Row the World Game - CLOSED boat (Capt jagrib0112)



  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    484 for me
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member

    Water all done!

  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Okay Chicks! How about an update, shall I????

    We're plugging right along....I have been super busy the last few days, so our boat hasn't been updated in a couple days. As soon as it is, I'll let everyone know where we're at. I wanted to thank you girls for really busting your *kitten* on Friday. I felt really guilty about not being able to get a super burn in. But you girls really worked so hard and got us a GREAT total for the day - 11814 calories ~ 945.12 miles!!! That's a FANTASTIC effort! I'm so proud of you all!!!

    Just a reminder - tomorrow is water day. I think at some point, earlier in this week, I said that it was Saturday. But I had lied. (ooops! Sorry about that!) Our water day this week is Sunday, so please make sure you get your 9 cups in! Again, if everyone drinks all 9 cups, that gives us over 1300 miles. Big big BIG jump!

    Let's keep it rollin, Ladies!!!
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    So yesterday i did 604.. Will start water for today.

  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    I saw Lee posted the first boat finished, who was it? Will the rest of the boats finish? Great job everyone. I'm starting my water so 9 wont be a problem.

    Have a great day!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hi Girlies!!! Yes, it's true the Evil Flying Monkeys have finished the trip around the world.

    So - here's my question to all of you girlies.....We're currently in 7th place. It looks like we have about 11k miles to go before we reach the finish. Based on this last week's burns, it would take us just under 4 weeks to get there....

    Lee has said that he will continue to run the game if people want to make it to the finish. I'm down to continue leading our boat back to the shore. But I have to admit that I don't want to do it if we're only going to half *kitten* it. So, I'm leaving it up to you girls. If *everyone* is still up for finishing this journey, then let's keep going. But if not, please be honest with me, and we can dock in Chile and have a nice vacay together. ;-) maybe track down some hot beach bums to rub our aching muscles.

    Seriously, though, Ladies. Let me know your thoughts. You can post here or reply to PM (I'm going to PM this to everyone, so I make sure all see it). I won't be mad or disappointed in whatever you all decide, I just want to make sure we're all in before we go charging ahead.
  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    water all done for me today as well... As far as continuing.. I'll leave it up to the majority.. I've been kinda MIA for the past week and a half due to my sisters being in town and me being on vacation.. I've been getting some exercise in.. but not as much as usual. I start back to reality tomorrow... and so should my regular work out routine.\

    Sorry if i've let anyone down.. real life just kinda got in the way!!
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    Water's done!

  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    water all done for me today as well... As far as continuing.. I'll leave it up to the majority.. I've been kinda MIA for the past week and a half due to my sisters being in town and me being on vacation.. I've been getting some exercise in.. but not as much as usual. I start back to reality tomorrow... and so should my regular work out routine.\

    Sorry if i've let anyone down.. real life just kinda got in the way!!

    Life happens! Hope you had a nice visit and a good vacation!

  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    Water Is done.
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    M water is done for day. I will vote for docking the boat. I am having quite a bit of difficulty keeping up the exercise. I can reasonably burn 300 cals a day but that is all. I have 3 young children and a 1 hour commute each way. Kids start school in one week and I have no idea how that will affect my workout routine. I have had alot of fun nad there have been countless days that I would not have exercised if it werent for not wanting to let you lovely ladies down.

    If the group decides to carry on, I will be more than happy to. I just cant promise big burns every day.

    Thanks Jen for being an awesome captain and a wonderful motivator!!!
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member

    946 for me today!

  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    That's FANTASTIC, Sue!!! WTG!!!

    So.....I'm still waiting to hear back from 6 of my Knotty Girls to determine if we're going to keep going. So, here's the decision that I'm making.......

    If you want to keep rowing, please keep sending me your calorie burns each day. If you don't, I promise I won't be mad. :-) But I really want to see us finish this thing. And if I have to row this boat back to England by myself, that I'll do that. :-) You girls have been a huge inspiration to me and really are the reason that I push to get at least 1000 cals burned every day. I'm glad to have you all on my team and I am so happy to made all of your friendships!

    So....On that note, Lee is giving us one rest/water day and 2 quadruple days this week. Anyone have any suggestions as to what we do on which days? I'd like to have another quad day tomorrow, as I'm doing Zumba & swimming tomorrow night. Wednesday would be really difficult for me to do a quad day. And I'm cool with whenever being Water day.

    Please let me know what you all think!!!
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm trying to keep the same routine all week, so whatever works best for others is cool with me. Glad we are going to keep going.

  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    914 today. I'm whooped but I'm committed to doing this for at least the week.

  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Awesome job, Sue!! You are so rockin it, Girl!!!

    Okay, here's what I've decided on the days this week. Today was/is a double double day. I'm going to make Friday the other double double because that seemed to work out nicely for everyone last week (and this week, I'll get to participate, since there will be no car buying happening! :-)) And we'll make Sunday our water day.

    Also, just a note, we did have one crewmember decide to just overboard. Lindsay has decided to jump ship. She has a lot going on in her life and hasn't been able to report in as much as she'd like. So, I'm on the hunt for a new crewmember. I asked Lee today if it's okay that I replace her, still waiting to hear back from him, but I'm assuming it's alright. If anyone knows of anyone that might like to join us (and doesn't mind being forced to work out super hard by this ***** of a captain ;-)), let me know!!!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hey Chickies!!!! I have some exciting news!!!!

    We have two new team members. Lindsay & Nicole had to jump ship, but we found some swimmers at sea and scooped 'em up!!!

    Our new members are:

    peterscr7 (Christina) & 500lbs2marathon (Gary)

    :noway: :noway: :noway: Yes, Girls....We have a man on board. Behave yourselves.....Or try to....;-)

    Christina & Gary - just some clarification - please either PM me or post here with your calories burned for the day. If you don't, I will hunt you down and creep on your diary, but it's so much easier for me if you just send it. :-)

    In addition to the regular days where 50 calories = 1 mile, we sometimes have special days where we get to multiple our calories burned by 2, 3 or even 4!!! Yesterday was a Quad day and this Friday will also be a Quad day. On these days, it's not required that you do an uber super burn, but if you can, I might throw some extra love your way. ;-)

    Finally, once a week, we have a water/rest day. On this day, any calories that you burn DO NOT count toward our miles for the day. Instead, we count the cups of water that you drink. Each cup of water is worth 10 miles, up to 9 cups per person. This week, that day falls on Sunday. So on Sunday, instead of reporting your calories, just let me know that you've had your 9 cups of water (you better drink up, or I'll come get you!!! ;-))

    I think that's about it. If you'd like to see the spreadsheet where I track all of our miles, it's here:

    Gary - I'll try to remember not to refer to you as one of my girls.........*giggles*
  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    <---- is a Knotty Girl, say what?????
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    Welcome Gary and Christina!!!! Woo Hoo!!
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Our new members are:

    peterscr7 (Christina) & 500lbs2marathon (Gary)

    :noway: :noway: :noway: Yes, Girls....We have a man on board. Behave yourselves.....Or try to....;-)

    Behaving is boring!!! :tongue: I will kidnap Gary, lock myself and him in my cabin and make him my private cabin boy! (Just because I need someone to wash my towels of course!) :devil: :devil: :devil: