Does anyone else want to just say FORGET IT?



  • fattymclardass
    Every single day......several times a day. When I walk out of my office for lunch and try to figure out what isnt total poison to eat. When I get home and stare at the fridge or cabinets and try to come up with what to have for dinner. Walking the aisles endlessly in the supermarket trying to figure out what to buy in budget. Every morning when I get on the scale and see another day with no change.

    Sticking with it though! Just keep trying, keep helps to hear from other people.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Change up the exercise that you are doing! Maybe your body is use to doing what you have trained it to do and now it needs a little something else for a while...

    I was just thinking that maybe you are exercising tooooo much... if you are doing cardio for more than like 45 minutes a day. you are doing toooo much exercise. and probably not eating enough. But my advice is unsolicited. so forget I said anything.

    Unnecessary, yes. Too much, no... says the marathon runner. :P
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Nah, I haven't been there lately. I want to be one of those people who's always active and enjoys a variety of healthful foods, and not have to worry about my weight. With that as a goal, I can't be 15lb overweight at the onset and have to work hard to get rid of it. It's a price I'm willing to pay for peace of mind later.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Yes!!!!!!! I have been stuck at the same weight for months now. It's the queen of plateaus. I can't exersise more than I do, last week I burned 3553 and was under my calorie goal everyday. It just seems I'm busting my a-- for nothing.

    Change up the exercise that you are doing! Maybe your body is use to doing what you have trained it to do and now it needs a little something else for a while...

    I was just thinking that maybe you are exercising tooooo much... if you are doing cardio for more than like 45 minutes a day. you are doing toooo much exercise. and probably not eating enough. But my advice is unsolicited. so forget I said anything.

    I was thinking the same that I'm not eating enough. I increased my cals by 100 and see if that helps any. If not I will keep increasing slowly. Thanks
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Yes!!!!!!! I have been stuck at the same weight for months now. It's the queen of plateaus. I can't exersise more than I do, last week I burned 3553 and was under my calorie goal everyday. It just seems I'm busting my a-- for nothing.

    Change up the exercise that you are doing! Maybe your body is use to doing what you have trained it to do and now it needs a little something else for a while...

    I do spinning on Monday, weights on Tuesday, Spinning Wedn, I run on Thursdays, Friday weights again, Saturday I walk on the treadmill for an hour, Sunday rest.

    I just think I haven't been eating enough, but its so scary to add calories. I'm going to add slowly and see if that works. Thanks
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I'm 10 pounds away from goal which was set based on the my weight 10 years ago. That's my motivation. I keep telling myself "yes I was that small once so I will be that small again."
  • garrettnicole92
    I've got the exact same measurements as you, except I started at 145 (I now weigh 139). Lately I have completely stalled out. I get SO discouraged, but you just have to keep pushing through. You can do it! Feel free to add me as a friend, we can encourage each other.

    I also had the same problem with not eating enough calories, but I've been working on just eating more ... but keeping it healthy.
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    OP - i'm exactly the same height and weight as you (and have been for years), so BMI just slightly out of the healthy category, and find it just as hard to shift the excess pounds. And I *always* think "meh, maybe i'll just stay like this" but then I remind myself that i've never been happy at this size - I always put something on my lap when I sit down, I don't feel confident naked (!), and i've wasted so many years wanting to be smaller. Years and years of not sticking to anything. I've got a whole wardrobe of gorgeous clothes a size too small, that I either used to wear (that one time I managed to lose weight) or that I bought a size too small on purpose. So i've just decided that i'm going to commit this time, give it 100%, stop making excuses, stop being jealous of people who can eat junk food and still be skinny, I have to accept that i'm not like that, and i'm not healthy, and I owe it to myself to look after body by giving it nutritious food and exercising. I haven't had anyone say anything nice about my weight for a long time, and that felt really good. I want muscles too! Toned arms and tummy and bum, and that doesn't come for free unfortunately. I am also motivated by wanting that satisfaction that I didn't quit this time, like everyone always thinks I will.

    When I feel this motivated it doesn't always last, so i'll look back at this post!
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    That's my motivation. I keep telling myself "yes I was that small once so I will be that small again."

    I like this, good motivator, and so true :)
  • rainydayboys
    Alllll the time. I often feel that if I just didn't care what I ate, I'd be a happier person. If I wasn't watching the calories, adding them up in my head, figuring out how many I'd just burned off. If I could just eat until I'd had enough of whatever I wanted, I'd be happy. I'd also weigh as much as a hippo, since portion control has never been my strong suit. I want to give up but know that if I do, I'll feel worse in the long run. I haven't accepted my body yet. I'm not comfortable in my own skin. Until that day, I'll never be happy, whether I'm watching what I eat or stuffing my face. There will always be a reason to dislike myself.
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Options was one of those days, I forced myself to go to the gym and I tracked all calories. It hard. For me mainly because I decided to eat back my exercise calories and I've gained a lb so far this week.

    Not sure if I've slowed down my metabolism by eating 1200 no matter what in the past but it is really discouraging. But I'm not gonna quit. The only other option is to gain weight and I dont need that.