more time to read about it later.
    from first glance is it a total of 396 or do I actually have to do 66 minutes for 6 days? somedays I do 45 minutes, other days 120 minutes, so it averages out...sorry if this question has been asked and answered already. as I said, I don't have much time to read it yet!
    glad to be a part of the team!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    okay, I found the answer...I can do this!!
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    I would like to join.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    no minutes so far this week. I hope to workout tonight, but I'm not sure. def. tomorrow and thurs.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday 6/27: 0
    Tuesday 6/28: 0
    Wed 6/29: 98 minutes

    396 minutes-- goal
    298 minutes-- remaining
  • spiceshirl
    spiceshirl Posts: 177
    Keep going LEA you can get there!!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday 6/27: 0
    Tuesday 6/28: 0
    Wed 6/29: 98 minutes
    Thur 6/30: 40 minutes

    396 minutes-- goal
    258 minutes-- remaining

    where is everyone?
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday 6/27: 0
    Tuesday 6/28: 0
    Wed 6/29: 98 minutes
    Thur 6/30: 40 minutes
    Fri 7/1: 105 minutes
    Sat 7/2: TBA
    Sun 7/3: TBA

    396 minutes-- goal
    153 minutes-- remaining (that's an avg of 77 minutes each day...I know I can do it!)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday 6/27: 0
    Tuesday 6/28: 0
    Wed 6/29: 98 minutes
    Thur 6/30: 40 minutes
    Fri 7/1: 105 minutes
    Sat 7/2: 51 minutes (below average!)
    Sun 7/3: TBA

    396 minutes-- goal
    102 minutes-- remaining (still doable, I just have to push hard today. those 2 rest days in the beginning of the week killed me. zumba was canceled Th and Sat and that hurt me too)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm just 22 minutes away...I'm so sore and tired. I will def. try to get it in later, as I don't want to be a flop this week!
  • atashap
    atashap Posts: 85
    Okay this week really sucked for me too busy to breath so the challenge was a bust for me which just makes me extra determined to complete the next challenge.
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