Water intake



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    5 glasses of water plus 1-2 glasses of other things, plus whatever food you may be eating during the day most likely equals 8 glasses of water a day. One of the biggest misconceptions is that you have to drink 8 glasses of actual water. It all adds up. Drinking 5 glasses of water may be enough for you. Plus the 8 glasses is a guide, everybody is slightly different, some people need more, some people need less.
  • svetlana_vs
    Thanks, all! I had my 9 (!!!) glasses of water today, which is probably one of highest ever, except for my airplane days, when I drink more. You really helped, I will try to keep up!
  • fergalizcious
    People who drink 2 glasses of water 20 minutes before a meal are shown to eat 15-20% fewer calories at the meal. You'll feel fuller and better once you cut out the soda. Just start by replacing one soda a day with a glass of water and increase water/decrease soda&tea each week. Eventually it'll be normal for you.
    This is probably a silly question but would you say drinking more water would make you less hungry? I usually drink stupid amounts of coke and about 5 cups of tea a day (which is bad) and I still suffer from dehydration. Dring the recommended daily amount of water would solve the dehydration but I'm unsure about the hunger side.

    Thanks :)
  • fergalizcious
    I always knew that I do not drink enough water, but now that I started to measure it, I started to view it as a real problem... I rarely take more than 4-5 glasses of water per day +1-2 coffee/milk/yogurt ones (which, I guess, do not count). When I tried to force myself to 6-7 glasses of water per day I almost threw up and really felt awful... Any advice?

    You have to sip water slowly over a period of time. If there is a long drought, and all of a sudden it rains hard for 20 minutes, the water will just run off the top because the ground is so rigid. If it rains slowly and steadily for a few hours, it will have time to soak in and make the soil moist again. Your cells work the same way. They can't absorb water quickly when they are rigid and dehydrated.