Hey You..Yeah you the 30' something, Im looking for you!



  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    YAY!!! I'm officially 30 as of Sunday! WOOT!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    OMG....post on here when you post the swimsuit challenge to let us know!! Although I dread wearing my suit...I am totally in for this!!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I'm in for a challage too! I'll keep an eye out for the new post.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    35 and 5'8"
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    I love this - I was dreading turning 30, but it's been the best 6 months of my life so far!!!
    Sign me up and challenge me!!!
  • imgone324
    imgone324 Posts: 84
    The challenge has been issued. Look for a separate thread titled "Hey You 30' Something - Swimsuit Challenge". Sign up early. Challenge starts July 1st.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    cool!!! I will go *bump* it for now!!
  • imgone324
    imgone324 Posts: 84

    Thank you Ruth....much more "technically savvy" than I am.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Just copy the url and past it and it is hyper linked. I do it for my 3500+ calorie burn challenge. Makes it so much easier.
  • lynn12
    lynn12 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm in , 37, 5.7 ,164 lb
  • tamiesue2
    tamiesue2 Posts: 149 Member
    Hey all you fabulous 30' somethings. You asked for motivation and a challenge, here it is:


    You can keep doing whatever program you are doing, this is for actual calories burned. Head on over to the thread and sign up now! Starts July 1st
  • tamiesue2
    tamiesue2 Posts: 149 Member
  • pmorgan813
    pmorgan813 Posts: 135 Member
    Hey all! I'll be 34 in Aug. 5'1 single mom of a 17yr daughter. Started somewhere in the 230s down to the 220s (it seems more discouraging to me to use specific #s still at this point). I work anywhere from 45-55 hours a week and do online classes....this is my excuse for not having time to exercise like I know I should. SO.... I need some serious motivation here folks. I was doing good on the 17 Day Diet for the first 10 days but then we went on vacation and it all went to pot from there. Now I need help getting back on the wagon. Friend me and start holding me accountable since no one else in my life does. PLEASE!!!
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    I want to join a 30's group!!! I am a 31 yr old mom of 2 boys (ages 3 and 1) been married almost 5 yrs!!! Started at 239 currently at 211!!! Still got a long way to go for my goal but I'm in it to finish it!!
  • tamiesue2
    tamiesue2 Posts: 149 Member
    Just a reminder to all you 30' somethings that the swimsuit challenge starts tomorrow. Two teams compete against each other. Goal is for each member to burn 3500 calories a week, thats 500 a day. Losers have to post swimsuit pics. Let rock it!!!
  • pmorgan813
    pmorgan813 Posts: 135 Member
    Good luck to all those on the July swimsuit challenge! Being new at this whole "healthy" thing, I'm starting off slower and have joined the 5+lbs lost in July challenge as well as possibly the July mileage challenge. 500 burned a day sounds like a little too much for me right off the bat :blushing:
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    Good luck to all those on the July swimsuit challenge! Being new at this whole "healthy" thing, I'm starting off slower and have joined the 5+lbs lost in July challenge as well as possibly the July mileage challenge. 500 burned a day sounds like a little too much for me right off the bat :blushing:

    hi there... if you wish you can join another challenge that will begin on July 11th to Labor day... its called the Labor Day Losers and its goal is to lose 15 llbs by Labor Day. It should be a bit easier to start with... and the support from the ladies in that group is awesome (we are finishing up a "Mommy Challenge" on Monday and Labor Day Losers will be sort of a spin-off from that!)

    I've sent you a friend request and if you wish I can keep you updated as to when its about to start! If not, look out for it on the Message Boards! Good luck!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    30 and 5'3" ... ADD ME 30-somethings!
  • pmorgan813
    pmorgan813 Posts: 135 Member
    Good luck to all those on the July swimsuit challenge! Being new at this whole "healthy" thing, I'm starting off slower and have joined the 5+lbs lost in July challenge as well as possibly the July mileage challenge. 500 burned a day sounds like a little too much for me right off the bat :blushing:

    hi there... if you wish you can join another challenge that will begin on July 11th to Labor day... its called the Labor Day Losers and its goal is to lose 15 llbs by Labor Day. It should be a bit easier to start with... and the support from the ladies in that group is awesome (we are finishing up a "Mommy Challenge" on Monday and Labor Day Losers will be sort of a spin-off from that!)

    I've sent you a friend request and if you wish I can keep you updated as to when its about to start! If not, look out for it on the Message Boards! Good luck!

    Thanks! I found a couple of challenges to join that have me super motivated right now. And now that my motivation is up my daughter is becoming more supportive too which REALLY helps! I embarked on a whole new me recently including eating healthier and going back to school.