Dukan Diet



  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    I did 3 days on the attack phase and lost about 4lb, and then have been eating protein & veg for the last 3 days and now weigh about 5.5lb less than this time last week. I like it because exactly as people have already said, it is helping me to break my sugar/carb habit, and I don't feel hungry outside of mealtimes anymore! Which is a huge change for me. I am getting a little bit tired of the eggs and meat though, alternating protein only with protein & veg days is going to be hard cos I'm not going to look forward to the protein only days! Maybe I need to do some more experimenting with different seasonings etc...

    Out of interest, what are people eating for lunch on protein-only days? I take lunch to work, so it needs to be easily portable, and have been eating tins of tuna for lunch. Which is getting a bit boring! Any better ideas?

    For lunch on a protein day I would have something like...Grilled chicken or Beef with a seasoning like Moroccan, I'd cook this and slice it up the night before. Light cheese, the little baby bel ones, No fat yoghurt. The other week I made a protein salad with Chicken, short cut Bacon and boiled egg with a dressing made out of light Greek yoghurt, basil and lemon juice.

    I also struggle with coming up with new ideas for lunch, but I'm getting there slowly.
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    Not to be negative or anything, but just wanted to share some important info. This eating plan does not include all the nutrients you need for good health.
    A multivitamin will not compensate for the nutritional goodness from fruits, whole grains and healthy fats that are inadequate in The Dukan Diet. When dieters start losing weight rapidly, they tend to continue the restrictive phases longer than advised -- which puts you at risk for nutrient deficiencies and kidney problems.
    Losing more than 1-2 pounds per week can promote gallstones and muscle loss. "It is unhealthy to lose weight so quickly because you not only lose fat and fluids but precious muscle mass, which is really hard to replace, especially as you get older."

    Some side effects, constipation, bad breath, dry mouth, and fatigue should be a red flag that this is not a healthy diet.
    Your body’s preferred fuel to energize and keep you going is smart carbs, and when you eat a healthy diet you should feel great -- not have negative side effects.

    There is no question this very restrictive diet will lead to weight loss, if you can actually follow it. But the elimination of healthy food groups, and the unpleasant side effects, makes the Dukan diet an unlikely choice for the long haul.

    Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, but it cannot stand alone. A truly healthy diet includes all the food groups -- vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy and healthy fats along with lean protein. Your body needs the nutrients these foods provide.
    Skip this fad diet. Instead, choose a calorie-controlled eating plan that you can stick with for the long term.
    I have know doubt that you can lose weight, much like the Atkins Diet, but it's really not a healthy way to do it.

    Thank you for your thoughts. I'm no expert on health and nutrition so I am not going to argue any of the points you are trying to get across.

    All I can say is this. Since following this diet I have felt great, I have not experienced any side affects mentioned and I feel like I have loads more energy. Before following this plan I was eating tons of Carbs and Sugar, so I wasn't doing my health any favours!
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Not to be negative or anything, but just wanted to share some important info. This eating plan does not include all the nutrients you need for good health.
    A multivitamin will not compensate for the nutritional goodness from fruits, whole grains and healthy fats that are inadequate in The Dukan Diet. When dieters start losing weight rapidly, they tend to continue the restrictive phases longer than advised -- which puts you at risk for nutrient deficiencies and kidney problems.
    Losing more than 1-2 pounds per week can promote gallstones and muscle loss. "It is unhealthy to lose weight so quickly because you not only lose fat and fluids but precious muscle mass, which is really hard to replace, especially as you get older."

    Some side effects, constipation, bad breath, dry mouth, and fatigue should be a red flag that this is not a healthy diet.
    Your body’s preferred fuel to energize and keep you going is smart carbs, and when you eat a healthy diet you should feel great -- not have negative side effects.

    There is no question this very restrictive diet will lead to weight loss, if you can actually follow it. But the elimination of healthy food groups, and the unpleasant side effects, makes the Dukan diet an unlikely choice for the long haul.

    Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, but it cannot stand alone. A truly healthy diet includes all the food groups -- vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy and healthy fats along with lean protein. Your body needs the nutrients these foods provide.
    Skip this fad diet. Instead, choose a calorie-controlled eating plan that you can stick with for the long term.
    I have know doubt that you can lose weight, much like the Atkins Diet, but it's really not a healthy way to do it.

    Thank you for your thoughts. I'm no expert on health and nutrition so I am not going to argue any of the points you are trying to get across.

    All I can say is this. Since following this diet I have felt great, I have not experienced any side affects mentioned and I feel like I have loads more energy. Before following this plan I was eating tons of Carbs and Sugar, so I wasn't doing my health any favours!

    The point in this fad diet is to get you off of sugar and junk food. In the end of this program, you are supposed to eat as you should to begin with. I'm glad that it works for people, but this is not a lifestyle. It is only temporary.
    It's obvious when you get off sugar and junk food you are going to feel a hundred times better.
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    I'm pretty boring on the protein-only but there's not much option. In saying that, I like the ease of it - today I had pre-packed turkey breast and king prawns (SOOOOO hungry today, but that's because I was extremely naughty yesterday and had a carb-fest, my first since starting Dukan, and a reminder as to WHY I'm doing it!!!). I have turkey, chicken, seafood, roast beef and to be honest, I usually just have them plain, as I need to carry them to work and eat at my desk.

    I'm a little more adventurous at night and use mustard/spices on my fish/meat but it's all about ease at work. And I rarely have tuna at work as the others in the office would complain about the smell :huh:
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    does anyone ever sneak extra pure protein days into the cruise phase to speed it up a bit? does it work? :L
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    I have seen a lot about this and am interested, but is it possible as a vegetarian?

    I have just purchased myself the book "The Vegetarian Low-carb Diet Cookbook Book | Rose Elliot" really looking ofrward to this, i imagine its very similar to the Dunkan Diet, high protein, low carb. I bought my book for £3 on Amazon, going to start very soon
  • DECAFLiving
    DECAFLiving Posts: 31 Member
    My mother is doing it and she has lost loads!

    As a veggie who does not eat eggs it's very very hard to follow. Even Quorn (UK meat substitute) it contains carbs.

    South Beach Diet is a little easier as you can at least have veggies in the first phase then build up the fruits and carbs.
  • maggieskinner
    I started this a week ago. It's fairly easy for me to follow as I'm not a great fan of veggies anyway. I do miss my sweet stuff but I've lost 4lb in the first week so that's given me the incentive to carry on. Can't say that I'm hungry on it.

    I'm due to go out for a couple of meals soon though so don't think I'll be able to stick to the cruise diet, what do others do if they have this dilemma, just enjoy the meal and start back on the attack phase for a couple of days after?
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Stay with the protein part of the meal. You can always order the veggies as a side just avoid the potatoes and high starch foods including breads. Try to avoid the fried food as well and note how things are prepared. It is tough but you can do it. I went to Outback the first night I was on this diet and just ordered the chicken and shrimp- no sides, bread etc. it was strange to order that way but it did work.
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    Stay with the protein part of the meal. You can always order the veggies as a side just avoid the potatoes and high starch foods including breads. Try to avoid the fried food as well and note how things are prepared. It is tough but you can do it. I went to Outback the first night I was on this diet and just ordered the chicken and shrimp- no sides, bread etc. it was strange to order that way but it did work.

    I do this as well if I go out to eat.