Hell Yeah Fat Lady!



  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    She wrote: "Heehee. I'm living on both sides of that. Started out running at 240 thinking everyone was staring at me. Even though I was doing the C25K intervals, if there was another runner coming toward me when it was time for me to walk, I'd keep running until I passed them, knowing they would be judging if I walked. As I mentioned, it took a while to realize that the majority are just happy to see you trying (or don't even notice because they're trying so hard themselves).

    Now, my normal running route passes by a McDonalds and while passing people walking with their take-out bags I'm so proud of myself and I HOPE they're noticing me and start wanting to do better for themselves. I try not to judge too much though because you never know if that's their once-every-6-months treat though - plus, you never know what's in the bag. ;)

    Bottom line, be happy for (and supportive of) people who are trying, and don't judge based on what you see!"


    I've been judging the skinny people. Thinking what do they know about hard work and having to try. But you know, after MFP I started looking at them and thinking they might have not so long ago been really big and worked for that body!

    And to the other poster who said "guilty" about DVD's this is the point. Thats good stuff!! But I get a little ruffled when I hear young punks poo-poo anyone walking, or doing 10 minutes of something, or logging housework. Any exercise is good enough if you keep active and keep trying! "Good enough" is what gets you going. If it gets you to a next level: bonus!!
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Love this! Whenever I'm driving and see people jogging or running along the road, I always think go them. I wish I could do that.
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    When I first started at a group fitness studio I weighed 304 pounds. I was scares and intimidated. I couldn't do a sit-up as well
    As struggled through every thing else. I was amazed at how supportive my class mates were. They would lap me and encourage me a they went by. Every success I made they were my cheerleaders much like mfp friends are. So keep cheering for the "fat" lady. Unless you have been there, most people have no idea how hard it is to get started.
  • meinco
    meinco Posts: 62 Member
    I don't know why but I was crying while reading this post and the comments. Granted I have been on an emotional rollercoaster this last week - but it really moved me - everyone being so supportive of each other.

    Being good and being kind has such a ripple effect; ripples that spread out farther than we can ever realize.

    We want to see kindness and empathy in this world, we have to be kind, encouraging and empthatic.

    Love this!

    Hell yeah fat lady! You go!!! And you too teen boy struggling with an ED (boys get them too)! And you middle age mom trying to be healthy for your kids! And you- gorgeous couple...hell yes to you too! Everyone who wakes up in the morning with a purpose to be BETTER, to do something to move them towards their goals-all of you are awesome!
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    Hell yeah fat lady! You go!!! And you too teen boy struggling with an ED (boys get them too)! And you middle age mom trying to be healthy for your kids! And you- gorgeous couple...hell yes to you too! Everyone who wakes up in the morning with a purpose to be BETTER, to do something to move them towards their goals-all of you are awesome!

    And HELL YEAH to you for this statement - couldn't agree more! :)
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Yes yes. Like someone else said: More encouragement, less negativity. Well done Lady..just hope she gets the verbal communication she probably needs..
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    One of the things that continues to keep me from starting couch to 5k has been the fear of what others would think while my fat butt was out there failing at running, but this thread definitely lifted my spirits! It'll remind me to not just think "good for you" but to offer verbal encouragement to others as well. I mean, if I am feeling this way then obviously others out there are as well.