Laboring Towards Labor Day (CLOSED GRP)



  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Sweeping the garage today. Normally that wouldn't count as a work out, but thanks to the herniated disk, it will be the most physical I've been in 2 weeks. Taking it slow, though so I don't overdo.

    Great job everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 221 Member
    GO TEAM TEAL!!!!

    187! Plateau busted! I"m not sure if it was what I did this week or if my body was just self correcting and finally ready to let me lose weight again. I'll take it. It makes my 9 lb goal seem a little more attainable. Maybe. What do we have? 3 weeks? 1.3 lb per week. I'm really just hoping I don't just go into another plateau.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Great Job Team Teal !
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Woohooo Teal Ladies!!! CMP and KRIS you gals are awesome!!!!

    Lets Go Laborers!!!!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    GO TEAM TEAL!!!!

    187! Plateau busted! I"m not sure if it was what I did this week or if my body was just self correcting and finally ready to let me lose weight again. I'll take it. It makes my 9 lb goal seem a little more attainable. Maybe. What do we have? 3 weeks? 1.3 lb per week. I'm really just hoping I don't just go into another plateau.

    No more plateau!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    How is the green team doing? Good I hope.

    I think I did well on the weekend as far
    as food goes. I did have my peach ice cream at the
    Peach Festival. Alcohol consumption was really good.
    Drank alot of water on Saturday.
    Did a 40 min. walk in the morning, and 60 mins in the
    afternoon walking the Peach Fesitval.
    Danced all night at the Corn Roast, awesome band.
    So we will see what Monday brings. ; )
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    7/3: 157.8
    7/10: 156.2
    7/17: 155.0
    7/25: 154.6
    7/31: 153.2
    8/7: 151.8
    8/14: 149.2

    I've been sick the past few days, my sinuses are draining so my appetite isn't normal and I've been taking sudafed which is raising my heart rate, I'm sure. Let's go blue!
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    :::Orange Team:::

    I'm really angry right now. Down 1 stinkin pound.

    7/04/11 225.0
    7/11/11 222.6
    7/18/11 222.0
    7/25/11 218.4
    8/01/11 217.4
    8/08/11 217.4
    8/15/11 216.4
  • How is the green team doing? Good I hope.

    I think I did well on the weekend as far
    as food goes. I did have my peach ice cream at the
    Peach Festival. Alcohol consumption was really good.
    Drank alot of water on Saturday.
    Did a 40 min. walk in the morning, and 60 mins in the
    afternoon walking the Peach Fesitval.
    Danced all night at the Corn Roast, awesome band.
    So we will see what Monday brings. ; )

    Welcome back!!! :) Looks like you had loads of fun! Doing okay over here...just waiting one more day to weigh in to see if I can lose 1 more lb. :)
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Starting Weight: 222
    Goal Weight: 207

    7/01: 222.0
    7/10: 221.8
    7/18: 221.4
    7/24: 221.4
    8/01: 222.0
    8/08: 220.6
    8/14: 220.2
    9/05: GOAL 207

    Wasn't home Saturday, so no way in then, I didn't eat so good yesterday, so I was actually surprised to still have a loss today, but it is what it is. Gonna be cheating 2 more days, the start a new program locally, so will be busting my but for the next 16 weeks in the Get Fit program. Hope everyone else is doing good!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am checking in at 186.5 this week . Lost 1.5 pounds this week !
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Starting Weight: 160.2
    Goal Weight: 151.2

    7/05: 160.2
    7/12: 159.4
    7/19: 158.0
    7/26: 157.0
    8/02: 155.6
    8/09: 153.8
    8/16: 153.2
  • After a week of being refocused, I'm down a pound!

    7/04: 170
    7/11: 169
    7/18: 169
    7/25: 169
    8/01: 169.5
    8/08: 169.5
    8/15: 168.5
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    ** hanging head down in shame***

    I'm sorry Orange Team. I ate an entire 12" cheesesteak sub for dinner last night and I can still feel it sitting in my stomach. So I am up for the week. I feel like crap. Lesson learned (again)....

    ::::::Team Orange:::

    7/04/11 132.1
    7/11/11 132.7
    7/18/11 130.7 Yay!!! I hit my pre-vacation weight!! Next week it's the 120s!
    7/25/11 129.2 --> finally the 120s!
    8/01/11 127.9
    8/08/11 126.1 My week of hard work paid off!
    8/15/11 127.2
    9/05/11 GW: 123.1
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    July 4 - 172.2 Red, White & Blue Challenge
    July 11 - 175.8 Vacation week - Sailing, biking, walking
    July 14 - 172.3 Jimmy Buffet concert - Sailing over
    July 18 - 172.4 Not too much damage over the weekend will
    try harder next week.
    July 22 - 168.2 Next level goal is 165
    July 29 - 170.0
    August 6 - 170.8
    August 15-173.8 Corn Roast and Peach Festival

    No loss this week. I did have chinese food last night and homemade
    popcorn. I would say probably water weight. Nothing planned for
    next weekend so i hope I can do better. :ohwell:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    weight is the same. Nothing is moving...boohooo....

    We are getting close.....Shake your tail feathers:drinker: :laugh:
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    My weigh in, I was hoping to see the 150's..... next week though. WTG to everyone that has seen losses this week, especially my blue team, Jennifer and Destiny :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    7/04: 163.8
    7/11: 162.4
    7/18: 162.2
    7/25: 163.6
    8/01: 165
    8/08: 161.4
    8/15: 160 :bigsmile:
    Goal 152.8
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    Starting Weight: 268.2
    Goal Weight: 265

    7/04: 268.2
    7/11: 268.2
    7/18: 268.2
    7/25: 272.2
    8/01: 271.4
    8/08: 274.2
    8/15: 272.8 Hoping to be at or below 270 next week! This morning I woke up and had a dream about reaching 260. It seemed so surreal, but then something hit me and it was the coolest feeling can be reality. And 260 is so ridiculously close to the 250s! It was a bit overwhelming. I'm going to try and hold on to that feeling to keep me going. So though I've been sick this weekend and am home sick today from work, I'm really looking forward to another loss next week! YES!
    9/05: GOAL 265
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    Go RED TEAM!
    Starting Weight: 173
    Goal Weight: 155

    7/05: 173
    7/11: 171.0
    8/09 171.4
    8/15 170.0
  • Okay...I waited as long as I could. I lost 2 lbs by this past Friday...not sure what happened, gained 1 lb of that back :grumble: So for this week, the scale said 221.1 :ohwell: I'm looking for a bigger number next week...the only reason why is because this week is going to be harsh for me...I have to clean 2 apartments for my landlord, and each apartment takes almost 9 hours each...AND I am working 5 nights this week too...((midnights)) so if when I'm not working, I'm sleeping...and when I'm not sleeping I'm cleaning these apartments. I am walking also at work on my lunch breaks now, and after work in the mornings I run to the park and get in about 3 miles. ((helps me sleep))
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