Embaressed to work out


Well I think the subject says it all.

I feel very insucure working out in public, well even in-front of my husband.

I'm not sure what the real problem is, working out in-front my brother and sister (or more like with them) was never a problem. Actually I enjoyed it, my Brother would push us, and I would stick to my routine.
Yet now, I'm not at home with them, and I find working out to be almost an embrasment.
I know my husband supports me, and wants me to be happy.
He's not negitive in any way.
Yet now that I think of it, I can't even come to tell him I want to lose wait again, or that I want to work out.

So my question to you all is what kind of execise can I do privetly and in a short time that will actully help me trim pounds and tone up?

All Responses are Apprciated!


  • spicybaer79
    8 Minutes in the Morning by Jorge Cruise...I've never followed the food portion of it just the exercise part and it works. You can usually find it in the book store or even your local library. Best of Luck and I know how you feel..
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I would look more into the issue of why you are embarrased, keep in mind most people at the gym are there to work out and dont judge people, everyone has their first day in the gym, I would just go do it.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Walk. It's safe and easy and not threatening at all. And it doesn't "advertise" to the world that your intention is exercise, it just says hey I'm a lady out for a walk.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    i went into my basement, and made it very clear that he is not to enter until I come upstairs...now I'm at the point where I don't care, I go to the gym and sweat my *kitten* off, and there are bigger people than me in there...smaller too...but the thing about a gym is people are there to look at themselves not you...do you honestly think someone's going to come up to you and say "hey fatty find some place else to work out?" That was my fear...but once I made direct eye contact with a couple of gym rats, I realized they aren't even looking at me, and if they were, they were impressed that I was doing SOMETHING to lose weight. Being self conscious is half the battle, once you gain some more self esteem, you won't care who's looking.
  • ElizabethDoesCrossfit
    ElizabethDoesCrossfit Posts: 25 Member
    I felt the same way. I still get that way. But you have to remember that the motivation to be in better shape, and feel better, you have to overcome that self consciousness. Believe me, when you go to the gym, they aren't looking at you like 'why are you here' they look at you as just more inspiration, because you're trying to reach your goals.

    And your husband can be your support system. He married you, for better or worse. He loves you unconditionally, and I'm sure he'd want to be there with you through this journey.

    But if you still are too uncomfortable, go on walks around your neighborhood when it's dusk, when he's at work or grocery shopping, eat correctly. This isn't going to happen in a short amount of time, this takes time.

    Good luck! I'll friend request you because I love being a motivator! (:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Walk. It's safe and easy and not threatening at all. And it doesn't "advertise" to the world that your intention is exercise, it just says hey I'm a lady out for a walk.

    good one...at lunch is the best
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I have the exact same issue... when I was working out (as I feel off my horse!) I was doing it in the basement in a locked room and I did the ripped in 30 video and the 30 day shred and I have my treadmill in there for days I just didn't feel like doing a video. OR if the family was on bored we would go for walks!!!
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred Dvd I do this t home in my bedroom and I shut the door till I'm done!
  • rebaflores
    Walk. Cheap, effective, and it's covert "working out" :)
  • GooneyAngel
    Walk. It's safe and easy and not threatening at all. And it doesn't "advertise" to the world that your intention is exercise, it just says hey I'm a lady out for a walk.

    BRAVO!! Excellent advice!
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I bought a second hand stationary bike for my home in January. Love it!! It was perfect when I was snowed in during an ice storm...and I also use my Wii and do Zumba at home.

    Good luck to you!
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    Awww, i remember feeling self-conscious about exercising in front of people.

    I would just bite the bullet and tell your husband. You said he's very supportive.

    Just let him know that you'd like to trim down a little and you want the living room to yourself for an hour a day to do it. I'm sure he won't have a problem with that.

    Then you could get a workout dvd or something.

    I started doing gym classes and soon realised that nobody was even looking at me, they were too wrapped up in themselves lol.

    Good luck xx
  • trdy77
    trdy77 Posts: 82 Member
    jumping jacks is my go to. I'm the same way around my husband - so I usually kick him out of the house or tell him to go read for an hour. The other day I actually caught him doing one of my 5 Factor Fitness workouts (he said I was his inspiration :bigsmile: )
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I work a sort of opposite schedule from my significant other... so when he's at work in the morning I do 30 day shred. When he's asleep when I get home, I do a low-impact pilates or yoga video (so I'm not stomping and destroying the house)

    Walking is good to do WITH him, too... cause like they said up there ^ it's not "just for weight-loss," it's pretty NORMAL!

    once you feel more fit you'll feel less self conscious I'm sure :)
  • sabogirl
    sabogirl Posts: 2
    I feel the same way. My husband works nights, so after I put our daughter to bed at night, I run around inside the house for half an hour, while I watch tv. I can jump around and be crazy without worrying about what anyone else thinks.:smile:
  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    I know what you mean. My husband is never negative and is supportive but I don't like to workout in front of him. I like to workout and I do enjoy working out with others, but when it comes to workout with my husband its just harder. I have found Leslie Sansone walking DVD's are great. Also the P90X program is fantastic to do.
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 707
    Well sweetheart, any type of workout you choose will be good...but if you want something quick, what about 30 shred by Jullian, the DVD is $10 and it is a 20 min. workout. It's a Wham Bam thank you ma’am without the frustration of a quickie....lol.

    But seriously, I understand the embarrassment I told no one I was losing weight until they started to notice and that was not until about 40 pounds, I kept it very quiet. I remember going on vacation with my parents last year and refusing to run because I did not want them to see the spectacle that was me. I would also hide in the woods and only run when no one was looking because of embarrassment. Take is slow baby, you will get your confidence up but only if you do it! You will never have the confidence to exercise in front of anyone unless you start. I have faith in you!! Keep it to yourself if you like, but do it!!! You know what I figured out, it is much more embarrassing to not be able to walk up a flight of stairs without being winded or barely squeezing my *kitten* into a chair than to exercise in public. Whatever you choose we are here for you
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I used to be embarrassed when I was a teenager in high school. All I wanted to do was fit in. I never saw my friends getting up and jogging so I would jog in a cemetary near my home. Now I'm a mom and I am working with a daughter who is embarrassed to go out and exercise. So,.. I gave her courage. Her courage is a stip of brightly colored hair. Her color of choice is purple. It's a strand of hair behind her ear. She decided to either keep her new purple hair to herself or to pull it forward for the whole world to see. She went a few weeks where nobody knew she had purple hair. Now, a year later, the whole front of her head is purple. She overcame her fears of embarrassment taking it one day at a time. Make your own statement. Decide you don't care what other people think about you exercising. Perhaps you can start walking (see American Heart Associateion START program for ideas) and maybe you could turn gaming into exericise like the Wii Fit or Zumba? And if you need more friends to help you get motivated...please feel free to add me
  • helgamaria1
    helgamaria1 Posts: 10 Member
    I agree you should focus on overcoming the fear of exercising In public, it's such a joy and motivation to be around other peolpe who are working towards their goal just like you , and remember if your hubby is giving you a hard time, it isn't about how many times you slip and fall but rather to keep getting back up and trying until you reach your goal, even if it takes a couple of tries!!!
  • scante60
    scante60 Posts: 106 Member
    I have to chime in on the walking thing - when I started this program, I figured walking would be my exercise, because there was no way I was in shape enough to do much else. So far, it's been enough to keep me going on weight loss, and walking has been enough to give me enough extra calories so that I can feel satiated on those extra craving days.