Thanks for the support...or not



  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    First of all, congratulations on completing your first 5k! That is awesome! Second....I am sorry that anyone would have anything negative to say about that at all! I cannot understand why anyone in the world would feel the need to tell you that you could have done it did it girl! Forget them first...then forget them! Congratulations again!
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Wow! People can be so horrible. The point of the site is for positive and constructive feedback. I am sorry you received nasty messages.

    On the flip side, WOW on your 5K!!!! I'm so proud and happy for you. I've never done one because I don't feel ready or secure yet. So I can understand how an event like that can be a challenge. And you did great!!! That is fabulous!

    Keep up the great work! :happy:
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    I just read your original "bragging" post and it looks to me like you have every right to do so!! To make the progress that you have made is most definitely brag-worthy and something to be very proud of!!

    Congrats on your success and your AMAZING NSV!!!!
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    What an amazing accomplishment!! :)
    I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, unfortunately there will always be people out there ready to sabatoge our efforts. Just remember the bad things they say belong to them....kinda like a saying I heard when I was a kid..." I'm rubber, you're glue. What ever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!" :)
    Good luck with all you do! And if you need another person in your cheering section you're welcome to add me as a friend.
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    All I want to say is that you completed your first 5k and have every right to be proud and to brag about it! That's definitely something to be proud of and brag about! Keep up the awesome job and just laugh at all the haters who have nothing better to do with their sad lives than to be nasty to you
  • danibee79
    danibee79 Posts: 144 Member
    I hope you've deleted them!
  • qnamcgee
    qnamcgee Posts: 4
    Congrats on finishing! Regardless of the time, you should be very proud. Hooray for you! :smile:
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    Wow... That sounds like it was terrible of those people. Shame on them.

    Congrats at completing the 5k. I have been thinking that in a year or so I am going to sign up to do one and you have inspired me. Keep up your amazing work! You are awesome!!!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    whack.gif <---- to the nasty PM'ers and Woot_Emoticon.gif on your 5k!

    What she said!
  • Laurarunnergirl
    Laurarunnergirl Posts: 36 Member
    First, off, CONGRATS on your first 5K. No matter what your time, you are making the effort to get out there, and improve your health. Keep it up -- we're proud of you!

    As others have noted, you were totally gracious and mature in how you handled those ignorant punks. Much more kind than I would have been. Keep up the good work -- stay classy and remember we're here for you!

  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    no matter how fast or slow yo went you still out paced someone sitting on their couch....or at their computers sending you rude comments!

    Feel got up and out and did it!

    You rock!