Jealous of people with pear shaped bodies..



  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    SO AGREE!!! My best friend and I are about the same size but she is pear and I am apple. She looks amazing in bikinis (with a little bum wiggle, but the boys love that!) and I am super self conscious! Usually we walk around with me in bikini bottoms and her in a bikini top! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my legs and butt but it would be nice to feel comfortable topless also!

    Wow I saw ur pictures! and thats exactly how my body is shaped like! What is your current weight and height?
    When lifting weights, you do all body parts so you aren't out of proportion. Squats, deadlifts, leg press are all great for lower body. Make sure to incorporate chest, back and shoulders, but a lot of it too is body fat percentage. The lower the body fat percentage the more defined/cut you will be. The key is to lift enough that it's not easy and once you get 3 sets of 8, it's time to add more weight.

    Thanks for the advice!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Hiya - just want to say that as a pear (and an overweight one, else why would I be here?) that translates into "huge bum, smaller waist" so can't get trousers to fit both at once. Eg if you can pull them up over your bum, they're ten miles too big in the waist. And if they fit at the waist... you'll never find out cause they'll never pull up over your ar$e! :laugh:

    LOL. SO true!
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I must admit that I have an hour-glass shaped body but I don't think you should be jealous. I think that a lot of women compare themselves to other women when they really shouldn't . I have insecurities about the way I look as does everyone else. Our bodies are shaped differently because of genes and hormones. Like I wish I had more of an *kitten* than anything else! I am 5 foot and 90lbs. I have huge boobs (25 inches), small waist (23.6 inches) and a small *kitten* (30 inches). I hate my boobs and wish all the fat went to my *kitten*. So don't be jealous cuz no one is perfect. Your gorgeous and thats all that matters!
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    I am apple shaped and I LOVE MY LEGS. I have no butt at all disease. I was missing when those went out. But I love my chest. I carry all my weight inmy midsection and back arms are not as bad as could be. I have no celluite on my legs thighs at all. So I understand the pear envy.
  • wonrob
    wonrob Posts: 66 Member
    At least you're not a ruler... which I am.. My figure is so straight, I don't have a waist. And when I gain weight it goes everywhere.

    One of my girlfriends is an apple, and she has killer legs. And she flaunts it. I'm so jealous of how good she looks in short shorts and skinny jeans.