Is it just me or...?

Is it just me or is it easier to diet and lose weight if you have a ton of money to spend?

I have basically no money to spend and it seems like every time I have a problem and ask people how to solve it they always give back replies that there is no way I could afford to follow.

Q: Are yout MFP exercise calories accurate?
A: Not really. You should spend $40+ on a HRM.

Q: Is there a good way to stop blisters?
A: You should buy expensive new shoes that are fitted to your feet professionally.

There are a bunch of other questions that I have asked and it seems like all the answers require me spending a whole lot of money I don't have. It is kinda depressing and rough on my motivation.

Anyone else having this problem too?


  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    i know exactly how you feel...even with food...i can easily get a huge bag of like cheetos or something for 1.50 but you cant even get a bag of salad for under 5 bucks :|
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Having a ton of money around makes a LOT of things easier... including weight loss and healthy living.

    That doesn't mean it's impossible to lose weight on a budget, though. You just need to do more research on your own, and experiment more (e.g. with exercise calories -- see if you lose weight or maintain when you use MFP estimates for exercise).
  • breskittle
    breskittle Posts: 75 Member
    I have spent a lot of money in the last year on my fitness and health. Its worth it but I understand if you can't.
    I'm fortunate enough to be able to spend what I can.
    As for MFP calories, I think some of them can be accurate. I have a HRM and it is usually decently accurate to what MFP as far as walking and stuff goes. But I would try to browse the web to compare. That may help you out more.
    I have no experience with blisters. Maybe try examining your technique? But other than that I can't help ya out there, sorry.
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    I would say yes if really and truly all of these things made you lose weight!!! However they are gadgets that could help. At the end of the day its hard graft! And that costs nothing!!!!!
  • macenro
    macenro Posts: 160
    I've done my share of research so far. I've figured out that I need to eat back my exercise calories back more often than not, but that is hard to do with only a rough estimate from MFP. That means that I have to flirt the line between eating too much of the exercise calories back and not losing as fast and going into starvation mode and not losing as fast.
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    Exercise cals accurate - it doesn't matter (hotly debated topic). To lose weight (according to every nutritionist, trainer, and doctor I've ever chatted with) you should NOT eat those calories back until maintenance. So exercise and don't worry about or eat those cals.

    Running - try wearing two pairs of socks. The friction will be between the two socks and not your feet . Helps prevent many blisters (maybe not all).

    Food - buy frozen veggies instead of fresh - it's much cheaper. Canned fruit is cheaper. Is fresh better - has more nutrients in it and when you can afford it the answer is yes. But canned and frozen can help the budget.

    You don't have to spend a ton of money to lose weight. Hope these hints help!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    no it's not just is easier if you can afford to buy all the expensive tools and foods required. it isn't impossible however. as far as the blisters go, try moleskin. it's cheaper than expensive shoes and can be found near the band aids. moleskin got me through all my hiking days when i lived in alaska. if that is too cost prohibitive, try regular old generic band aids. as far as the calories burned, i would suggest googling other sites to see if their numbers match up. i imagine if you checked your heart rate (just with fingers on carotid) to get a guestimate you could probably calculate using some website calculator for your age and weight and average heart rate of xxx what your burn would be just to see how close mfp comes. give it a try...i know it harder without the bucks, but you clearly have the determination so it isn't impossible!! :bigsmile:
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    You can do it! I have a HRM now, so I feel safer about it, but I lost 20lbs on my own before I got it.
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    I've done my share of research so far. I've figured out that I need to eat back my exercise calories back more often than not, but that is hard to do with only a rough estimate from MFP. That means that I have to flirt the line between eating too much of the exercise calories back and not losing as fast and going into starvation mode and not losing as fast.

    I try not to eat my exercise cals - and I don't believe I go into starvation mode! I have a HRM and when I compare it to what MFP says its there abouts for me. However for some MFP has been generous. I would say you need to eat back 1/2 of those cals to be on the safe side.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    blisters: duct tape your foot where you think you're going to get them BEFORE you get them. Works wonders. I do it everytime I go backpacking, never failed me. Also, synthetic socks, not cotton. Slightly more expensive but just save them for the activities that are giving you blisters. If you're getting them between your toes though you really do need new/wider shoes.

    If you have a question and need cheap answers maybe state that in your post?
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    Exercise cals accurate - it doesn't matter (hotly debated topic). To lose weight (according to every nutritionist, trainer, and doctor I've ever chatted with) you should NOT eat those calories back until maintenance. So exercise and don't worry about or eat those cals.

    Running - try wearing two pairs of socks. The friction will be between the two socks and not your feet . Helps prevent many blisters (maybe not all).

    Food - buy frozen veggies instead of fresh - it's much cheaper. Canned fruit is cheaper. Is fresh better - has more nutrients in it and when you can afford it the answer is yes. But canned and frozen can help the budget.

    You don't have to spend a ton of money to lose weight. Hope these hints help!

    So true and well said
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I hear you. Even if I had the extra money, an HRM would not be at the top of my list to buy. Gotta get groceries before that, haha. But yeah, this business can be expensive. I do usually spend the money on shoes - but you can often times find good shoes on sale online or at places like DSW. If they don't hurt your feet to work out in them for an hour or so, you are probably good to go.

    That said, I haven't bought new shoes in forever because I'm going through a tough time financially too... and my feet are really feeling it in my old shoes. Just gotta keep going for another couple months I guess.

    I also used to work out with a personal trainer... who I love but just can't afford any more. Nor do I have a gym membership.

    As far as saving money goes - I have gotten really into using coupons! Not extreme couponing like the show though, haha. But I get the Sunday newspaper every week for about $5 a month delivered to my house... and yesterday I saved about $15 on groceries that I normally buy anyway! So the subscription is more than paying for itself. Might be something to look into!

    I also set up an account on - in which you can set up budgets for everything. It will log into your bank account and designate every transaction towards one of the budgets you set up (example, it knows when I get my weekly Starbucks to put that under my "coffee shop" budget, which is about $20 a month). I've found it really helpful as far as tracking my spending and figuring out where my money is going.

    Hopefully any of this is helpful... at the very least though, I know what you are going through. If you want a friend, feel free to add me! =)
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    I'm a grad student on a definite budget, so I think everything is just a bit easier with money :) If you have a smartphone, you can download free pedometer apps and some of those do a decent job with reporting calories and steps. Otherwise, I usually shave off about 100 of the MFP calories. If MFP says I burned 700 calories on the treadmill, I'll report about a 500 calorie burn (if I don't use my pedometer or the workout equipment's values.)

    Best of luck and don't get discouraged!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I can tell you I don't have alot of money either being a "single" mom of 2 babies, and the only income of a family of 5 (includiing my mom). Losing weight does require some money but not alot. I do highly recommend a good pair of shoes especially if you are running. If you do it like me, just take a little every paycheck and set it aside for specialy things for yourself. As for the HRM, it is a good thing to have, but I don't have any extra money, so I don't wear one. I actually guesstimate all my calories burned, and I must be doing a good job since I have lost almost 50 lbs. Just make wise choices that is the main/important thing. Stay within your calories, and you will be fine. I actually don't have a gym memebership because of money. All my exercising has come from workout dvds/C25K (a great, free running program). This is just my opinion on your post.

    Basically, money is a great thing to have but not required to lose weight.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Is it just me or is it easier to diet and lose weight if you have a ton of money to spend?

    I have basically no money to spend and it seems like every time I have a problem and ask people how to solve it they always give back replies that there is no way I could afford to follow.

    Q: Are yout MFP exercise calories accurate?
    A: Not really. You should spend $40+ on a HRM.

    Q: Is there a good way to stop blisters?
    A: You should buy expensive new shoes that are fitted to your feet professionally.

    There are a bunch of other questions that I have asked and it seems like all the answers require me spending a whole lot of money I don't have. It is kinda depressing and rough on my motivation.

    Anyone else having this problem too?

    You do NOT need a heart rate monitor. I have never owned one, lost my 33 pounds in 130 days (and I didn't have a heart rate monitor the 20+ years I maintained my weight, either).

    Some synthetic socks would solve your blister issue.
  • macenro
    macenro Posts: 160
    I'm not really worried about the first 20 pounds coming off, since that will come off pretty easily, but the last 20 or so will be hard if I am not eating well or the right amount of calories. From the 5-10 different posts I've read you NEED to eat your exercise calories back. MFP already has a deficit in it so it can't be healthy if I add 600 more calories worth of exercise to the 750 calories taken away to lose 1.5 pounds per week.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I know someone mentioned coupons. Check out There are tons of coupons there!!! I can tell you that I eat back atleast half of my exercise calories, if not most of them otherwise my body does go into starvation mode (a very ugly thing). If you need ideas, my diaries are open to the public, take a look. I will tell you write now I am in maintenance phase because I am on vacation, and I have been over everyday since vacation (not horrible but over except I will be over extremely today). I will be back on it big time Tuesday, after vacation! Still have less than 10 lbs to lose.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I actually have a HRM but I don't use it. Why do we have to be so anal about the numbers? To me it's all about trial and error anyway. Find out what works for you and keep doing it.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    You are right. It is so much easier to be unhealth. Its cheaper too. But the thing is your health is an investment. Its tough, but some sacrfices just have to be made. I dont listen to everything people say, because I think about how i wont go broke trying to do what they say, it may take me a longer time to get where I want to be, and that is fine. I am realistic with this, and just take it day by day.
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    Exercise cals accurate - it doesn't matter (hotly debated topic). To lose weight (according to every nutritionist, trainer, and doctor I've ever chatted with) you should NOT eat those calories back until maintenance. So exercise and don't worry about or eat those cals.

    Running - try wearing two pairs of socks. The friction will be between the two socks and not your feet . Helps prevent many blisters (maybe not all).

    Food - buy frozen veggies instead of fresh - it's much cheaper. Canned fruit is cheaper. Is fresh better - has more nutrients in it and when you can afford it the answer is yes. But canned and frozen can help the budget.

    You don't have to spend a ton of money to lose weight. Hope these hints help!

    Is exactly what I would say!! BTW I got a Timex HRM for about $35. I understand if you don't have $35 but that is a pretty good price and the HRM seems fairly accurate to me!

    Most of the time I use MFP's exercise info for calorie tracking but when bike riding or other hard exercises I like to have a more accurate representation of my hard work. I don't use it for all exercises and sometimes I will use it for the exercise once and then ball park it from there.