Eat Less Vs. Exercising More



  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    team more!!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Team More! I like being able to eat 1500 (or 1600!) calories a day. Bring on the exercise!
  • Coleman73
    Coleman73 Posts: 42
    I totally agree team balance is the place to be. The workout is for health and the less food is just good practice. This site highlights balance and there I am
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I'm not really in either camp. I don't like cake or anything like that, and I try to stay roughly within my calories whether I exercise or not. The only exception is that when I run I refuel immediately after to help my training. Other than that, if anything I exercise to stop me from eating, as it gets me outside and doing something instead. And it doesn't cost a fortune like my other anti-boredom activity - shopping.
  • Emily4H
    Emily4H Posts: 170
    I am a bit of team Both - I find I eat much less now - but if I know we are going out to eat or having dinner at a friends house (where I can not always control what being served) I can be a total team MORE. I will work out twice in one day if I think wine will be involved. I figure I dont have it all the time, so if I work really hard I could have a little. So I am another team Both.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Options I do both not to indulge but to see results and still don't see major results....maybe I should just bag the exercise and just eat healthy and less of it.

    I do know that for some people your body has a very strict set point and exercising feels great but also makes you hungry and your body wants to refill what it lost in the workout so it is basically a wash if you don't overeat.

    I used to be of the mindset of earning a treat if I exercised and then that got out of control too because I would over estimate how much of a treat I had earned...and that spiraled into a "Now I need to exercise more" whilrwind.

    That is dangerous too.

    team balance sounds good...everything in moderation or else you just go crazy either wanting the food or exercising to excess to burn off the treat.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I do both

    I eat less cause I dont want to burn off x amount of calories

    I exercise more because I enjoy it and feel better for it.

    But i dont 'reward' myself with junk food just for doing something healthy.
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    Definitively, team less. I don't exercise if I could help it. I do have RA that kind of limits it but to tell the truth I was never the sporty type. My heaven as a teen was reading a book while eating chips. At the time I was active as far as walking everywhere and using my bicycle all afternoon so I could afford it. Even in college I didn't have to worry because my main building was up a hill that seems like I went up and down more times that I can count. But as soon as that was over and I got married, the pounds started creeping up because the activity went almost to zero. After the RA (at 26), the activity went to negative.
    In any case, excercise, the real thing was never in my life. Hard to start it now. I do some but not enough for a big impact. I can live without "treats" all the time. I'm actually not that big an eater, I just ate the wrong things before but I like what I'm eating now so I think I can keep up with less.

  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Depend on the day. Like this week I am on team less. I am taking a few days off training because I am getting burned out. Next week I will be on team more. It's pretty much a balance.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Team infrequent high intensity strength training + light cardio(slightly elevated heart rate). Calories set to put weight where you want it .
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Honestly, as long as my day balances, I don't care how it balances However, 1310 calories is just not enough for me most days, so I exercise for 45 minutes-an hour 4-5 times a week.
  • anscombe
    anscombe Posts: 16
    Great Topic and I love your scenerios..I guess I'm on team less, but I do run sometimes because I want to increase my productivity...You know not get stuck doing the same thing everytime..Good for you that you are loving what you are doing and who you are. Keep up the good work.
  • NanoReefDiver
    Team MORE no doubt! The more weeks that go by the more I am driven to physically push myself and enjoy the challenge! I love getting toned and in shape! The key for me is the keep the exercise varied and interesting. A range of zumba to just dance 2 to Jillian Michaels. Or like today I plan to do some treadmill later... but I'll be watching that old movie The Aristocats which I haven't seen in ages.
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    Like all things there should be balance but I am one for Team More, to me it's not just about weight it's about HEALTH.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    What about people like me who are Team Both?

    I don't eat less to avoid exercise, and I don't exercise more to eat more calories...but what I do is eat less to lose fat, exercise more to burn fat, and in the end find the perfect balance of calories in and calories out so I feel satisfied yet move towards my goals without depriving myself of food or overtraining. :bigsmile:

    Yeah, this - I especially like muscles. Strong, big muscle! So I eat proper foods to support healthy muscle.
  • kittyhorn
    kittyhorn Posts: 112 Member
    I'm team more! My daily goal before exercise is 1440 and I find it really hard to stick to that amount so I exercise to give myself some wiggle room. That being said, I love the gym once I'm in the groove (which I've found again) and just love pushing myself and seeing my muscles make their reappearance. I'm going from soft and round to toned and
  • KTGator
    KTGator Posts: 78
    I both ways. Really depends on what time of day it is -- morning time I'm a team more person because I exercise in the evening, so I can plan my workout accordingly. In the evening I'm a team less person because I'm typically done with my exercise and figure whatever calories I have left is what I have left. =)
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    Let the battle begin! Confused....let me explain. I'm discovering that there are two "teams" if you will, of people, team less and team more.

    Team Less Goals:
    I'd rather eat less than have to go run to burn off what I just ate.
    Not eating the piece of cake or eating the piece of cake and then needing to exercise for 30 mins to burn it off? I'd rather not eat it.

    Team More Goals:
    The more I work out the more I'm allowed to eat.
    I'm going to go do Bikini Body Boot Camp so I can eat some cheese cake tonight.

    I belong to team less. I attempted Couch 2 5k several months ago, after 3 days I decided my ancestors were the ones who said "forget this I'd rather farm, instead of chase bison." I exercise because I want to and it's fun, but I do things I like doing, I realize there are people who love running. I'm not knocking y'all. However there are people who hate running but will run just so they can eat more and stay on track. I would just rather eat less and do exercises I like.

    Which team are you?

    Team More. It gives me something to look forward too and am able to treat myself then restrict what I'm eating because I didn't exercise.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    m definitely team more because I love working out. I am actually trying to maintain now and I told my DH that I will just have to eat more because I don't want to cut back on the exercise in order to not lose anymore weight. I never really think when I work out that I can eat more because of it. I just eat a lot because I'm so damn hungry from all the working out!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I belong to team more goals, sort of. I actually work out everyday with one goal in mind. Wine with dinner. Sometimes beer, but usually wine. I love it. I can live quite happily most days on 1200 calories of food, but I like wine. So I workout to ear the calories for it.