Is 700 calories Sufficient???



  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Instead of accusing you of having an eating disorder, I'll give you some advice about upping cals like you actually asked for.
    Slowly up your calories over the next couple weeks until you get to 1200. If I'm under on cals and not really hungry I'll have a couple tablespoons of pb with an apple, thats almost 300 cals right there. Nuts and oils, nuts and oils. I've fallen in love with olive oil. Its a great way to add healthy, clean cals without stuffing yourself.
    And to everyone saying she has an ED: from what I understand she WANTS to up her calories in a healthy way, she just doesn't want to pack on pounds in the process. Just because she is small and doesn't eat much, does not mean that she is anorexic. Her mindset doesn't seem to me to be like that of someone with an eating disorder. Just my opinion..
    I agree with this.
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    TROLL. trying to get a rise out of people. haha.