Swat Walking group - July



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Nice bike ride on a trail today for 70 minutes. Sun and blue sky! Tonight going to cousins to watch the fireworks over the lake.

    Happy 4th everyone!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Got in another couple of miles yesterday and will try to get 15 minutes of exercise before going to work. Yep, I get to work this morning! Oh well, at least I won't be 'sampling' the goodies for later while there!

    We're grilling some salmon and corn-on-the-cob and have LOTS of green salad to go with it. I was going to make ice cream sandwiches but after spending WAY too long cleaning the kitchen I decided to buy some instead. Skinny Cow ones were on sale so we're good there, too! Now I just have to stay out of the potato chips!
  • Redneckgirl924
    Happy 4th Everyone!

    I hope everyone enjoys their day with their family and friends.

    Have a safe and happy 4th!

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi There Everyone :flowerforyou:

    Kathy... Sounds like you got it undercontrol so far, WAY TO GO!!!. I just asked hubby about going out for a ice cream cone & he was against the idea, SO I got Skinny cow on the brain LOL!!! And then I come on & read what you wrote. To Funny!!!

    I Hope you All Have a wonderful Safe July Fourth

    I'm hanging around the house twiddling my thumbs after getting a much needed gardening done earlier. I'm finished with my calorie allowance for the day and its only 6 pm. Doesn't look good & I didn't get that skinny cow ice-cream yet :bigsmile:

    Have a GREAT ONE Ladies :drinker:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi All,

    I hope your all enjoying your day. Sorry you had to work Kathy. Bummer. But your menu sounds great.

    We took a short motorcyle ride today and ended up dodging rain clouds so we came home. I did an hours worth of the Jenny Ford again. I just repeated some of the combos I still need to work on. Now it's 7 pm and I stil lhavent cooked dinner. It will be grilled chicken & veggies for me tonight.

    I found a link to the exercise tv schedule if anyone is intersted. It's a little easier than going back and forth on the tv remote if you want to see what everything is. Now I can read up and figure out which ones I want to try. Here it is if you want to check it out.


    Monday tomorrow! Blah! Back to work. It will be a busy day for me, make-up for being off today and then I'm off Tuesday to take my Dad to the hospital. He's having some out-patient surgery on his hand. He has a sore / infection that won't heal and they are going to remove it.

    Everybody stay strong, no more holidays for while but I am going on vacation the end of August so I"ve got to get my butt back in shape so I'll be ready.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Got in my 15 minutes this morning! I did NOT feel like doing it--too noisy to sleep last night! I guess none of my neighbors got the message that personal fireworks are now illegal inside the city limits! Sure hope they used them all up!

    Another beautiful day here. Going to work soon so I can be home by the time it gets hot. (That's the best thing about my job--I can work the hours I want to work--within reason, of course!)

    Have a wonderful day!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    AFternoon everyone! You all make me feel ashamed with all your canning, home made ice cream, etc. All I can is peaches and pears, and haven't even done that for a year. I do freeze my own corn tho, so I guess that is something.

    We had a terrific 4th. Very relaxing and no pressure. I did have to work, but afterwork the boys lit off some fireworks, and then my oldest son was home and he lit a campfire so they could make smores. Nothing like 80 degrees outside sitting by a fire, but they enjoyed it! And I have to say that the one smore I had tasted terrific!!

    Got a walk in today. Used the treadmill because I really don't handle heat well and it's 85 outside. Least there is no humidity. I did 5 miles instead of my normal 4 because I had to make up for the last 3 days of not getting any structured exercise.

    Tomorrow my sister and I are taking the kids to the lake. I even think I"m taking my swimsuit.:blushing: Ought to be interesting!!

    Have a great evening all, and you are all doing a fantastic job on keeping track of your exercise!!! Keep up the great work!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Another beautiful day here. Going to work soon so I can be home by the time it gets hot. (That's the best thing about my job--I can work the hours I want to work--within reason, of course!)

    That is fantastic!! Glad you can work it out to make it a little easier on yourself.
  • Redneckgirl924
    Good Evening, Everyone!

    I hope everyone had a great 4th. I couldn't do much so I watched movies with my kids and my daughter's boyfriend. It was fun!

    Today I went to the foot surgeon and all I have to say is Ugggh!!!!! I can't do any type of exercise that deals with the legs. I have tore my tendon in my ankle in three places and have a spur on my heel. They put me in another air cast, only this time it's bigger, heavier and hotter. I should hopefully lose 15 lbs at least on this one leg just because of all the sweating it's doing. It's going to be a long 4 weeks. Does any one have any suggestions on exercises you can do sitting down and that don't involve legs, but still burns a lot of calories? I'm open to any suggestions.

    I hope everyone has great evening!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I walked 70 minutes today. One walk in the morning and one in the evening. Hot and humid out. Two days left in MI and then going to WI to visit father-in-law. Will be home by Sunday. Been gone awhile so I guess I'm gradually getting ready to be in my own bed, my own house, see my cat and son, and get back to a routine...

    Had a great 4th! Hope you all did too!

  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Ann - I am soooo sorry to hear your news about your foot. I can so understand where you are coming from. I've had surgery on my right foot twice in the last 6 years. (not on the spurs) I can't speak about the torn tendons, but I understand the heel spurs. I've got spurs in both my heels. Found them about 3 years ago. Hurt like hell, I was crawling from my bedroom to the bathroom in the morning! Once they figured out what the pain was, they put me in orthotics and gave me these braces to wear at night to keep my foot at a 45 degree angle. Worked like a charm. Took awhile, I didn't wear flip flops or go barefoot even in the house for about a year, but my heel spurs give me absolutely no problem now. I can wear flip lops for awhile, I can go barefoot, and I only use the brace when I feel sore at night. As long as when I do major walking or at work I have my orthotics in. So, bright side, heel spurs are managable! Hoping they heal fast and your pain goes away!

    Jenny - fantastic job on your walks! You are doing fantastic. Keep up the great work!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Ann-sorry to hear about your foot:( Do you have any small hand weights/dumb bells? You could at least work your upper body for toning while sitting down. You could do bicep curls, tricep extensions, butterflys, etc. Google upper body toning/shape up with hand weights and see what you find. Good luck and hope the time goes fast for you.

    Eating a bran muffin with my coffee and don't know what I will do today as of yet. I want to visit my Mom before lunch and then maybe some beach time, walking,...

    More Later,
  • MarieS135
    MarieS135 Posts: 22 Member
    Good morning Everyone!

    Sounds like all of you had a nice 4th. I did too. Fireworks were Awsome this year. I seem to be hearing that from alot of people this year.

    I apologize for offending some of you when I said "Real Exercise" compared to hard physical work. I guess I should have explained that alittle better. I have some medical issues that I am learning to deal with and I have always chosen "hard physical work" over exercising. I still do! My rheumatologist gave me a serious lecture a couple weeks ago and told me I can enjoy my gardening but it CAN'T be my only form of exercise. Thats what I have been doing since the weather has gotten nicer in Wisconsin. This past winter was just unbearable for me and I have been in heaven lately. I will definately still log my work but for ticker purposes I am just counting "Exercise" for my personal goal.

    Alice- I wrote down your soup recipe. Thank you! Wow I am really impressed with all that you do. I have a small garden. I do sqauare foot gardening and love it. I have a new favorite veg. this year. Pak Choy and Bok Choy. Been trying them all different ways. I froze tomatoes last year. Thinking I might want to try canning. Probably easier than it sounds right?

    Ann- Take care of that foot & ankle. I know how hard it is to stay off it. I went through it for an entire year. There are all kinds of exercises you can do sitting. I found alot online. I have also had alot of relief from orthotics and the night splint. Foot pain is NOT fun.

    It was in the 90s yesterday and humid. So I didn't go walking until 7:30 last night. I was worried about taking my walking buddy out in the heat. (Fletcher the dog) Im not an early morning person so thats out of the question.

    Supposed to be better weather wise today. So I will check in with all of you later.

    Have a good day guys!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    In a hurry must make some lunch and off to work.

    I try walking every day, So before coming online I get my walk in & by the time I come back and shower I don't have time to chat.
    I'll be back later but then need to go into another job tonight.

    Ann I'm sorry to hear about your foot, That really sucks! But weight lifting is a great idea to burn some calories. Things will get back to normal soon. Just stay off the foot & give it time & you'll be back to yourself soon. But this is a good time to work on your upper body, get some small hand weights & start moving :wink:

    Marie... I tried to freeze tomatoes, But it didn't do well. Is there some secret to it :blushing: ?

    Have a Great Hump Day Everyone!!!!!
  • Redneckgirl924
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Thanks for all your support! I will definitely be obeying the doctor. I'm going to do some exercising like sit-ups, weight lifting, etc. to tone up. I was just hoping that there was some magic exercise that lets you burn 600 calories like with walking, but by just using the upper body. I guess I could walk on my hands, but I would probably end up with a whole other set of injuries. :laugh: I've even thought about trying to ride a stationary bike one legged, but I think that says disaster all over it.

    I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well with their walks and exercising. I envy all of you and keep up the good work!

    I hope you all have a wonderful evening!

  • constancemwj
    constancemwj Posts: 290
    Hi all,
    Sounds like everyone had great 4th, So did I, but to many friends, to much fun and to much food.... you know how that can go. I really wasn't good, :sad: I don't like holidays. and then again I really do love them. Anyway I'm working hard to make up for all the fun and food. Yesterday I did 5 miles and today it rained so I went 3 with Leslie and then the rain stopped and the sun came out as it was seting so I took my walk outside for a wonderful evening, and went 3 more miles. and then I came in and ruined it all with a small Ice cream cone... (My favorite food). :ohwell: hopefully the scale will be nice tomorrow.

    Ann sorry to hear about your cast too. :cry: hang in there. I agree with everyone. time for weight training...
    I hope everyone has a great evening too.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Last day in MI and off to WI tomorrow to visit father-in-law in Rhinelander. We'll be home on Sunday and go back to work Monday. Today is very busy doing the last stuff we want to do, breakfast with a friend, saying good-bye to my Mom again. I anticipate that she will still be with us by October and I will see her then if I can get back here.

    Not sure what exercise I will get today except running from here to there. Probably should wear my HRM to see how many calories burned!

    Have a nice day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Ann--I hope your foot gets better soon. Youtube has some seated exercise routines you could try. Just do a search for them. There's a show on PBS each day called "Sit and Be Fit" which is one I did years ago when I broke my leg. It's still on, too! Maybe it's on in your area.

    Marie--I call my workout 'real exercise', too. I have a very physical job but counting just that wasn't working for me. Now I only count the exercise time I do that is outside of work.

    I have been getting my 15 minutes each work day but I still have to make up 15 minutes from last Friday. I'll try to get that done in the next couple of days while it is cooler.

    I wish I had a freezer that was big enough to store extra foods in! I keep planning on getting a small one but it hasn't happened yet.

    Jenny--Enjoy your last day in MI!

    Hope everyone's day is wonderful!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    good morning all, just got back from a 4 mile walk outside. Nice walking the first have there was a breeze, but the second half the breeze was at my back so I really got a sweat in.

    Ann - another thing you could do to bring your heart rate up is punches. They really get you going if you do them fast. That was one of the things on the 30 day shred tape I did. She said if you can't keep up at least do punches, works your arms and keeps up the heart rate.

    Jenny - enjoy thre rest of your vacation. It's hard to leave I'm sure, but I'm really glad you got to go in the first place!.

    I'm headed down to Des Moines, IA this weekend. My mom, aunt and cousin are taking a mini vacation. There is a living farm down there that spikes our interest. I don't know if I am more excited to spend time with my mom or get away on a adult weekend. Either way I'm sure it's going to be a good time.

    Have a great Thursday all!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Mary-enjoy your weekend and have fun. What's a living farm?

    Hard to return to real life but have to work sometime to pay the bills:cry:

    I dread the 8 hour drive tomorrow but it will be nice to visit hubbie's Dad. Haven't seen him since last fall. Well out to the deck for some fresh northern air and sun.

    More later,