Do people actually read others posts



  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I only comment on others' diaries if I've read them. Otherwise, what's the point?

    I had one MFP friend who is literally only eating McDonald's, bacon, sausage, chocolate, and Coke. Yep, she's losing weight (as she's eating under her calorie guidelines), but she's killing herself at the same time. The biggest irony was that she had something about being worried about her high cholesterol on her profile! I said something about adding more vegetables and drinking more water and she was basically in denial. I figured I couldn't help her and de-friended her, but I was shocked at how many people were congratulating her on a great day every day when her "great day" was literally full of sugar, fast food, saturated fat, and highly processed carbs.

    But the occasional day of McDonalds does no harm. I would still say 'well done' if someone only had McDonalds food,but did stay under their goal,but doesnt normally do that. Because it's good to eat portion controlled. That takes some effort.
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    This is the only online site I'm on,( except for EBay :-) ), so I'm not online relationship savvy. I like to give support but when I suspect I have been added as a friend for the person's statistical ego, i.e. no reciprical communication or comments, I quietly delete them. I do care about My fitnesspal members and value their opinions, successess and challenges, if someone wanted me to check up on their eating/exercise, I would. OOh, am I on track with the topic?
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    This is the only online site I'm on,( except for EBay :-) ), so I'm not online relationship savvy. I like to give support but when I suspect I have been added as a friend for the person's statistical ego, i.e. no reciprical communication or comments, I quietly delete them. I do care about My fitnesspal members and value their opinions, successess and challenges, if someone wanted me to check up on their eating/exercise, I would. OOh, am I on track with the topic?
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Unless they specifically asked for input or help, I will not provide it.
    This! there are many posts on the board about how much people hate to get unsolicited advice/comments.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    i don't comment on people's diaries if I can't see it and and also not if they were under 1000,because I don't think that's very healthy most of the time and that could encourage bad eating habits.

    This ^

    I also don't look at everyone's all the time. I think most of the people on my list are american and sometimes looking at their dairies it may aswell be in chinese for all the good it does me. Some days i recognise absolutely nothing on them.
  • 38Gigi38
    38Gigi38 Posts: 115 Member
    I read all of my friends diaries that are open. I like to get new food ideas, and I like to be supportive and know what I am supporting. I do not give advice however, because I really don't feel like I am qualified to give advice. I do give lots of encouragement, because most of us that use this site want it and need it to help us stay motivated. I guess I live under the old adage my mother instilled in me, that being, "if you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all."
  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    I only comment on others' diaries if I've read them. Otherwise, what's the point?

    I had one MFP friend who is literally only eating McDonald's, bacon, sausage, chocolate, and Coke. Yep, she's losing weight (as she's eating under her calorie guidelines), but she's killing herself at the same time. The biggest irony was that she had something about being worried about her high cholesterol on her profile! I said something about adding more vegetables and drinking more water and she was basically in denial. I figured I couldn't help her and de-friended her, but I was shocked at how many people were congratulating her on a great day every day when her "great day" was literally full of sugar, fast food, saturated fat, and highly processed carbs.

    But the occasional day of McDonalds does no harm. I would still say 'well done' if someone only had McDonalds food,but did stay under their goal,but doesnt normally do that. Because it's good to eat portion controlled. That takes some effort.

    Oh yes, I agree -- and definitely have those McDonald's days myself! :smile: The person I was using as an example LITERALLY only eats McDonald's, chocolate, sausage rolls, bacon sandwiches, and Coke. That's not a balanced diet by any stretch of the imagination.