Funny people at the gym.....



  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Oh man, there are SO MANY!

    Thai Chi Guy--- Listens to his DISCMAN in the stretch area and does some kind of slow motion/thai chi/5 pound weight routine. He wears short spandex shorts and scrunchy socks. He has GREAT legs, though!

    Locker Room Facial---PLease. Don't pop your zits at the sink or lay out your face products!

    Doublemint gum twins---These two ladies, close in age (40 max) who wear alternating outfits EVERY TIME. If one has blue shorts, the other has a blue top. They do the same routine IN SYNC.

    Bradley Cooper---He's hot but he knows it. Yesterday he conducted a FULL business call on the Arc Trainer. I was done when & was walking away. I heard "Now, will I get a discount if I pay IN FULL. Yeah, I'll hold".
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    this lady wasnt as funny as she was annoying, in spin class every song that came on she'd "WOOH!" and throw her hands up, over and over, i think trying to get the instructor to do it with her... but the instructor wouldn't... maybe it would have been less annoying if it wasn't 10 times a song, EVERY song... oh and the fact that she got there 30 minutes late and decided to station her bike 2 inches in front of mine when she had about 10 empty feet in front of her...................... I. HATE. PEOPLE.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I love all the oddballs at my gym. We have several guys who still wear zubaz pants. One in particular rocks his zubaz with a tshirt that has the neck cut very widely so you can see his chest and back. Very clever Mr. Zubaz.

    Last week at spinning class these two cocky young boys joined our class for the first time. They were pedaling their little hearts out and smiling like it was a piece of cake until the teacher kept going over and cranking up the resistance (they never turned it up at all). They left suddenly in the middle of the class. It was great to see a class full of 30-50ish people spank a couple of boys in their 20's.

    "We have several guys who still wear zubaz pants. " WHHYYYYYY DID THAT BECOME A TREND!?!?! WHYYY!!!!?!?!?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I play jepardy while on the elypticall and I say the answers out loud...
    That is fantastic!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    OHH!! i forgot the guy who came in kaki shorts and akle high polo boots!!! so weird. i mean, go to walmart n get some cheap shoes? dunno...
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    i have one during my Zumba class who just can't seem to turn her body the way everyone else is..she will be the only one in the class who dances a circle to the left when every.single.other.person is dancing in their circle to the right...

    I love watching people in Zumba that are completely lost! I also love it when there are guys in the class, when they do hip movements it is hilarious!!! I also love watching people in step classes that are not coordinated. Some people are not meant to do certain activities, I know I am not meant to do sports, especially baseball, I embrace this so that I can laugh at other peoples inabilities to do certain activities!!

    I used to go to step classes and fall over the step quite regularly it was very embarrassing
    NBKHYTS Posts: 11 Member
    Dude lifts heavy weights, wears ipod, screams out random lyrics (usually the most sexually explative ones) loudly . . .it startles me

    thats fantastic!! lol
  • eillims13
    eillims13 Posts: 18
    One day I was wearing a sweatshirt with my college name on it, and this older woman in the locker room asked me where the college was located.

    I told her it was in Boston, not from around our area, and she says, totally clueless, "Oh, that's so strange, because there's this older handsome gentleman that comes in sometimes and he has a shirt with the same name on it..."

    All I said was..."Ya, that's my happily married, 68 year old dad...but um...I'm sure my mom will love to hear that my dad's still getting checked out by the ladies..." *GAG* :sick:
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I should also add that I have two bad habits in the gym which I'm sure other people notice. First - I mouth along to the songs I'm listening to quite a lot of the time. I get bored on the treadmill and it gives me something to do!

    Second - I get shoulder stitches a lot. I almost never get a regular stitch but the muscle in my shoulder gets a referred stitch which is a nightmare. Anyway, the quickest and most effective way of dealing with it is to belt myself hard in the shoulder whilst running. For some reason it seems to fix the problem. Makes me look like a proper mental case though!

    Oh - and I also hate people who get on the treadmill next to me because I run for a long time and my internal organs get jiggled and there may be some wind issues - I need my space for that reason and that reason alone! :noway:
  • cindy859
    cindy859 Posts: 99 Member
    No story from me--just wanted to thank everyone so much I really needed a reason to smile today and reading these posts actually made me laugh. Thank you, thank you , thank you!!!!!!
    NBKHYTS Posts: 11 Member
    there is a lady at body combat that scares me, there is working through the pain angry then there is crazy combat lady!!!
  • maloryanne
    maloryanne Posts: 44 Member
    this lady wasnt as funny as she was annoying, in spin class every song that came on she'd "WOOH!" and throw her hands up, over and over, i think trying to get the instructor to do it with her... but the instructor wouldn't... maybe it would have been less annoying if it wasn't 10 times a song, EVERY song... oh and the fact that she got there 30 minutes late and decided to station her bike 2 inches in front of mine when she had about 10 empty feet in front of her...................... I. HATE. PEOPLE.

    lol i love how no matter how much empty space there is in the class people seem to gravitate so close to you!! hahaha loves it... you must smell good or something... ;P
  • avenathus
    avenathus Posts: 113 Member
    There are also the people that get on the treadmill, set the incline way high and then hold on to the monitor throughout their workout.

    Or those who set the speed up ungodly fast, run on it for a few seconds, grab the arm bars, jump up and hold themselves up, land their feet on the sides of the machine while the machine is still going on at the ungodly pace, rest for a long time, and then jump back on.... over and over. You want a HIIT workout, there are better ways. :P

    I have a LOT of these people at my gym!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    this lady wasnt as funny as she was annoying, in spin class every song that came on she'd "WOOH!" and throw her hands up, over and over, i think trying to get the instructor to do it with her... but the instructor wouldn't... maybe it would have been less annoying if it wasn't 10 times a song, EVERY song... oh and the fact that she got there 30 minutes late and decided to station her bike 2 inches in front of mine when she had about 10 empty feet in front of her...................... I. HATE. PEOPLE.

    lol i love how no matter how much empty space there is in the class people seem to gravitate so close to you!! hahaha loves it... you must smell good or something... ;P

    Mal, its the same older hispanic lady who was all running into me in Kickboxing!! pendeja!!!
  • maloryanne
    maloryanne Posts: 44 Member
    this lady wasnt as funny as she was annoying, in spin class every song that came on she'd "WOOH!" and throw her hands up, over and over, i think trying to get the instructor to do it with her... but the instructor wouldn't... maybe it would have been less annoying if it wasn't 10 times a song, EVERY song... oh and the fact that she got there 30 minutes late and decided to station her bike 2 inches in front of mine when she had about 10 empty feet in front of her...................... I. HATE. PEOPLE.

    lol i love how no matter how much empty space there is in the class people seem to gravitate so close to you!! hahaha loves it... you must smell good or something... ;P

    Mal, its the same older hispanic lady who was all running into me in Kickboxing!! pendeja!!!

    lmaoo thats too funny
  • SportyLadyPhotographer
    Got a few

    got a singing guy to the gym music but only when its 80's stuffand he screams it out
    got a guy who goes on a machine for about 2 mins and then gets off lookin mega pleased with himself (he used to be in the army i dont see how 2 mins of the bike is hard on the easiest level)
    theres a older woman who does very wierd streching with legs in the air wide open in front of a glass door and its not pleasent
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Also shout out to the women who go to the gym with makeup on and their hair down to do cardio you guys are total comedy relief for me lol

    I have to add to this. I live in an area in NoVa with some really beautiful lakes and I run to and then around a park (4 times i lap the darn park for a total of 5 miles there and back). Fancy pants houses line the lake, and the park is picking up with summer activities and the baseball diamonds are getting full and the boys are playing pick up basket ball and I'm running with my massive massive dog (ok 75lbs not really that big)

    ANYWAY with the influx of men at the park the number of women there to 'work out' has also increased. You can tell they're there to work out because they have on 'work out' clothes that they bought somewhere for a lot of money and shoes that look as if they've never been run in AND tiny little yappy dogs. Not kidding. The little tiny dogs you keep in your purse in case someone tries to steal your wallet or phone (I assume this is why people have them - it is not as I previously assumed to provide my dog with a tasty snack). My dog has almost tripped over them, we (my dog and I both) hate them, a lot. The girls have perfect make-up, perfectly pin-straight hair...and 'walk/jog/run' the path, I have only ever seen them sitting on a bench in the entire time it takes me to lap the entire park 4 times...I don't get it but luckily the men now hit on them and I am left in peace to run.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Green shirt guy: There is a guy who is always wearing the same green shirt on the same recumbent stationary bike, reading a paperback, pedaling suuuuuppppeeerrrrr sllloooooowwww, and never sweating.

    Uber-buff guy: Not really funny, but majorly impressive. I think he's a UFC fighter. You can see every single muscle, and every single one is HUGE! He's got tats everywhere and he looks super badass. But, once I saw him doing this sweet little dance and serenading the receptionist, and she was smiling, and I thought, "You're not quite what you appear to be." I've looked at him differently ever since then.

    Lady with the gray streak: There's a lady who is in amazing shape. She got the air of a 50 year-old (confident, no-nonsense) but is in such amazing shape she looks like she's about 40. She's there EVERY time I go. I used to think she worked there! Anyway, she's got this mane of crazy black hair with a really intense gray streak in the front. And she wears men's swim trunks and tank tops. She's tough looking.
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    The other day I was running on the treadmill and this couple came in. They were walking/running side by side on the treadmills infront of me. About 10 minutes later, this super skinny, super cute, I hate people like her but wish I had her body 20 something started running on the treadmill on the other side of the husband. I noticed the husband was VERY intently checking out this girl's back side when he stumbles on the treadmill and goes flying off the back end. I never laughed so hard, his wife had no idea what caused him to trip, but I did....

    I just made a total show of myself cackling out loud at this one............... BRILLIANT!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member

    theres a older woman who does very wierd streching with legs in the air wide open in front of a glass door and its not pleasent

    And I wondered what that smell was...

    Feminists... bring it on ;)