Is anyone else unhappy with their boobs??!



  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Feel free to post pictures of said boobs and I'll give my professional opinion. :p
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Yes I do. i want to have more kids soon so i am not touching them and i dont really know if i will though. I dont have the money to fix the problems i am sure will happen if i ever got them.
  • RiverInTheRoad
    Wow...lotta boob hatin' going on. I f*in love my boobs. Sure, when I lose weight some of the extra boob fluff will go with it but I don't mind. I think a nice handful is more than enough to satisfy most people.

    Inb4 TITS or GTFO
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Yes, I hate my boobs, or man-boobs, or Moobs if you will. But, I will not result to implants or augmentation, I am just going to have to work hard and be satisfied with what the good Lord and McDonald's have bestowed upon me.

    That's the attitude - :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou: !
  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    Ha ha to the suggestion to post pics. Wrong forum. Lol:laugh:
  • Jackie_Snape80
    Feel free to post pictures of said boobs and I'll give my professional opinion. :p

    XD I like your thinking...although slightly creepy with you being the only dude commenting in an entire post of females discussing breast issues.

    That being said, mine used to be bigger and it pissed me off so much with the issues finding clothes(weight issues aside) Now, they're still fairly big(still Ds) but they LOOK smaller and more proportionate. It's like after losing weight it took the unneeded fat off and now I have just BOOBS there now XD.
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    Its so crazy because mine used to be so huge like 44 double G no lie i could not find a bra ever it was sad. I got a breast reduction they were perfect i never wore a bra lol. Then got prego and they blew up again but to like a 42DD got another breast reduction and loved them again now that i started my weight loss journey half my boobs are gone i was a 38D perky and loving it but now ive got just a handful and im like WTH lol
  • Funnybunnyboo
    really, neil!!! u silly sausage...:laugh:
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    I don't like my boobs anymore after having a baby.. And it really SHOCKS me how many women out there don't like their boobs, either! The one thing men love about a woman's body, and we're all wanting them worked on. HA I say if a lift, reduction, implants, etc will make you happy, then go for it! And share the wealth.. I'd like to get mine done too! :laugh:
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    I went from a full D to a not firm C so far. I'm thinking they'll vanish by the time I'm done with my journey. That is definitely something I'll want lifted/helped when I'm done and maintaining.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Hmm. Well I'm pretty happy where I am, and my size hasn't varied all that much within the lats 10 years of gaining and losing weight...however when I reach goal if I feel uneven or not happy with the proportion of my body, I would definately get implants (providing I could afford them for life).
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I might be unhappy with them eventually, but I've got too many other body issues right now to deal with. Hating my boobs can take their turn after hating my belly (too much) and butt (not enough). Once my belly is smaller, they'll lose their best support system, so then I can obsess over them. Probably add my arms and thighs at that point as well. And don't get me started on my wrinkles and gray hair. So, yeah. One(or two!) obsessions at a time though. :laugh:
  • RiverInTheRoad
    I might be unhappy with them eventually, but I've got too many other body issues right now to deal with. Hating my boobs can take their turn after hating my belly (too much) and butt (not enough). Once my belly is smaller, they'll lose their best support system, so then I can obsess over them. Probably add my arms and thighs at that point as well. And don't get me started on my wrinkles and gray hair. So, yeah. One(or two!) obsessions at a time though. :laugh:

    +1 ^THIS
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I was very unhappy with my boobs, especially after losing weight. I loved my boobs pre-babies, but after having kids they were just deflated. Pre-babies I was a 34C at 135lbs, and after babies I was a very small, deflated 34B at that weight. So, I got a boob job. I love them so much more and just feel so much better about my appearance now. I hated how, as my body got thinner, my boobs got uglier. I would say this is the best active decision I ever made(both babies were surprises, so I can't say having them). Congrats on your decision and don't let anybody's negative opinion(you will hear plenty) get you down. You deserve to feel great, inside and out.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I would suggest to anyone seriously looking into getting a boob job, that you do a lot of research. I'm not a medical professional, but I have done a lot of reading about it. Any doctor out there will tell you that implants are safe, because they want to make money. Breast implants are one of the biggest money makers out there, because doctors prey on women that have insecurities with how they look. It's unfortunate, but true. If you look up side effects or health risks, you may change your mind. I'm not trying to preach, but more like save someone from making a decision that they may one day regret.

    If you are uncomfortable with that part of your body, go to Victoria's Secret, and buy one of their awesome push up bras. You'll save thousands of dollars and it won't cost you your health! :)
    Push up bras do nothing when you are naked and alone, looking down at these "breasts" that look like nothing more than empty bags of skin at 27 years old. I am sorry you don't agree with plastic surgery, but you should never assume to give somebody else some less than half*** solution to a problem that is very real to them.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm actually pretty content with the size, I just WISH that they were more perky. I haven't even had kids nor plan to and I'm not even close to being out of my 20's! Gravity is a cruel *****. :/
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    What do tubular boobs look like? I've heard of pancake boobs, droopy boobs, but never tubular.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Nursing did it for me. Two kids, nursed for almost 2 years apiece. Daily going from DD's to C's and back again. Stretchy doesn't adequately explain. Now they look like 2 spaniel's ears. For me, it's a toss-up. Do I get a tummy tuck or a boob lift? Both is a pretty pricey proposition. Since I'm almost 50, implants aren't really an option. I've seen older women with implants. Not pretty.

  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I love mine. They might not be perfect, but they have given me and others so much pleasure that it wouldn't be right to dislike them .
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I love mine. They might not be perfect, but they have given me and others so much pleasure that it wouldn't be right to dislike them .

    Yes! So awesome!