Swat Walking group - July



  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Jenny glad you are having such a great time. Enjoy your visit with your FIL and enjoy your time in Rhinelander.

    Ann hoping you find a workout you can handle. Is this a full cast of an air cast? Can you swim? You could do water work without a lot of strain on your foot.

    Mary sounds like a wonderful weekend. Enjoy your time with your Mom and family.

    Constance good for you for brushing yourself off and getting back in the game.

    I do count some of my work exercise as "real exercise". General everyday work is not included, and it is mostly physical work. Although I also do accounting and office work. I do however include things like 180 minutes of weed eating which is not in my normal work routine and burned 1136 calories, or 100 minutes of hauling barrels of woodchips, which also burned a bunch.

    There is no consistency to my routine right now, when winter returns I will have a more clear definition between work and workout.

    I must get back at it. This afternoon I am installing an irrigation system for the last of the nursery beds here at the farm. I think I finally have the system down and can begin setting these up elsewhere.

    Happy Thursday! Alice
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everybody!

    Looks like you are all doing great!

    Ann, I'm sorry your having so much trouble with your foot. I hope you find something you can do.with your limitations. I admire you for sticking with your plan the best you can.

    I really thought I'd be able to get in a workout yesterday but the hospital thing with my dad wore me out. I did do the step thing again today. I get a little better each time. I still haven't gotten around to the weights yet.
  • Redneckgirl924
    Hello, Everyone!

    I didn't get much exercising in today, but I did get sit-ups in tonight and I will add on the weightlifting stuff tomorrow.

    Jenny - Enjoy your last day in MI and I hope you have a safe trip home.

    Constance - Great job on the two 3 mile walks. Keep it up, you are doing great! :drinker:

    Kathy - We do have PBS here, so I will definitely check and see if I can find the Sit and Be Fit. I think I will also scope out Xfinity as well and see if they have it on demand or whatever else on demand might have for the upper body. Thanks for your suggestion.

    Mary - I didn't think about doing punches, I bet I could combine some of biggest loser upper body routines and some of Leslies upper body routines with her resistance bands and make my own routine. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Alice - My cast is a full blown air cast. It looks like a moon boot. I feel like I'm reliving the 80's but without the big hair. I was bored today at work and for giggles my co-workers and I weighed the cast. It weighs two pounds. I did ask the doctor about water walking, since I bought a season pass for two months and he said no. I may try it in a couple of weeks anyway and see how it goes. I wonder if I can use crutches in the water and that way I wouldn't be putting weight on that foot.

    Sandy - Good job on the step routine today. Hospitals always wear people out, and it's understandable that you didn't get in any exercise yesterday. You have been doing a great job on the exercising. How is your dad doing?

    I hope everyone has a good evening! I'm off to help my son with his 4-H book and then I will see what exercises I can find to make up my own routine. Thanks for all the suggestions. Who knows maybe if my routine is good enough, it might end up on the shelf of Wal-Mart. Maybe I will call it "Swatting Away the Pounds".

    Have a good evening!

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    Jenny... Sounds like you really had a nice vacation and it's not over yet. Enjoy your father Inlaw :happy:

    Ann.... Sounds like you got a good plan. swatting away the pounds :laugh:

    Sandy..... Hows your Dad? Your doing really well with your exercising, way to go!

    Mary... enjoy your family! Living farm ?

    Constance.. Sounds Like your getting back in the grove. Good Job!!! Keep it going.

    with MFP I set my profile to sedentary, So I can calculate my cleaning jobs as exercise.

    The weather was horrible here today, dark clouds & rain all Day. So I only got 1.5 miles on the treadmill & 5 minutes on the trampoline.

    Happy Friday everyone :flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Just a quick check-in. I did 15 minutes of Jason'sFitKitchen (on youtube) this morning. (Revisiting old routines I did before getting a bunch of Leslie's DVDs.) It was fun--and moved different muscles in different ways. 5 minutes of it was with weights, which I haven't done in a while!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Ladies

    I walked 5.5 miles today & first thing I did was get on the trampoline for 10 minutes, I think that kicked the metabolism in , Because my HRM was reading very high for the majority of my walk. I always knock off more calories burned than what the HRM reads. So like today it read 726 cal's burned & I put only 600. It's best to be safe than sorry.

    Kathy... Jason fit kitchen sounds so funny

    Thank G O D It's Friday

    I got a new cellphone today, So I should be able to access the internet now through that. But so far I couldn't get on MFP. So Im trying to give it a full charge & check it out later. Now having to learn how to use the thing :grumble:

    Good Night!! Life is Great!! :flowerforyou:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Made it to WI to father-in-law's house. He and his partner Jean are in their 70's but not in the best physical health so I offered to weed her flower gardens today. It benefits me and helps them out. Breakfast was huge so I have some calories to burn. If the rain hold off I may be able to fit in a nice walk too.

    Sandy-Sorry you are dealing with illness of a parent. It is so hard.
    Ann-If you get a good upper body routine let us know what it is.
    Teresa-have you met more people from your new walking group yet?

    I'm off to weed so catch up with everyone else later:bigsmile:

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Boy it's hot here today. Went flea-marketing again today and walked around for 3 or 4 hours. It rained just a bit this morning, just enough to make a nice steam everywhere! :smile: I've never sweated so much just from walking around. I really need to do a workout but I haven't recovered from the heat yet. I Didn't find anything special but did get some nice produce. I did get a bargain yeasterday at the consignment store sale. . . Levi's with the tags still on for $5. I love finding bargains. :heart:

    My Dad is doing fine with the exception of his physical activity being restricted. He's not a very good patient so I think my Mom is having a harder time than he is. He's 83 years old and tries to do lots of stuff he shouldn't. (like standing on his shop desk to hang a ceiling light, falling off and cutting his head) He had a lesion on his hand that would not heal so they had to cut it off and close it back up. They tested it and it is cancerous (squamos??) but they feel confident they removed it all during the surgery.

    Teresa, I thought I never would learn how to use my cell phone but I did finally figure out how to get to MFP. I can only access the diary on mine or I just haven't figured out how to see the messages maybe? Trampolines are really very good exercise and fun too!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I did not get in any 'real' exercise yesterday. Shopping took longer than expected and then my DD wanted company on her trip to get the oil changed in the Cobalt. After that we ended up getting the car washed and then stopping at Dollar Tree to pick up some things we didn't get at Winco (baggies for food storage, etc.)

    I do plan on at least 30 minutes today and I HOPE to get in more--the yard needs weeding so that will help!

    Teresa and Sandy--from what I hear the MFP apps don't let you access the message boards--only the diary. I have a Windows Mobile phone and can access the message boards but using the diary on it is a PAIN so I got a different food and exercise tracker for it.

    Time to get moving! Hope you all have a great day!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi ladies

    I walked 4.5 miles today and 3 miles yesterday walking mall with mom and also taking walk to park.
    IM on my mobile phone now, its working great! I'm also able
    to access my food diary with ease and this.

    The quality of clarity is not as good as my other phone but internet
    Access is awesome. Well worth the cost of phone

    Bad day yesterday of eating but I know. What I need to do. I will
    Get back into normal routine tomorrow.
    I've met 2 nice people from my walking group
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Arrived home today around 3:00pm. Hotter than XXXX here in the high 90's but AC is working luckily. No exercise today and sitting in the car for 4 hours. Go back to work tomorrow and back to a healthier routine with better food choices, eating at home and exercise!

    Stay cool!

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Where did the weekend go? :sad:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Monday yucks! Wow, the weekend just flew by, but they always do. I did get in my step dvd workout yesterday and I did 30 minutes with the weights today, including the 10 minute kettlebell workout. I still havent' gotten around to ordering a workout dvd for the kettlebell. Too many other things taking my dollars. I'm still trying to work into the cardio one day and weights the next but not doing it very good.

    Teresa, that's good you can access the message boards from you phone. I don't think I can from mine. My phone uses the android app.

    Jenny, I hope your first day back at work wasn't too bad. It's always hard going back after time off.
  • MarieS135
    MarieS135 Posts: 22 Member
    Well I didn't start out my Monday the way I like to. Husband is on vacation all this week. We went to a couple new stores in town today and I didn't plan supper. Ended up eating 2 slices of pizza. Not happy with myself right now. I did talk him into going for a hike at the dog park after supper though at least. It is so hot and humid here today.

    I don't know what its going to take to get me motivated to exercise other than walking. It just seems to be the easiest.

    I keep reading everyones posts and your all doing great and trying new things. Its wonderful! Im proud of all of you.

    Im going to start updating my profile. Put some before pics and current ones of me. I hate writing about myself though I guess I can come up with something little.

    Keep up the good work guys!

    I will check in again soon.
  • Redneckgirl924
    Hello Ladies!

    I'm envious of everyone's workouts, but Kudos to all of you. Your all doing an amazing job. Keep it Up!

    I'm trying to get a routine down for the upper body, but it's going slowly. I'm not as strong in the upper body as, I thought. Boy do I hate that reality check. :cry: I guess that's what my desk job does for me. Makes my butt bigger and my arms weaker. :smile: I also don't know how to record some of these exercises, because I don't know the official name of the exercises I'm doing. The good news is, I weighed myself today and I haven't gained any weight back so far. Yay!

    I hope everyone has a good evening and a great Tuesday!

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello group :bigsmile:

    Sandy.. I have Android too, But I have know idea whats running the program? I have the Metro PCS 4G

    I walked 5.5 miles today

    I met part of the walking group yesterday & we walked 4.5 miles, A lot slower than I'm Used to :indifferent: , plus it took me 1/2 hour to drive thier. I plan on meeting up with the group again next Sunday, But it might be my last taking that walking route.
    On Wednesday another part of the group is coming to my city, Hopefully it's a much faster pace.

    You all might have the same kinda group in your area ????? Its called " meetup.com" and you can find any group that your interested in when logging in your zip code.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Week
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Ann... Thats awesome you haven't gained weight back!. Thats Huge!! :wink: MFP has in there exercise data Weight training. Just type in your minutes & it calculates how much you burned. Under the exercise's

    Marie..... I think The walking is all you really need :bigsmile: To get the Job done!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Okay back to work today and my office without AC is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had fans blowing around the hot air and dripped sweat all day. I left for an appt. at 1:50 and luckily the home I went to was cool. My work partner and I went to Applebees after work for a perfect marguerita and dinner to catch-up and decompress from our appt. So needless to say I had a good time at dinner but was not making good choices....:( We are both on MFP and plan to begin our new dedication to our plan tomorrow.

    I need to get a pedometer that actually works. In my new building the hallways are long and my office is a long way from all the places I need to frequent during the day. I walked quite a bit today so just logged it as 45 minutes of leisurely walking for now.

    Congrats to all of you that are sticking to your plans. I'll get there again. Weighed myself this morning and it wasn't pretty but scared me to rededicate myself to better health!

  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Everyone.

    Happy July. I took a spa vacation, but have been pretty lazy this month (once again; I REALLY, REALLY need to get back on track!). At the spa, I did swim five laps on Saturday. I don't know what an average is, or how many one should be able to swim, but I was proud of my accomplishment. It sure tuckered me, but some time in the hot tub and the sauna helped! It really was a relaxing and most enjoyable vacation. :glasses:

    As for the rest of the month, it's been pretty slow on the exercise front. I started out on the first and the second with two mile walks, but haven't done a walk tape since until tonight (yikes!). I think the slowed weight loss is getting me down. I started a year ago and set a 12 month goal that I'm 30 pounds shy of. My weight loss is nothing to sneeze at, I know, but I have to get over this mental hurdle and keep at it. So, I just had another birthday, 47, and that too may be having an impact; I was really hoping to make my goal before my birthday.

    On a good note, the new job is going great. :bigsmile: I also got a new car (couldn't pass up the zero percent interest, and my car was 12 years old). My ticker is to celebrate the new car. I kept my goal at 60 miles (last month was the first time I didn't make it :frown: ) and plan to make it (here come a lot of five mile tapes to get caught up!).

    Glad to see everyone back and the new faces. Thanks for being a support!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm now 60 minutes behind in my goal. I keep planning to catch up but other stuff keeps getting in my way!
    I really need to dig up and reseed some brown spots in my yard and also get the weeding done! I hope to do that today but can't promise anything.

    Jenny--I have an Omron HJ-112 pedometer. I can carry it in my pocket and it is pretty darn accurate! They have fancier models, too, but I just wanted the basic one.

    Well, time to get ready for work. Have a good day everyone!