Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-July 2011



  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Hi all, just checking in. Went to a short camping trip and got back yesterday. Glad to see everyone is doing great.

    It seems that I've been losing weight... Not sure what is going on. I swear that I ate a lot and snack quick often. May not have the best choices lately, because I've crave for carb and fruits so much. :-( Cannot eat a big meal, otherwise I'll feel so sick to even move around.

  • princesspurple
    Hello all-I didn't read the article but I heard about it on the news the other is what I say:
    Whatever, if someone wants to ban children-that is the way they want to run their establishment, then fine-so be it...If it is a place I would like to go, I will wait until I go w/ just my husband:drinker:
    I have worked in restaurants where parents do not feel the need to keep their children behaved and it takes away from a nice lunch/dinner. I am a mother/step-mother who has always taught my children to behave in places. I see so many out of control when you go out.
    If a place wants to say no-smoking, then no smoking, if they say no cell phones, then no cell phones. It is their business (literally), they can do what they want, we choose if we go:laugh:
  • goldenfemale
    goldenfemale Posts: 20 Member
    I want to get pregnant but don't want to
    put on a huge amount of weight. Can one still lose weight while pregnant? I'm already overweight and scared it will get out of hand. Please advise
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    So I'm a little behind the times. End of month lurking is no fun.....will have to be sure to make sure I move over to August in time....

    Nice to see everyone's pregnancy progressing in a healthy manner
  • mandysonnier
    mandysonnier Posts: 4 Member
    So, I noticed that some of your said that you are following your maintenance calories. However, my Dr's office told me not to eat less than 2000. So, I'm so confused. What are most of you doing?
  • Seafrost
    Seafrost Posts: 3
    Does anyone know how the nursing option works? I know you add it to your food and it recalculates it for you taking away 500 calories... Do you do that everyday? Or every meal?
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    you add the nursing option once a day.

    And about the children prohibition, I feel the same way as princesspurple. There are many places I won't bring my 2.5 year old because it takes away from the ambiance and my enjoyment, and my son is very well behaved, so I understand the business owners' perspective.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    So, I noticed that some of your said that you are following your maintenance calories. However, my Dr's office told me not to eat less than 2000. So, I'm so confused. What are most of you doing?

    Everyone is different size, height, etc. Cannot use just one number (2000) for everyone. Your doctor probably calculated that number based on your information and condition. If I eat no less than 2000 a day (5'3, small frame), I'll probably gain 25 lb in 3 month.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I want to get pregnant but don't want to
    put on a huge amount of weight. Can one still lose weight while pregnant? I'm already overweight and scared it will get out of hand. Please advise

    Do NOT try to lose weight during pregnancy. If you started with overweight, you just targeted to gain less. There are guidelines for that. Keep working out will help you have a healthier pregnancy and easier to take the weight gain off after give birth. Also keep in mind that if you breastfeed, your weight will come down fast.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Deadlydame welcome! And why would you be hesitant to continue to workout? Straight from the high risk pregnancy doctors mouth "you will not lose your baby from working out!". People who especially have been active can continue to do almost all of the activities they've been doing to the comfort of their bodies throughout the pregnancy. Those who are not active (but if you are on this board I figure you are pretty active) can at least do walking and toning exercises (be careful not to lift to heavy of weights). The only concern should be if you've been told you have an incompetent cervix, which most women don't. So keep up being healthy for YOU and the baby!

    Ashley sounds like you've been keeping it up and doing awesome! You go girl!

    Hattie maybe you should add some high calorie snacks to your day like PB and a slice of Ezekial bread, some homemade trail mix, or some full fat organic yogurt with some fruit! :) Gotta make sure you and that baby are getting everything you need. Was confused when all your friends were congratulating you on losing weight on your post...This is the only time in our life that we should be applauded as we gain a healthy amount! lol! But obviously you know all this! Hope getting back from your trip will help to get you back on track and help so you aren't losing any more essential weight.

    goldenfemale, I advise you go to our sister group Fit for Future Families. They are a group of women ttc who are in their own journeys of losing weight before baby. You should NOT lose weight while pregnant. Some doctors say it is okay for morbidly obese women to lose weight while pregnant, but that is still a controversy with many physicians. Good luck on your journey.

    Pam I try and keep up on your board too! lol! I miss your face and hope all is well!

    I made the plunge and am doing a maternity session on October 4th. I hope I'm not a whale by then! lol!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Does anyone know if taking your prenatal vitamin before bed makes any difference with the morning sickness??? I usually take mine with my breakfast, but my nausea has been so much worse than my last pregnancy and I've been getting migraines with it too, so I am looking for any advice on making this bearable.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hello all-I didn't read the article but I heard about it on the news the other is what I say:
    Whatever, if someone wants to ban children-that is the way they want to run their establishment, then fine-so be it...If it is a place I would like to go, I will wait until I go w/ just my husband:drinker:
    I have worked in restaurants where parents do not feel the need to keep their children behaved and it takes away from a nice lunch/dinner. I am a mother/step-mother who has always taught my children to behave in places. I see so many out of control when you go out.
    If a place wants to say no-smoking, then no smoking, if they say no cell phones, then no cell phones. It is their business (literally), they can do what they want, we choose if we go:laugh:

    Didn't thnk about it that way. Good point. I want to change my mind now. :wink:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Does anyone know if taking your prenatal vitamin before bed makes any difference with the morning sickness??? I usually take mine with my breakfast, but my nausea has been so much worse than my last pregnancy and I've been getting migraines with it too, so I am looking for any advice on making this bearable.

    Before I took prenatals and was just taking multi-vitamins, if I took mine in the morning before food, it would make me nauseous. So I didn't mess around and have been taking my prenatals before bed every night and have no sickness from it. Just remember if you're taking a calcium supplment too to try to space it out from the prenatal. My OB nurse told me the iron can negate the calcium intake or something.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Does anyone know if taking your prenatal vitamin before bed makes any difference with the morning sickness??? I usually take mine with my breakfast, but my nausea has been so much worse than my last pregnancy and I've been getting migraines with it too, so I am looking for any advice on making this bearable.

    If the vitamins themselves are making you more queasy then taking them at night before bed should help, but if you are just experiencing nausea from morning sickness, switching when you take your prenatal vitamin won't do anything.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Hattie maybe you should add some high calorie snacks to your day like PB and a slice of Ezekial bread, some homemade trail mix, or some full fat organic yogurt with some fruit! :) Gotta make sure you and that baby are getting everything you need. Was confused when all your friends were congratulating you on losing weight on your post...This is the only time in our life that we should be applauded as we gain a healthy amount! lol! But obviously you know all this! Hope getting back from your trip will help to get you back on track and help so you aren't losing any more essential weight.

    Heather, I've lost interest eating nuts since this, which I used to eat nuts everyday. I tried a few times to eat, only managed to put a couple in my mouth, and that's the end. I hope it'll pass soon in a few weeks.

    About my friends congratulating on me losing weight, oh, my fault. I haven't told anyone there about my pregnancy. Since my last miscarriage, I want to wait until more safe to announce that. So, no one (except one mom figured out a couple of weeks ago) on my friend list know about it (of course except you gals). :-P

    So help me keep it quite for a little longer.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    ... Just remember if you're taking a calcium supplment too to try to space it out from the prenatal. My OB nurse told me the iron can negate the calcium intake or something.

    Didn't know that, thanks!

    Found this article "Does Iron Interfere With Calcium Absorption?":
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Happy Friday to everyone!

    My bambino must be starting to make the decent. I could finally breathe normally on my run this morning. 42.31 min for just a little over 4 miles... I anticipate lots of growing over the next several weeks so I am sure the bambino will be back to smashing my lungs soon. I'm definitely feeling my body start to stretch in the pelvic area, it's kind of a strange sensation.

    Heather - pack your bags and get on a plane to Seattle - the guest room is ready for you!

    Off to clean the house - my mom is arriving this afternoon for a weekend visit. Looking forward to spending some time with her :-)
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    I haven't taken my prenatal vitamin yet today and I feel so much better than yesterday. I am going to take it with dinner and hope that by tomorrow morning the nausea has worn off.

    Also, I eat a ton of dairy on a daily basis, so I don't take an additional calcium supplement. I"m right now eating a grilled cheese, which has about 40% of my daily calcium, and that's after my siggi's yogurt (15% calcium) and my kashi go lean with skim milk.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    has anyone tried gin gins hard candies for morning sickness??? or preggie pops????

    I've tried the preggo pop drops, a friend bought them for me last week and they are so yummy & they work! :-)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi all just checking in :) sounds like everyone is doing awesome!

    I'm having trouble with fatigue this week, it's really wearing me down. I've only worked out once and that was not my goal at all this week! Plus I have an exam on Saturday (tomorrow!) which I'm having trouble studying for because I keep falling asleep! Prime example yesterday (I took Thurs/Fri off work to study) I sat down on the couch to study and immediately fell asleep and didn't wake up for 3 hours! Then we had to go over to see my husbands relatives to welcome a new baby and went back to his parents after and we didn't get home until 11! At least I've studied for about 2 hours already today and squeezed in a 1 hour nap!

    I'm 10 weeks as of yesterday :-) My "what to expect when you're expecting" iphone app told me the baby is about the size of a lime now and has officially gone from an embryo to a fetus! YAY! =)

    I got my hair done yesterday, lowlights & highlights and a trim. I called a nurse at Capital Health and she told me it wasn't dangerous as long as the space I was in was well ventilated - it was done at my house so I opened all the windows and had two fans going! lol - and man it's amazing what a good hair cut/color can do for a girl! ;) Feeling fantastic!

    Also - just wanting to share and see what your thoughts are...I heard a story on CBC yesterday about a new doll from Europe that is causing quite the controversy in the states - it's a breastfeeding doll...yikes, the doll makes suckling noises and it comes with a little top with nipples so it can latch on! I just feel like it's really creepy and unnecessary - what ever happened to just having a plain doll and using your imagination? Way too creepy and crossing some lines I think! What do you guys think?

    Anyway, Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!