Do you allow yourself to eat sweets??



  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Sometimes only chocolate will do! TBH I don't worry too much about fat, carbs, sugar etc. As long as I'm eating a mostly healthy diet and the weight is coming off, I allow myself 1 or 2 choccies sometimes.Only if I have the calories, of course! LOL!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Yes. This has to be long term sustainable for me. Attempts I've made in the past weren't sustainable because I denied myself.

    The result this time around? I've been doing this longer than any other attempt and I'm steadily, slowly, losing weight. What I do find, though, is that I don't crave the high sugar things I used to. I've found lower calories alternatives that I love just as much.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I buy the 100 caorie packs so I can have sweets but keep it in moderation. I am a sugaholic and always have been! If I try to not eat sweets and junk, I will one day binge on it and feel like crap, so I prefer to alow myself to have it. With teh exercise I do and the way I eat most of the day, it has had no affect on my loss. 6 months in and just over the half way point to my goal weight!!
  • ACook42
    ACook42 Posts: 111 Member
    ABSAFREAKINLUTELY!!!!!! I would go nuts if I couldn't ever have DARK CHOCOLATE. So Yes, give yourself the room for it. If you don't you will crave it and go overboard.

    I usually buy a small bar and throw it right in the freezer. When I have a craving I break a piece off and count it in with my calories. I do also count fat, carbs, pro, and fiber so it does have to fit into my numbers. I don't get too crazy with the fiber or protein though. If I'm over well then I'm over but the other three counts I am very strict with.

    So far on my diet I have lost 25 lbs, 14 of them since I joined MFP. Great site!!:happy:
  • aabyrer
    aabyrer Posts: 57
    I eat them whenever I'm really craving them. My temptation is ice cream candy bars, so I buy a box of the 99 cal. bars (mainly snickers or milky way) and put them in the very bottom of my deep freezer, that way I have to really work to get one (walking out to my garage, moving all the food out of the way, etc.) That really helps me, but when I really want one I don't stress about it.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I'm allowing myself whatever I want, but only in moderation. I know if I tell myself I can't have something then I'll end up feeling deprived and going back to my old eating habits. So I just budget my sweets into my daily calories or have a bit more of them on my 'cheat' day.
    One thing that helps when I'm craving sweets is to have fruit, fruit leather, or like one hershey kiss. :D It isn't a crazy amount of calories but i feel satisfied that I got to have sweets.
  • RyeLite
    RyeLite Posts: 17
    I'm not big into sweats to begin with....but I load up on it after a serious workout. The Fast Digesting Sugar (dextrose) refeeds your muscles right away, and you get less of that sore feeling after the workout....Think gatorade....Fast Digesting Sugar.
    White Bread and Jelly....Smarties, Sour Patch Kids, Gummy Bears, Pixy Sticks, Lolly Pops...

    Within 20 minutes after your workout....That is the magic window of oppurtunity.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I love chocolate so I have changed from milk chocolate to dark chocolate.
    I allow it once a week and put it in diary, so it keeps me accountable. :bigsmile:
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    I seriously do not limit myself as long as I keep within my daily calorie goal.

    I am almost to maintenance. I have about 2-3 lbs left so I'm losing slowly to adjust to eating more during the day. I've also been running lately and that gives me a lot more calories than I'm used to.

    I love food and I won't eat crap if I can help it. If I go out to a nice place and they have something on the dessert menu that just speaks to me, I'll split it with someone. I keep only fruit and a couple of low calorie frozen snacks in the house. If I want terrible sugary things (which is seldom. I'm more of a pizza addict), then I have to go out of my way to get them. This usually is enough to dissuade me from eating them.

    If I have the choice to eat a couple of 80 calorie lemon bars from my freezer or walk 5 blocks to the bakery for some delicious cake, then I'm going to be lazy and eat the lemon bars. It's the one time that I can say laziness works in my favor. Lol
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Yup. I have a sweet tooth. I usually go for things made with sugar substitutes, rather than the real thing, as it doesn't really agree with me. Light Hot Chocolate, skinny cow, things like that. But if I'm presented with something I just have to have, I watch the portion, adjust my calories and try hard to burn it off sooner, rather than later.

    Denying myself completely of any particular food has not worked out for me in the past. I reserve calories for evening snacks and I'm sure it drives some people crazy to read my posts, but keeping my stress level down is important to my ongoing success. Dieting should be a little bit difficult, but not too difficult. It needs to be done in a way that's sustainable for life. For me, this is not a temporary solution, so it has to be livable. I intend to diet more days than not for the rest of my life, first to lose the weight, then to maintain it. Sweets will be a part of my choices.

  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I definitely still eat sweets and junk food. Not like I did before, obviously, but if I have a craving I fit it into my calories for the day. I still have 30-35 pounds to lose, so I don't worry too much about fat-protein-carbs yet, just total calories. Just this morning, I replaced my yogurt with a scotcheroo bar! Soooo worth the extra calories!
  • ljw556
    ljw556 Posts: 43 Member
    I don't ban anything - I've tried that before and it doesn't work! As long as you work it off it doesn't matter. (i've still been losing 4lb a week regularly)
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    I haven't given anything up! I do not buy sweets or desserts, and I have turned down plenty of doughnuts at work, but if I want something and have room in the calories, I eat it. My serious down fall is McDonald's caramel frappes. I try to just have one a month. Just a small one, as a reward. I've lost 37 since February so I feel very happy with my plan.
  • kutterba
    kutterba Posts: 107 Member
    EVERYTHING that everyone has said makes a bit of sense - if you deprive yourself, guess what? you feel ->Deprived! I'm not much of a sweets eater, but I do have my dark chocolate. My idea of a sweet treat would be a fruit salad. And I do keep track of fats, salts(sodium) and sugars because at my age (62) I don't want to fool around, I want to weigh less AND enjoy my life. Moderation is the key. As someone aptly pointed out: This is a LIVE-it not a DI(E)-it. ☺
    I've tried almost every kind of weightloss program and I've learned that what is right for me is-right for me! Only took 60years to learn that!
    Have a great day!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    A little on occasion. It's been so long since I ate sweets on a regular basis I rarely think obout them anymore. But yeah, at a bday party or whatever I'll eat the cake.
  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
    Try skinny cream and candy! It is yummy and low in calories!
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    I have sweets every day. Most days, more than once. I keep within my calorie goals more than 90% of the time as well.

    I have lost 25 lbs since February 25th. Seems to be working for me. I don't want to cut that stuff out, so I don't.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm not into sweets to begin with... however, I do love good french fries, which I eat from time to time. I just control the portion size and make sure it fits into my daily calorie budget (and exercise more if needed). Everything in moderation, baby :heart:

    I don't believe in depriving myself. I only believe in taking control of myself.
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Like another poster, I like to keep mini or bite size candies around. I will put chocolates in refrigerator, for some reason I don't eat as many when they are cold... You could freeze them too, that way it takes longer to eat and satisfy your craving with less...
    I've lost almost 56 pounds since January. I also allow some junk food for my kids - I want to teach them moderation on those items, not deprive them of snacks and candy.
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    I bring a 60 calorie SF Jello pudding cup to work in my lunch. I also keep the Weight Watchers Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream cups in my freezer (150 cals), and I have a jar of Hershey's Bliss chocolates with raspberry in the pantry (2 candies is roughly 75 cals). I have a major sweet tooth, particularly for chocolate, so instead of depriving myself I just keep some handy in small portions, and work it into my daily calories.