Swat Walking group - July



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Ann-the school buildings where administration work have AC and the main offices of each building where principals and secretaries are through summer months. Newer buildings probably have it but the older ones do not have AC in the classrooms. I'm in a 50 year old school. Only a few rooms have AC and my office is not one of them. I may need to set up "shop" in someone else's space, LOL!

    Good job on avoiding fair food and planning healthy things to eat tomorrow!

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello all, you are workout machines. I am still limited to my applied exercise for the time being. Did work in some power walks this week some intervals, and weights. Also pounded steel fence posts into the ground for sunshades for the hostas. Did brush cutting and tree clean up. I had to have my favorite large maple cut away from the house as it was eating the roof. Broke my heart to do it because my neighbors the birds entertained me from there everyday. They have never fired bottle rockets, not even once.

    I have lost an inch of my bum but my weight is still in the 170's and fluctuating. My DIL tells me she lost 6 pounds this week just by adding cardio to her routine. She has a hard time getting through 30 mins of cardio. I am so glad it works for her, and wish it did for me to. Ah the advantages of youth.

    Time for R & R, have a great weekend all,:drinker: Alice

    PS, Irish Spring Bar soap, original scent grated in the flower beds will keep the deer out and not hurt the plants. Just reapplied mine today. Nite, A
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm slacking again! Not because of heat, though--here it's been gray, rainy and in the 60s. I want stews and other 'winter'-type foods! I also want to hibernate! I need some sun!

    Sorry to complain when so many of you are suffering from the heat but feel free to send some sunshine our way, okay?

    I feel like I am in a rut and can't get out. Working on it, though!

    Here's to a fresh new day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Alice-great idea with the irish spring soap. Do I need to grate alot of it or just around the base of the plant?
    Kathy-Where do you live that it is cool and rainy, Pacific Northwest? Today is sunny and sweltering at 91 degrees and a heat index of 105 with the humidity, ugh!

    We went to the St. Paul Farmer's Market this morning. I was dripping as soon as I got out of the car. Luckily the veggie stands are under open sided tents for shade. We bought lots of fresh veggies for the week. I host knitting group this week and am trying to figure out what to serve with this heat. I'm thinking 2 kinds of salads, one pasta and one lettuce with rolls. My friend may bring frozen yogurt pie. We tend to eat and gab more than knit when we meet, LOL!

    Not working out in the heat outside so I need to walk with Leslie later. My son and I are going to see the last Harry Potter movie. We've seen them all together over the last decade. He's 16 now but still a fan as am I.

    Someone needs to kick my rear to get me to consistently eat right and exercise as I was before...I gain and lose the same 3-4 pounds over and over.:grumble:

    More later,
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Hello Hello!! :bigsmile:

    Hi Girls! I Love hearing everyones stories, It really puts a smile on my face. I'm so happy I have you all!

    Jenny.......Soap sounds so much nicer than the fox urine :laugh: . I think I'd rather look at the deer though :wink:
    I am Also A Harry Potter Fan. I read all the books & watched several movies, but prefer reading the books.

    Alice..... talking about workout machines look at you girl your an ox, pounding steel post into the ground & power walks & weight lifting. Whoo Hoo!!! Alice same here I've been going back and forth between 146 to 144 for a month now. So i'm trying to kick it back into gear with more exercise and eating less. I'm finally adding some bike riding to my routines. Hopefully that will kick the scale into movement "going down" :wink:

    Ann... congrats on the weight loss And fabulous staying away from the fair food. Definitely not easy to do :happy:

    Okay, Yesterday I walked 7 miles again and later that evening I rode my bicycle from my house to the beach to watch a free concert the city has in the summer months. That was 8 miles
    Today I only walked 4.5 miles since I walked with the new walking group I joined, But came back home and took my bike for a spin, 9 miles
    But I ate terribly last night, Luckly I stayed under calories But!!! I ate cheetos & Mr.Goodbar Ice cream ( NOT GOOD) Since those are trigger foods. But I'm okay today So far. I'm Trying hard to get this last 10 to 15 pounds off.

    I got a pile of clothes to iron, So I probably won't be back on tonight
    :frown: Grrrrrr Back to work tomorrow :sad:

    You All Have a wonderful week :flowerforyou:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I've got to get caught up on all the posts but I just wanted to do a quick check-in. I did my jenny ford today and now I'm off to clean my dirty kitchen. It needs it sooooo bad! See you all later!:drinker:
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Everyone.

    I'm getting back on track, but still slightly below my goal of 60 miles for the month (I should be at 34 miles). Teresa, I don't know how you get those seven mile walks in; you seem to stay so motivated --- Good for you! Alice, congrats on the smaller bum. :drinker:

    Seems like we all have some challenging neighbors. Mine have barely spoken to me in the 13 years I've lived here. In fact, the day I moved in, I said hello to them and they stuck their tongues out at me and raced back into their house. I think they must be agoraphobic??? Whenever they are out and I come out, they rush back into the house. They are the same with everyone on the block. Weird. One year, they went so far as to continually shut off my power because my Christmas lights bothered them. When I finally caught them, they shared that the lights went into a bedroom window. Fine, then, why couldn't you have just said something instead of shutting off my power. It was actually one of the only times they have ever spoken to me and they probably wouldn't have if I hadn't caught them and confronted them. Oh, well. At least all my other neighbors are friendly. :ohwell:

    Have a good week, everybody.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Got some walking in yesterday and this morning. I just need to do it first thing or it doesn't get done!

    Jenny--Yes, I live in Western WA right near Olympia. It is a beautiful area but we have had very cool, wet summers lately. Last year I didn't get any ripened vegetables and it's starting to look like it will be the same this year! My plants look good but the flowers are just now starting to show!

    Going to have some sun today when the fog burns off! YAY!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Morning all, hot and sultry here. Smells like Florida outside, temps and humidity same as the Brazillian rain forest! In Wisconsin?

    Jenny, I walk through my flower beds with the grater and bars of soap and just grate lightly over the plants. If you put it on heavy it will not hurt anything. I use the large holes on the grater. I grate right on the centers of their favorite plants. Will last through a rain or two.

    Animals have been a battle here this year. A bear stole my bird feeders, I had to tromp around and find them. He chewed two up,:grumble: . I finally just stopped feeding til he moved on. I have never seen him but sure found his tracks. The neighbors have seen him cross the road twice, so they know he's real. Just a little guy on his own for the first time and looking for an easy meal. A beaver moved into the pond by my house, in my backyard and has proceeded to cut the trees to make a home.
    I have been puting the dog poo around the ones I really want to keep and it seems to be working.
    A raccoon moved into the yard, another little guy on his own for the first time, showed up when snow was still on the ground and I let him pilfer the feeders cause I felt sorry for him. The GKDS loved to watch him and he had been very respectful. Came out to find him looking in the window of the front door one afternoon , and proceeded to make him a lot less welcome after that.

    As I said I love my neighbors but one has to have some limits.

    2 miles of PW this a.m. Off to move the water lines, Alice
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Alice-I love your wildlife stories! The town near where my family lives in MI had problems with a bear breaking bird feeders as he attempted to eat. They also have coyote problems in that area. We've seen a fox and deer in our yard occasionally but otherwise pretty normal suburban life. I'll try the Irish Spring. Hate the smell of the Liquid Fence! Here in MN the humidity was same as yours, worse than the Amazon Rainforest! What the heck?

    Teresa- my goodness you are a walking machine! You are melting away each day! Way to stay motivated with walking and riding your bike! When it cools here I'll get back on my bike too! I've read the Harry Potter books several times and have enjoyed most of the movies. The books are always better though!

    Kathy-Even though you haven't had much summer temps I envy your climate at this moment. My dehydration headache is a dull annoyance. I drank lots of fluid today but then walked 3 miles with my DVD after work when I was already sweaty. No amt. of fluid seems to make it go away. I'm over heated I think.

    It felt good to pull out the Leslie Sansone DVD and walk 3 miles doing strength training with resistance bands. It had been awhile since I did an inside workout. I think they are more effective than when I just walk around town. I push myself more. I need to get back to the gym too. That will be a goal for this week if I survive the heat!

    Night Night Everyone!:flowerforyou:

  • Redneckgirl924
    Good Evening, Everyone!

    I'm glad to hear that everyone's doing great.

    Alice - I too love your wildlife stories. I would love to see those animals outside my windows. The only animals I really get to see here are rabbits. Unless you count all the animals called "College Students" that just moved in next door. I think theres about 10 living there and they just moved in last week, everyday I see a different person and another car that appears infront of my house.

    Jenny - I hope you get relief with your headache soon. Kudos on getting your exercise in, because it's not easy or fun to do when you have a headache.

    Sandy - When your done cleaning your house, mine really needs it. I hate to do it, because as soon as I get one room done and I go to the next and come back it doesn't look like I done anything because of my husband and kids. Good job on your step routines.

    Teresa - It was 6 miles, now 7, do I hear 8? You amaze me. Do you find yourself walking in your sleep? In this heat you should be at your goal weight in no time. Keep up the good work.

    I hope you all have a good evening and great Tuesday!

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Yes I did 8 miles today!!! :drinker: I had to work off the extra ice cream I ate last night & lunch out with Mom today :bigsmile: .
    It was very exhausting, but I made it! I usually walk 6 miles on the days I have to work, But since I have off Tue, Wed & Fri this week I'll be hopefully putting in some miles. I'm not bothering to track it on the ticker, since I know I've passed my goal.

    Alice, I LOve these wild life stories. I'm so envious! I would Just Love to live near you, I'm crazy in love with animals

    Mary.... i'm missing you :heart: i hope your feeling better.

    Tomorrows the old ladies birthday :wink: Turning 49 :noway:

    Have a Great week!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Teresa-you must be getting younger not older! 8 miles? Wow you have stamina and good joints to boot! WTG! I love animals too but don't want them eating my flowers. The deer only come at night when I can't enjoy seeing them. They eat my blooms on the way to and from the pond for a drink. The rabbits eat anything down low to the ground.

    Alice-I bought the Irish Spring and when it cools down a bit I'll go out to the gardens and begin grating it over my plants. Then I won't smell like Liquid Fence when I'm done! That stuff is awful...

    Ann-Hope you get to do your regular exercise routines soon.

    Today's exercise was cleaning my house for 90 minutes to get ready for my knitting group tomorrow eve. Russ chose to make my fruit and pasta salad to help me out and I cleaned bathrooms, vacuumed, mopped and dusted. All ready for tomorrow eve!

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everybody,

    Sorry I'm MIA! I really meant to catch up on all the posts tonite but I got an unexpected call and I have a job interview tomorrow for a blind ad I answered last week. So I've been preparing and trying to research on the company. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Fortunately I'd already got in my step workout before I got the call.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TERESA! I hope you have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:

    Now your caught up with me! :tongue:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member


    Have a wonderful day!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Happy Birthday Teresa!!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Happy Birthday Teresa and congrats on meeting your ideal weight for MFP!!! You look thin in your new picture so be proud you accomplished your goal! Have a wonderful day!

  • MarieS135
    MarieS135 Posts: 22 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TERESA!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Happy Birthday again Teresa! Isn't it a great feeling to look back at your 48th Birthday and see how far you've come! I would say that 49 is going to be your year! Yay! :flowerforyou:

    2 1/2 hour interview, I now have information overload. :huh: It went really well, keep your fingers crossed for me.
  • Redneckgirl924
    Happy Birthday, Teresa!!!!!! :smile: I hope you have a wonderful birthday!