Are carbs really important?



  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I meant 'important' as in 'if I eat too much of them, are they going to kill me' that's also why I asked to take a look at my diary to see if I was eating too many.
    I'm just a bit confused because so many people are going 'don't eat over a certain amount' and 'carbs are bad!' so I wanted to see if my habit was bad, because as far as I could tell I was fine.

    Every persons case is going to be different. I'm not celiac but my body doesn't "do" carbs well so I try to keep my carb intake at around 50g's per day (veggies & occasional fruits) and I'm shedding body fat/pant sizes like wildfire. Others, like say, high performance athletes can take in 300g's+ per day and they are calorie burning "machines", doesn't effect them. Guess the only advice I could give is do what works for YOU. I know that minimal carbs have been great for ME (not the case with everyone though.)
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    I meant 'important' as in 'if I eat too much of them, are they going to kill me' that's also why I asked to take a look at my diary to see if I was eating too many.
    I'm just a bit confused because so many people are going 'don't eat over a certain amount' and 'carbs are bad!' so I wanted to see if my habit was bad, because as far as I could tell I was fine.

    Every persons case is going to be different. I'm not celiac but my body doesn't "do" carbs well so I try to keep my carb intake at around 50g's per day (veggies & occasional fruits) and I'm shedding body fat/pant sizes like wildfire. Others, like say, high performance athletes can take in 300g's+ per day and they are calorie burning "machines", doesn't effect them. Guess the only advice I could give is do what works for YOU. I know that minimal carbs have been great for ME (not the case with everyone though.)
    Well thank you anyway :) I know it works for some people to restrict carbs, and I do watch what I take in and exercise almost 2 hours a day. I might try to see if I can lower carbs, see what happens. But I don't feel like they're affecting my weight loss.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'm not going to warn anybody on this thread, but I've seen more than one comment that I personally detest. As a moderator, I force myself to stay out of situations that I don't like simply because we've been asked to take a very minimalist approach to board moderation. But I'll say this, some of the posts on this thread walk a very fine line.

    If you don't like something someone posts, it's fine to RESPECTFULLY debate the contents of that post, it's never ok to insult, or demean either a poster or a post itself on MyFitnessPal. Just remember, sarcasm does NOT translate to written word very well, before you type something you mean as a joke or sarcasm, read it over a few times to be positively sure it will be taken that way, especially if any alternate meaning could be insulting.

    thank you,

    MyFitnessPal forum moderator
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Carbs are only important if you want to live. Your body can't function without them. But it's important to eat the right kind of carbs, and that means getting them from whole foods rather than processed (white) bread, pasta or sugars. Stick to vegetables, fruit and whole grains as your main sources and stay within your calorie limits and you'll be fine.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    Carbs are only important if you want to live. Your body can't function without them.

    Yes, it can.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Carbs are only important if you want to live. Your body can't function without them. But it's important to eat the right kind of carbs, and that means getting them from whole foods rather than processed (white) bread, pasta or sugars. Stick to vegetables, fruit and whole grains as your main sources and stay within your calorie limits and you'll be fine.

    This is not a true statement. Your body can and does function quite well without carbs. Your body needs protein. We as a nation have one of the worst diets on the planet for health and fitness. There are cultures around the globe that are sustained without carbs, mainly because their environment will not support agriculture! The eat animals, their by-products and fats of all sorts and are fairly healthy and fit. There are also cultures that survive almost completely on a diet of high density carbs. They have limited access to animal proteins and their by-products. They have to be very creative to not get protein deficiency related diseases.
  • wanttogetskinny
    I think that a lot of low/moderate carb people are those battling Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, or insulin resistance as an effect of PCOS, from what I've seen. So they have a medical reason for their choice - they just mistakenly think that because it's working FOR THEM, that it is necessarily something that will work for everyone.

    Do you believe that ingesting large quatities of carbs may contribute to your chances of becomming one of these people?

    I'm not sure if I believe it leads to it - there are many reasons Type 2 develops (genetics and persistant organic pollutants actually have a lot more to do with it than weight/diet, which the mass media wants us to believe).

    I do believe that once you HAVE diabetes however, your ability to use carbs as others do is impaired. Higher levels of carb intake means higher levels of insulin in the body (or in my case (I have Type 1) more insulin needed in an injection into the body)...and more insulin in the blood stream can lead to the body being less able to burn fat.
  • wanttogetskinny
    I think that a lot of low/moderate carb people are those battling Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, or insulin resistance as an effect of PCOS, from what I've seen. So they have a medical reason for their choice - they just mistakenly think that because it's working FOR THEM, that it is necessarily something that will work for everyone.

    Do you believe that ingesting large quatities of carbs may contribute to your chances of becomming one of these people?
    PCOS and type 1 diabetes aren't conditions that can be caused by diet.
    Also, losing weight helps decrease chance of developing type 2 diabetes and insulin resistances. And losing weight is what I am doing.
    I was meerly asking if my carb intake was going to affect my losing weight, not developing diabetes.

    Um, I'm well aware of that fact, as I've had Type 1 since I was 6. But control of these conditions is VERY related to diet. I only mentioned carb control in relation to these conditions because YOU noted that
    'I've come to notice since joining this site that a lot people restrict carbs a lot. '.................I was simply filling you in on why you may see many people doing it. Not trying to say that it will/won't lead to diabetes.
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Eat your carbs. And your protein. And your fats.

    I would have to say that pasta is far from an ideal source of carbs. Try some nice healthy fruits and vegatables.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I think that a lot of low/moderate carb people are those battling Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, or insulin resistance as an effect of PCOS, from what I've seen. So they have a medical reason for their choice - they just mistakenly think that because it's working FOR THEM, that it is necessarily something that will work for everyone.

    Do you believe that ingesting large quatities of carbs may contribute to your chances of becomming one of these people?

    Not sure if it contributes but it does spike the sugar which is what these people are trying to avoid.

    Carbs are good!!! I try to stay away from starchy carbs - White potatoes, white bread, white pasta... However sweet potatoes, whole wheat breads and pasta are great!
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    I've come to notice since joining this site that a lot people restrict carbs a lot.
    In my house (I live with my parents) we have tons of stuff that it 'high in carbs' ; bread, pasta, potatoes, spaghetti, ect. And it's extremely hard for me to go about my day without having one of those.

    My diary is open, if anyone cares to look. (I suggest looking at past days, since I've only had breakfast today)
    I ask, is my carb intake way too high? Is it really important for me to track my carbs? Otherwise, I'd hardly be making my limit trying to find foods that are low-carb, because my parents do all the shopping.

    Low carb zealots like to make carbs an all or nothing issue, but as with most things, the issue is a bit more complicated and the ideal level is usually somewhere in-between whatever extremes people like to fight over.

    Restricting carbs gives the impression of helping with weight loss because the average Western diet contains far too many carbs....but more importantly far too many simple carbs. Also, research has shown that people on low-fat diets (i.e. diets with plenty of carb) tend to underestimate the amount of calories they consume. After looking at your diary, I would say that lowering your carb intake might be a good idea.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I think that a lot of low/moderate carb people are those battling Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, or insulin resistance as an effect of PCOS, from what I've seen. So they have a medical reason for their choice - they just mistakenly think that because it's working FOR THEM, that it is necessarily something that will work for everyone.

    Do you believe that ingesting large quatities of carbs may contribute to your chances of becomming one of these people?


    Before I started losing weight, when I was 191 pounds and size 20, I ate a diet of about 65% carbs. I have never ever been diabetic, and I don't even know what PCOS is.

    Some people may be pre-disposed...others, consistent with research, are diabetic not because of over consumption of carbs, but over consumption of FOOD IN GENERAL with lack of exercise. You can eat a truck load of carbs compared to the low carbers, but if you are active, then chances are you won't be obese or diabetic.

    Many top athletes eat more than half their daily calories from carbs and are NOT diabetic.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Carbs are essential.

    They are the fuel that your body uses to function, especially things like pasta, potatoes, spaghetti etc, these are all idea sources of carbs.

    Looking back at your diary I see nothing wrong with your carb intake. Some people will swear by a low carb diet but I could never do it, I need the fuel from them.

    I would have to say that pasta is far from an ideal source of carbs. Try some nice healthy fruits and vegatables.

    While pasta might not be "ideal" it is NOT and never will be "bad." Unless you are already allergic to gluten, are diabetic, etc. In fact, it has been shown that if you eat pasta with a good source of protein, the so called "insulin spike" is as low as what you'd see from fruits and veggies.

    Pasta + meat sauce > pasta + marinara sauce

    I eat pasta frequently and am thankful to say that I am not fat anymore. I have a healthy weight, healthy BMI, etc. You just have to be smart about your portions and what you combine together to make meals...but that's true about ANY food.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    LOL, my response got stuck in the quote above. :bigsmile:
  • ShampooIsBetter
    I shoot for a ratio of 1:1:2 of grams of carbs to fat to protein. A good day for me now is 75 grams of carbs, 75 grams of fats and 150 grams of protein. We all have different body chemistry, so the same thing won't work for everyone. I follow this ratio because I feel weak if I don't have at least 75 carbs, but anything more doesnt stay with me like protein and fat. I can stay on a 1500-1600 calories per day diet as long as it is low on carbs. If I try to hit that number and eat a lot of carbs, I stay very hungry and am likely to fail.

    In those 75 grams, I try to 100% avoid white carbs. I like to get mine from things like spinach, beans and pistacio nuts.
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    Carbs are essential.

    There is no actual physiological requirement for dietary carbohydrates. From the standpoint of survival, the minimum amount of carbohydrates that are required in a diet is zero grams per day. The body can make what little it needs from other sources.

    Thank you. My head wants to explode whenever I see that old 'carbs are essential' dogma dragged out.
  • PinUpMommy
    PinUpMommy Posts: 94
    For me, carbs are VERY important. I cannot do a low carb diet. If I do, I'm starving all the time. I don't eat an excessive amout of carbs, but I do have them with every meal. I've had no issues losing weight while eating what I'm eating. It really depends on your body and what it does with carbs.

    I haven't had a chance to look at your journal yet, but make sure you're also getting pleanty of protein since you're a vegetarian. That will also keep you fuller longer.
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    Carbs are only important if you want to live. Your body can't function without them.

    I want to be respectful and all but that's just not true. Where did you get such an idea?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Carbs are only important if you want to live. Your body can't function without them.

    Yes, it can.

    I suppose you could live for a while, but without fruit, veggies, or other carbs you wouldn't live very long. Correction, you wouldn't exist very long. I don't know how anyone could consider that living.
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    Carbs are only important if you want to live. Your body can't function without them.

    Yes, it can.

    I suppose you could live for a while, but without fruit, veggies, or other carbs you wouldn't live very long. Correction, you wouldn't exist very long. I don't know how anyone could consider that living.

    No one is saying that you don't need some foods that have carbs in them. They are saying that you don't need the carbs you are getting from them.

    Big difference.