My boss made me feel like crap....



  • blackchick41bb
    Im going to turn this into a positive and keep on losing this weight!!! I dont care what his skinny butt has to say! THANK YALL SO MUCH FOR THE INSPIRATION!!!!!!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    What a horrible (and patently untrue) thing for your boss to say!! I can understand why you were hurt, but please try to keep in mind that someone saying something doesn't make it true. If he had said you were a criminal, it wouldn't make it true either, right?

    I'm sorry that you ran into such an insensitive, judgmental person but try to shake it off. You are by no means disgusting and you have been very successful so far in your plan to get healthier. Don't let the cruelty of one IDIOT derail you!!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    OMG @ your boss!! I would report his rude comment to HR for sure. He is you BOSS and while he is allowed to have opinions there's a time and a place to express them and the workplace isn't one of them. He doesn't sound like a very nice person and if he keeps it up he's going to send the morale of the company into the toilet.
    I'm sorry he said that to you. Try not to take it to heart. You are going a fabulous job with the weight loss. Keep up the great work!!