

  • Butter13
    Butter13 Posts: 25 Member
    I am. I just finished Day 9. I don't schedule rest days because life will do those for you. For example, I missed a four day stretch when I had out of town houseguests and then got sick. So every day I can do the Shred (and other exercises) I do it, because I know there will come days when *kitten* happens and I just don't have time.

    Still on Level 1, but seeing progress - less pauses, less sore, deeper lunges, etc. Maybe try Level 2 in a week or so. How about you ladies?
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I finished Day 10 today!
  • jmceldowney
    thanks for your note. I just did the first day of level 1 and I now know my first goal is to get past day 4.
  • Butter13
    Butter13 Posts: 25 Member
    You can do it JM! I thought I couldn't go past day 1, then day 2 (see the thread above). But I did it and now am not really that sore anymore from the shred. Just keep doing it, even if you have to take breaks. You could even try not using any weights the first few days, just move your hands and your own resistance.

    Great job everyone. I think I may try Level 2 tomorrow. Pray for me. :)