40 Somethings ~ Where Are You??



  • amclark37
    amclark37 Posts: 19
    Just turned 40 on Tuesday I would love to join the group!
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    48 here and 5'3..would love to join this site. i have been here since april 1st.
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    HERE !!! HERE!!!! HERE !!!!

    I'm 47, 5'4" have 20 more pounds to lose... have lost almost 50 already! I have 2 kids in college and one still at home who is starting high school...

    Could use advice on not only losing the last bit but on "dating" at our age... ugh...

    Add me as a friend, if you'd like!

  • mommaJulez
    Hi! I'm Julie, 45, and a SAHM of 6 kids and just found MFP yesterday. I am a runner and trying to lose the weight from baby #5! Was hoping taking up running could do it but find that I need to be more careful with my eating so began my search and came here. So far I am loving it!

    I decided to really get my act together for me but really, I'm doing it for my kids so I can live longer and healthier and keep up with my little troop!

    Looking forward to your support!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I would love to join you. I am 48 5' 6; I have been here since last july and lost 73lbs but i would like to lose at least another 27 lbs. The reason I started this journey was because I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid. I felt like I didnt have a life anymore i was just doing the bear min. to get through the day. No energy and no motivation.............WOW what a difference a yr makes
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Count me in...

    I just had a follow up visit with my doctor today. 211 cholesterol, BP 148/90. She said I had to lower my cholesterol and bring my blood pressure down or I ws going to have to start taking medication. 216lbs at 5' 9"

    I can lose the weight, but It has been a challenge for me to keep the weight off.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Okay fellow 40 something's, what prompted you to make a change?

    At 37 I took up Taekwondo and I've been doing it for the last few years. I had been working out at home but TKD really bumped it up a notch. I had a rough year last year though with not feeling well, run down, etc and was really getting frustrated that I couldn't seem to shake out of it and start feeling better. I had gained about 20 pounds over that year in addition to the weight I was already carrying and really didn't know what to do. We were at the fair last August and happened to stroll by the Vitamix guy's demo booth and he struck up a conversation with us. I already owned a Vitamix so we were just chatting about health and stuff when he challenged me to drink at least two green smoothies a day for the next two weeks and see how I felt. Then not only did he give me the recipe but he also blended me up a drink right there and gave me a BIG glass (not the little dixie cup samples.) He never tried to sell me a thing, just offered support and suggestions.

    I started drinking the smoothies twice a day and did it for the two weeks he'd challenged me to. My entire family was pretty amazed at the change in me! I had energy and actually had a zest for life again! I was able to not only keep doing my TKD but I was also able to start picking up my exercising at home for the first time in awhile! And I was happy and feeling so much better! I kept at the smoothies (though I only do one a day now) and continued to see my stamina improve. I was doing so much better that I got promoted to my next belt in TKD.

    As I sat there watching the testing I realized that if I ever wanted to earn my black belt I will need to really step up the training and it would be really helpful if I lose the extra weight. That was the beginning of December and had already lost 9 pounds just by adding the smoothies so I had a little momentum going. I managed to maintain through the holidays but then January 4th I saw a friend post something on Facebook about MFP and after a quick search found the site. I created a profile and things really started to roll.

    I'm on my second round of P90X and just got promoted again in TKD and even got the comment from the head guy of "Good job! I see much improvement!" This meant an incredible amount to me since the motivation for me was to do better at Taekwondo. Hearing that all the hard work is noticeable in a non weight loss capacity was a real morale booster for me! And the last belt I earned took me 10 months. This time it only took me six months! Yes!! I've continued to tweak my diet and exercise routines and am halfway through the second round of P90X and feeling amazingly good!

    I have every intention of finding that Vitamix guy at the fair this year and thanking him. I may even hug the guy! :D
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    Gotta laugh, I'm probably 5'6", although my license says 5"7" and Sat was my 46th birthday. So I guess I fit the criteria!! ;-)
    If the group is still open I would love to join.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Okay fellow 40 something's, what prompted you to make a change?

    Two things.... one was seeing myself in Christmas holiday photos - I really packed on the weight last year and just hated seeing how I looked in those pictures.

    The other one is the reason I put on weight last year - I'd long ago decided that I would never had kids and was quite OK with it until I found myself pregnant last year (at 43 you'd think I'd know better!). Sadly I lost the baby and turned to comfort eating to deal with my grief. I think I just decided that since I should have been getting bigger and bigger each week anyway, it didn't matter how much weight I put on. I always knew this wasn't rational so I decided that my estimated due date (11/1/11) would be the day to stop feeling sorry for myself and to make the most of my life with my lovely husband, baby or no baby.
    So, come Jan 11, I started walking... then running.... then I found C25K and MFP and here I am, 17kg (37 pounds) lighter and feeling better than ever in mind and in body.

    I guess the short version of my long winded tale is that I am trying to lose my "baby weight", even though I don't have the baby!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    HERE !!! HERE!!!! HERE !!!!

    I'm 47, 5'4" have 20 more pounds to lose... have lost almost 50 already! I have 2 kids in college and one still at home who is starting high school...

    Could use advice on not only losing the last bit but on "dating" at our age... ugh...

    Add me as a friend, if you'd like!


    Don't rule out internet dating, but expect to meet a lot of frogs before you meet your prince charming :)
    I was ready to give it up, after meeting lots of nice guys (and a few creepy ones) but none who wanted to actually be in a long term relationship, then I met my husband through an online dating site and we were married one year later.
    It can happen :heart:
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi ladies, id love to join this group. Im 44, 5ft 1 1/2" ( have to include the 1/2 it makes a difference lol ) ive got 2 grown up sons and 2 grand children and joined MFP in April 2011. Its a great site and helps me stay focused. So far ive lost 8lb and 11 inches and only have 5 lb to go to reach my target :smile: I work out daily at my gym and have been a member of the 30 day shred thread which was fab. Nice to meet you all :flowerforyou:
  • EileenAvery
    Hiya! I am 48, five foot one and a half inches tall and staying under 114 pounds with the help of my MFP Friends. I do strength training twice a week, plus dog walking. I LOVE being strong enough to do 30 push up and full chin ups, it keeps my joints strong and pain free.
  • dawnstl
    dawnstl Posts: 91
    Okay fellow 40 something's, what prompted you to make a change?

    Hi gang! I started this thread to find people of similar age and backgrounds! Love meeting all the new people!

    I started my journey after my husband battled cancer a few years back. My journey was more about getting healthy rather than weight loss. However, I DO need to lose weight as well. I started running a couple years ago and thought that meant I could also eat whatever I wanted. That is NOT the case. I didn't lose any weight while pounding the pavement. I've completed numerous 5k's, 10k's and half marathons. Still need to complete a full marathon, but need to conquer my fear of that task first!

    I have the exercise end of this gig under control. I exercise 6 days a week with cardio and strength training. Now I need to get my eating under control. I think a big part of my weight problem is the weekend partying. I LOVE my beer. I've noticed that I'll pack on about 3-4 lbs over the weekend and then spend all week trying to lose it again only to start all over again the next week. This might be okay if I was at goal weight but I'm NOT. Trying to figure out how to balance my life so that I can lose weight but not give up having fun along the way. My motto since the cancer scare is to live each day to the fullest!

  • Kimkimba
    Kimkimba Posts: 173 Member
    I'm definitely 40 something (45 to be exact). I'm 5'9" and mom of 4. My oldest daughter is grown and on her own (she's 22). And I have three kids at home - my son is 13 and my daughters are 8 and 4. I'm here mostly to get healthy but a little bit of vanity, too. I didn't have a weight problem until I quit working at age 37 to become a SAHM. The pregnancies in my older age left me with this extra weight I just haven't been able to get rid of.

    I'd love more friends, if anyone wants to friend me.
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member

    I am 45 and 5'5. I have two sons, 15 & 11. Lots of reasons why I am here. Seeing my parents & grandparents age, I want to be healthier than they are. I also want to look good and feel good. I have another 30 lbs give or take to lose.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    I started wanting to get in better shape the last few years.I'm 48(almost 50)to look and feel younger.To be the best I can be.I saw on a exercise video Paula Abduls get up and dance a lady being interviewed at the beggining of the tape.she says she is 50 and it's not over yet.I like people saying you really do not look your age.I have some arthritis in my back and left knee.So I want to be stronger for that too.Do we just record what we do here everyday?I'm starting week 2.workout out 2.Day 8 of Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 today.:smile:
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    I spent my 30's hiding behind the fat.. I was just existing. At 41 almost 42 I am going to have a life that I desire.
  • Purplefly
    Purplefly Posts: 71
    Okay fellow 40 something's, what prompted you to make a change?
    Eventually I would like to find someone and settle down once again. I have enough baggage with two kids still at home and my life style to bring even more baggage with me ( weight). Plus to be honest.....I am tired of being a fat blob
    Good for you for doing it for yourself!!!
    My reason started out for "me", I wanted to fit into shorts that I already had so I didn't have to buy new ones, but when I mentioned in front of some friends that I wanted to lose a few pounds, this "friend" made the comment "Your in your 40's now, and you've had 4 kids, your not going to look like your in your 20's. Just accept were you are in life and get over it." Well, this pised me off and now all I can think of is " I'll show you ashole!"
    We are going to a waterpark with these friends at the end of July, and I plan on being able to not just wear a bikini, but rock it!!!

    Good for you don't let the naysayers and complacent ones hold you back. You can accept your age and still work to improve yourself. Learning and doing new thing keeps you feeling happy no matter your age IMHO, not sitting on yer rear watching life go by. Maybe they are just jealous because you are doing it and they arent...
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    41 and only 5'1 so it only takes a couple of pounds to add a dress size. Anyone else from the UK?

    Used MFP last year to help shed 20lbs of baby weight (could have done with losing another 10lbs but then I started my masters degree)

    This year since March I've been on medication which has a side effect of "increased appetite" which basically means my eating is completely out of control.

    Now looking for help and support to not only stop me gaining weight (I have already gained 14lbs since March) but to get back on track any maybe even get to my goal weight.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Hi All! I'm 43 and fairly new to MFP, just logged my 25th day. :) I originally lost quite a bit of weight about 2 years ago using a different website, but I have had a very difficult time keeping it off. This time around, my hubby is joining me. That makes it so much easier. I'm already back down to where I was 2 years ago, and now I am going to try and reduce a little further. Then I need to try and figure out the mechanics of maintaining. Would love some new friends, as I need all the support I can get! :tongue: