Crystal Light!



  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    In my line of work, I work very closely with registered dietians who help patients control their weight to control their long term complications from Diabetes and other health disorders. They have to stay current with what is healthy and what is not. There have been study after study proving artificial sweeteners are safe. Yes, there have been studies saying people tend to gain weight when they ingest artificial sweeteners, but what else are they eating? It is like eating non artificial stuff and watching everything else to stay at a healthy weight. Or it is like eating a Big Mac, lg fries and a diet coke.....if you do that, you will not be able to manage your weight to a healthy level.

    Yes, I ingest artificial sweeteners every day and I am keeping my weight off. My blood pressure is below normal, my physician says I have the lowest cholesterol of all of her patients. I work out 6 days a week. Those are the things that will keep you healthy.

    There are so many ways many of us lose weight, and it is no one's right to judge others on how they lose it. If some folks decide to use artificial sweeteners to control their weight, let them do it iwithout harping on what you think is right. Crystal light is an awesome weight loss tool to make water more tolerable to some who don't like water by itself. Sorry but it drives me crazy when I hear this when I have very close friends who know go to the Americian Dietitic Assocation national meetings, who have to keep up with this type of information to keep their credentials current and they know that artificial sweeteners are safe.

    You can say all you want about artificial sweeteners, but they are safer than the long term side effects of obesity, like diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol! I have lost over 100 lbs and have had it off now for 3 yrs. My diet includes artificial sweeteners, like crystal lite, diet soda, sugar free syrup, light yogurt and light ice cream. I eat artificial sweeteners on a regular basis every day of my life. It helps control calorie intake.....doesn't make me more hungry, and if I am, I eat! What a concept?? I will continue to use artificial sweeteners to manage my weight...the only time when I start to gain weight is when I incorporate Little Debbies or other high calorie foods, again, what a concept? Calories in, Calories out = weight loss!! (or weight gain if it is going the other way!)

    Let us enjoy our discussion on Crystal Lite please! Thank you!!!

    Congratulations! That's awesome. I do hope you keep the weight off. And you're right, obesity is very dangerous. But artificial sweeteners, EVERY DAY???!!! They are NOT safer than obesity. Who told you that?

    I wouldn't post if I didn't care. I have a special needs son and two other children. He will need a lot of help when he gets older. I choose exercise to keep me healthy, not artificial sweeteners. I'd rather be a bit overweight than brain-damaged.

    I'm done speaking and will no longer post enlightening comments in an attempt to help. You're all obviously going to ignore the dangers and keep on drinking. That's a darn shame.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    In my line of work, I work very closely with registered dietians who help patients control their weight to control their long term complications from Diabetes and other health disorders. They have to stay current with what is healthy and what is not. There have been study after study proving artificial sweeteners are safe. Yes, there have been studies saying people tend to gain weight when they ingest artificial sweeteners, but what else are they eating? It is like eating non artificial stuff and watching everything else to stay at a healthy weight. Or it is like eating a Big Mac, lg fries and a diet coke.....if you do that, you will not be able to manage your weight to a healthy level.

    Yes, I ingest artificial sweeteners every day and I am keeping my weight off. My blood pressure is below normal, my physician says I have the lowest cholesterol of all of her patients. I work out 6 days a week. Those are the things that will keep you healthy.

    There are so many ways many of us lose weight, and it is no one's right to judge others on how they lose it. If some folks decide to use artificial sweeteners to control their weight, let them do it iwithout harping on what you think is right. Crystal light is an awesome weight loss tool to make water more tolerable to some who don't like water by itself. Sorry but it drives me crazy when I hear this when I have very close friends who know go to the Americian Dietitic Assocation national meetings, who have to keep up with this type of information to keep their credentials current and they know that artificial sweeteners are safe.

    THANK YOU!!!! I understand what you are saying and I agree. Sometimes it works for others and sometimes it doesn't. The people who do use this to help with weight loss, eat AND drink other things too. They don' rely on it 24/7.
  • mominabox
    mominabox Posts: 26
    Razzberry Lemonade is awesome
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I don't count CL calories.... Oops, I probably just started the NEXT BIG DEBATE! lol

    I only drink a bottle every couple of days, and 5-10 calories won't make or break me. It's just like gum.... Oh crap, I did it again!

  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I drink Crystal light every now and then. I often buy the store brands of crystal light and they are just as good as crystal light. I will be on the lookout for the new mocktail products. They sound good.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I like ice cold water but when its not that cold, I like to put in Crystal Light to allow myself to drink water.