Eat Less Vs. Exercising More



  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    I use to be team more, but found I was only maintaining instead of losing. Guess I didn't have the right balance.
    Now I'm team less, but I still exercise most days... just not doing the super killer exercise sessions as often.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    What about people like me who are Team Both?

    I don't eat less to avoid exercise, and I don't exercise more to eat more calories...but what I do is eat less to lose fat, exercise more to burn fat, and in the end find the perfect balance of calories in and calories out so I feel satisfied yet move towards my goals without depriving myself of food or overtraining. :bigsmile:
  • Scarletblue
    Scarletblue Posts: 255
    I am on neither i guess because when I exercise more I don't feel like ruining a good burn with junk on the other hand when I don't exercise I feel like what the hell why not eat whatever I want, this must be why I have wieght issues.
  • sschiano
    sschiano Posts: 48 Member
    TEAM LESS!!! and when i cant take it no more or i binge thats when the crazy guilt exersising starts
  • JennsRAQ
    JennsRAQ Posts: 132 Member
    Team MORE here! When I am about to watch "my shows" in the evenings with the hubster, I usually put my walking shoes on and walk in place (a la Leslie Sansone moves) while we watch them and find a snack. Sometimes it's really healthy stuff like fruit or salad... sometimes it's a cupcake... either way, I'm being active when I'd otherwise be sedentary AND I get to eat some bonus food to boot! Works for me.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I rarely exercise. I just eat 1200 calories per day.

    I'm moving in two months and will start working out more then. I'm enlisting in the USAF eventually so I need to get in good shape!
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    What about people like me who are Team Both?

    I don't eat less to avoid exercise, and I don't exercise more to eat more calories...but what I do is eat less to lose fat, exercise more to burn fat, and in the end find the perfect balance of calories in and calories out so I feel satisfied yet move towards my goals without depriving myself of food or overtraining. :bigsmile:

    Amen to team both!

    We all need to exercise to be healthy, not just to lose weight. Annd we shouldn't eat less just to lose weight. Especially depriving our bodies of the foods it needs! I say MORE exercise and MORE healthy food!!!:)
  • kmal2t
    kmal2t Posts: 21

    It's said 100000 times but getting a good body starts in the KITCHEN. You are almost never going to out exercise a bad diet.

    By simply existing and walking around and going to wrk and sitting and sleeping you are burning your Basic Metabolic Rate + some. Are you going to burn (we'll save avg) 2000 cals in your jazzercise sessions? No. You aren't. By simply NOT doing something (eating) and taking in 20% less than maintenance (on avg like 500 cals less a day) you are doing what would take an hour or two of hard exercise. Theres really no reason you can't do this and still fit in a little junk food here and there.

    Don't use exercise as an excuse to eat a bunch of crap food. If you go above maintenance you probably arent gonna burn a decent deficit to see any weight loss.

    edit: lemme also add though, if you don't exercise then you aren't using muscles to get toned and get that shape like that actress/model that you aspire to look like. It takes both to get the "perfect" body.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member

    It's said 100000 times but getting a good body starts in the KITCHEN. You are almost never going to out exercise a bad diet.

    By simply existing and walking around and going to wrk and sitting and sleeping you are burning your Basic Metabolic Rate + some. Are you going to burn (we'll save avg) 2000 cals in your jazzercise sessions? No. You aren't. By simply NOT doing something (eating) and taking in 20% less than maintenance (on avg like 500 cals less a day) you are doing what would take an hour or two of hard exercise. Theres really no reason you can't do this and still fit in a little junk food here and there.

    Don't use exercise as an excuse to eat a bunch of crap food. If you go above maintenance you probably arent gonna burn a decent deficit to see any weight loss.

    edit: lemme also add though, if you don't exercise then you aren't using muscles to get toned and get that shape like that actress/model that you aspire to look like. It takes both to get the "perfect" body.

  • Alaranio
    Alaranio Posts: 75
    On every day but Fridays I am a Team Less. My Fridays however are set as Team More. I do Zumba toning for 60 min plus yoga for 60 min and some times squeeze in my 30 day shred. This affords me the luxury of going to Sweet Tomatoes/ Souplantation. A huge salad and soup buffet! Mmmmm.... I can fit it in calorie wise other days but this day I can eat that side of Mac n cheese and an extra muffin.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    Definately team more here...
    More food, more workouts, more results.

  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    TEAM MORE! However, most of the time I'm exercising to eat more *healthy* foods. I'll do extra exercise AND eat less if I have a calorific event on the way.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    team more!
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    I play on both teams, it's just well fun..

    IE some days, I'm team less as I want to maximize what I'm doing from a fat loss perspective and others I'm team more as I want to build -- BUILDING is fun!

    And sometimes, I get tired of bouncing back and forth and go to the stands.. After a bit of rest and relaxation I find that I can play more effectively on either team..
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Interesting debate! For me personally, it depends so much on how I feel. Overall though I just try and stick to both my calorie limits and exercise schedule, so I'm not sure which category I'd fall into.
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72

    i have a friend who was similar weight to me...she lost a stone and didnt exercise..and no one noticed..she was still so flabby..the fear here is you lose muscle too..not good espec if over 30 as after 30 you naturally lose muscle (muscle burns fat and calories remember..lean tissue is good)
    I lost a stone and had sooo many compliments...exercise will ensur eyou burn fat and retain will work your heart which means improved health in the long run.I encourage everyone to add exercise.....CRUCIAL in my eyes
  • Pseudocyber
    Pseudocyber Posts: 312 Member
    My Magic Weight Loss Formula (TM): Watch what you eat. Eat less of it. Exercise.

    To LOSE weight - do both. Eat less. Exercise more.

    I was on the couch. Tried C25K and almost died. Walked instead - worked up to 10 miles walking in about 2.5 hours. Started working in some running.

    I just ran 5K last night, without stopping! I felt pretty good - not so out of breath about to die, legs not bad. It felt really good to achieve that exercise milestone.

    Do both.
  • michelleion
    michelleion Posts: 122 Member
    I am definitely in the 'Eat More' camp - I love love love to eat, and bank extra calories for treats and heftier meals!
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Team Less, without a doubt. I take no joy from exercise so would rather be careful about what I eay than deal with having to force myself to exercise to get rid of the cake. If I really want the cake I'll have it but balance it out with a filling but super low calorie salad meal or something.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member

    Totally! :drinker: (i'd clap but we don't have that smiley! )

    ETA. I don't run then think "yay now I can eat cheesecake." I think yay "I just burned some fat beautiful muscles here I come". :wink:
    I like the motto, "I run so I can eat." I say, " I run so I can eat more healthy stuff." So, I guess I'm a combo of both teams?? I exercise b/c I like to do it and to get more healthy, but I don't eat junk.
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