What is your goal weight and why?



  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I am 5'5 and my goal weight is 115. Mostly because thats what i weigh right now, and it seems pretty easy to just try to stay that way. I could probably comfortably get down to 110, but i would rather focus more on toning and strenthening than losing any weight. If it hits 120, then i know its time to lay off the candy and squeeze in an extra work out or two!

    (also, BMI is redonk. my weight is technically on the low side, but i have a higher body fat than most people my size. I just have a small frame and an undying love of candy.)
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    I'm 5'4, medium frame (supposedly but I think it's wrong). My goal weight is 120 ... I'm at 128 right now. I would rather have less body fat and weigh more then 120 ... but which ever comes first. While skinny looks good on some people, I'd rather look like Jamie Eason or Juilana Daniell.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    This thread had me realize how unrealistic some of my expectations might be. I guess I need to come to terms with the fact that I'm not a failure if I don't end up looking like Cristiano Ronaldo.
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm 5"3 and I'd love to be about 8 1/2 - 9 stone (120-127lbs)
    I'm currently 12 1/2 stone (176lbs)
    I didn't base it on BMI, because even my doctor told me not to go by it, because my body shape is more athletic than what BMI was based on.
    But it I don't like what I see at 120lbs, I'll continue to lose weight until I'm happy with how I look!
    I base my weight on how my body looks, not by BMI or other people's bodies.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    My goal is to break 200 lbs (199 or lower).
    Last time I was below 200lbs was over 20 years ago. Before my children were born.
    The goal is arbitrary. My motivation is my health. (Recently diagnosed with high blood pressure)
    In addition I chose Martial Arts as my method of exercise. Although I am progressing my weight is a hindrance.

    Good luck !

    Forgot to mention: I am 5 ft 10 inches. Currently 248 lbs (Down from 270 lbs)
  • janine0187
    janine0187 Posts: 15
    Before I moved to Ireland 5 years ago my weight was 10.2. Now I'm on 11.8!!!
    Thats one reason why I want to lose weight. I want to get back to my normal weight.

    2 other things are is that I want to back to a flat tummy so I am able to wear bikinis on holidays and not hide anything.

    Last thing would be. I sorted out my clothes recently and had to find out that one if my favorite summer trousers from last year no longer fit. There is no way I am going throw them in the bin. So that's why it is my target to to be 10.2 again.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    I'm sure many people would disagree, but for me, at 5 foot 9, I'm aiming for 12 stone, but thats a toned, muscular 12 stone with a good level of fitness, putting me at a UK dress size 12/14, which for me is healthy and happy. And yes, it's based on a previous weight and fitness level I felt awesome at. I don't want to be athletic or anything, just a happier healthier toned version of me that can still eat cheese and bread sometimes and go out drinking, living life etc and feeling good about how I look.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I'm 5"5 - goal weight is 118 pounds because this is my happy weight.

    Although recently I have been less focused on reaching this number and more focused on measurements, definition, and fitness. If I weigh 125 but am toned and fit I'd be much happier than being a skeleton or thin fat :P
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Let's see, 6'4" and I'm setting goal weight at 220. Why? It's fairly arbitrary. BMI is stupid for tall people, so I didn't want to go on that...And I remember that around 210 I felt pretty good...but I'm older now, so I figured I'd set a target for 220 and then reassess the situation when I get there :)
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    I'm one of the people on here that had an already 'perfect' BMI when i joined. I was never over-weight just pudgy for me. I have a small frame even though i'm 5'5.5 (remember the half!) so even at 145-150lbs i looked overweight.

    I set my target for 135lb ( i think...) but I'm not really reaching for it as a 'goal' more so as a figure that i think once i get back into shape i might weigh. i hold most of my weight on my stomach and i just wanted to shift that, unfortunately it seems to be going off everywhere else first but ah well.

    maybe not the best attitude to have but i don't care about the number on my scale but the way my body looks. i miss having a trim stomach, toned legs and yearn for a toned upper body with some strength (finally - i'm a wimp!)
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I'm 5'5" and my goal weight was 55 kg (121 lbs) because it always has been. I weighed that much at school, and every time I've lost weight I've returned there.

    I don't like to go below a BMI of 20 because it's said to be bad for fertility, but aesthetically I'd like to experiment with a little lower.

    When I first reached goal weight this time my arms were so skinny that my armpits looked like caves! Now I've added some muscle and feel much better about them. So even in the same person a single weight can mean quite different things :laugh:
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    My goal is 160. I'm between 5'10"-5'11" That is how much I weighed at my wedding 2 years and thirty five pounds ago.

    I want to be healthier and have more energy!
  • cheesesandwich
    cheesesandwich Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 5'4" and small framed. My goal is 110-115 - I weighed that in college and I like the way my proportions look in that range.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I'm 6ft 3in tall and my goal weight is around 265lbs. This number comes from the heavyweight limit for fighters in mma(UFC).
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    My goal weight right now is 134 lbs (~62 Kg for those who like the metric system :P). I'm just shy of 5'2" (62") and when I was in high school I used to weigh 145 lbs. Ironically enough, I carry my weight very well and I've always been physically 'dense'. Mentally dense, too, at times (lol), but even when I was born at 8 lbs flat, my mom noticed that I felt HEAVIER than I looked (tiny!). So, at 145 lbs, I was wearing a juniors size 7 (about a 6 most days) and I thought I was fat... Boy was I wrong!!! I looked GOOD back then and after gaining weight later on in high school and a little more in college (I didn't gain my first year, I actually lost. I started to gain weight when I started partying more...) the highest weight I have seen has been just on the brink of 180 lbs.

    Sorry for all the background, I just feel chatty today. Anyways, even though I look great even at my current weight, I know that I have the potential to look PHENOMENAL if I lose the weight. Not only is 135 a healthier weight for me according to the blasphemous BMI index (which at my current weight tells me I'm obese.... not exactly), but I'm also trying to go into the Army Reserves and I need to either get below that weight or below a certain body fat percentage to be eligible to enlist.

    Mainly, though, I would like to get to 135 and see how I like it and then see if I want to lose more weight from there. For me, my goal really isn't about being able to wear a certain dress size or anything like that. I really just want to take the weight off so that I'm not putting unnecessary strain on my joints and body. Also, losing weight and being in much better shape will help me do more activities with ease like running and SCUBA diving. With less weight to push around, life literally gets easier!

    I think it's important to have your own personal goals and reasons to losing weight and to make your plan personal to your body's needs and your experience level in certain activities. I always push myself to try new exercises or techniques at the gym, but I try to focus on weight loss and fitness as a step towards a healthier way of life and not necessarily an image. Although, I would be lying my *kitten* off if I said that I didn't care about having an awesome beach body!!! :)
  • fireyes
    fireyes Posts: 31 Member
    If I had to give it a number, it'd be 125 (I'm 5'7" and currently 134). Honestly, I just want to get to where I feel good about my body, which is pretty much wherever eating healthy and exercising takes me.
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    As long as I fit in a size 2 I don't care what weight I am.
  • DancingYogini
    I'm one of the people on here that had an already 'perfect' BMI when i joined. I was never over-weight just pudgy for me. I have a small frame even though i'm 5'5.5 (remember the half!) so even at 145-150lbs i looked overweight.

    I set my target for 135lb ( i think...) but I'm not really reaching for it as a 'goal' more so as a figure that i think once i get back into shape i might weigh. i hold most of my weight on my stomach and i just wanted to shift that, unfortunately it seems to be going off everywhere else first but ah well.

    maybe not the best attitude to have but i don't care about the number on my scale but the way my body looks. i miss having a trim stomach, toned legs and yearn for a toned upper body with some strength (finally - i'm a wimp!)

    I also started here with a good BMI (22% I believe)...now I am at 20.6% (having gained some weight back from my all time low of 18.9%). I am going to avoid thinking negatively about BMI's and the scale and just focus on how my favorite jeans fit :smile: I know some of my gain is from muscle, cause I work out more than I ever have in my life!!! I tend to gain in my belly too, and need to watch myself, because it is too easy to fall back into bad habits once you hit maintenance weight! I still fit into a 4/6(US) and am happy with my body (at least I am trying to be....I have a few body image issues, including body dysmorphia). Oh, and I am 5'9" and weigh exactly 140, based on my Doctor's scale today! I would prefer to be at 135, but will allow myself some wiggle room :smile:
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I'm a 5' 9" guy. I set my goal weight to 170 lb because when I started out, I estimated my lean body mass to be about 150 lb. Assuming that my LBM stays around that or gains since I am doing strength training and cardio, 170 lb would put me around 10-12% body fat. Ultimately, I am not fixated on a goal weight, but getting to that body fat % range.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    I am 6'2". I have a goal of 225 although my "ideal weight range" tops at 196. I have had that as my goal twice in the past and got frustrated when I worked so hard to get to 225 and couldn't get any further. My body like 225, my body looks good at 225, I was 225 when I graduated high school and was happy.