Tuesday weigh in thread : who's in???



  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    7/5/11 ........ 154.2
    7/12/11 .......153.0
    8/02/11 .......148.8
    8/09/11 .......148.2
    8/16/11 .......146.8
    8/23/11 ...... 147.0
    8/30/11 .......144.8
    9/06/11 ...... 142.2
    9/13/11 ...... 142.2
    9/20/11 .......142.4
    9/27/11 ...... 140.2
    10/4/11 ...... 139.8
    10/1/11 ...... 140.0

    After the week I've had and what I've eaten, I'm happy with just holding steady. But now it's time to kick up the heat and get these last five pounds off!!
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    You can do it Southtowngirl! Kick it into high gear and drop those pounds!

    As for me, down one more pound this week to 221.5

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • andy_gilfrin
    I was on vacation last week so didn't have access to my regular scale. I weighed myself on Saturday so will log that now, I'm in meetings all day today so not sure if I will be able to pop out later to do the official Tuesday log.

    Started at 345 lbs in June

    23/08/2011 : 302lbs
    30/08/2011 : 295lbs
    06/09/2011 : 291lbs
    13/09/2011 : 286lbs
    20/09/2011 : 284lbs
    28/09/2011 : 279lbs
    04/10/2011 : 279lbs
    15/10/2011 : 277lbs - 2lb down

    I suspect it was a little more than2 pounds as the scales said 125.7kg and the previous week it was 126.5kg, so closer to 3 lbs down however I imagine I was 279.99 lbs and 277.1 lbs this week if you see what I mean.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    NIce work Andy!

    As for me, not sure how (did not work out that much this week), but I dropped 3 lbs this week to bring me to 218.5. I've now surpassed my original goal of losing 40 lbs, and decided to go for another 10 - still have some flabbiness I want to lose and fit into my 36" waist again - so I updated my goals and will continue on. In the meantime, if weight holds for another week, I'm calling my life insurance company to come out and re-weigh me to get my better rate!
  • andy_gilfrin
    Started at 345 lbs in June

    23/08/2011 : 302lbs
    30/08/2011 : 295lbs
    06/09/2011 : 291lbs
    13/09/2011 : 286lbs
    20/09/2011 : 284lbs
    28/09/2011 : 279lbs
    04/10/2011 : 279lbs
    15/10/2011 : 277lbs
    25/10/2011 : 273lbs - 4lbs down

    That was actually on Saturday morning. Saturday was my wife's birthday so we went out for a meal, didn't go mad but would imagine I haven't lost much since, just happy the trend is still down overall.

    Normally I weight myself at the pharmacy so that's my base line, but decided to get the home scales out and weight myself without clothes or shoes. I came in at 265 which is great. I have lost 72 pounds now, just over 20 to reach my goal weight, was planning to get it done before the end of the year, but just to get there will be amazing, then I'll go for another 30 pounds or so to get me in the "normal" range, but I'm a big tall guy so that will be a bonus rather than something I really want to do.
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    I missed checking in last week. I'm still holding steady.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Coming in at 217.0 today, for a loss of 1.5 on the week.

    Come on Southtown - Let's get this!

    Andy, I can relate. Lots of parties lately - I'm amazed that the trend is still downward. But looking over my diary, I didn't to as badly as I perceive...I'm just not used to going over at all and used to exercising more, so when I do and don't, mentally I think it's going to be bad. Still, I can't have a false sense of security about it - I know I need to refocus and get serious again!

    When I first started this journey, I thought a weight of 205, which would be the top of the "healthy" range in BMI for my 6'4" frame, was an utterly ridiculous idea. Now it seems like something that might be a good thing...still not totally sure, but we'll look at that again when I hit 210.
  • andy_gilfrin
    Started at 349 lbs in June

    23/08/2011 : 302lbs
    30/08/2011 : 295lbs
    06/09/2011 : 291lbs
    13/09/2011 : 286lbs
    20/09/2011 : 284lbs
    28/09/2011 : 279lbs
    04/10/2011 : 279lbs
    15/10/2011 : 277lbs
    01/11/2011 : 274lbs - 3lb down

    I have lost a total of 75lbs, might just hit my target before Christmas which was to be down a total of 93.7 (yes sounds odd but that's 7 stone here in the UK)
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Nice work Andy!

    I'm down another 1.5 this week to 215.5 - still not exercising as much as I should like, but it is what it is, and down is down.

    Next week I'll be traveling for business, and so will not be able to weigh in. I'll still check in, though!

    I'm wondering if maybe we should start a new thread to get some more folks into our "club." What do ya'll think?

  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    A day late, but finally down another 1.5. Still hoping for another 3.5 by Thanksgiving (so I'll have a little leeway for the holiday). But my mom has started making some of my favorite 'treats' so it will be hard. (I'm eating them in moderation though, not scarfing down the entire bucketful in one sitting!)
  • andy_gilfrin
    Well done, that's the way to do it.

    I'm doing the same, having a little bit more of what I fancy now and again. However these last 5 months have been an education and I'm confident I won't slip back in to my old habits.

    If you can keep on the right path for 90% of the time and when you do stray don't go mad then I think things will be fine.
  • andy_gilfrin
    Started at 349 lbs in June

    06/09/2011 : 291lbs
    13/09/2011 : 286lbs
    20/09/2011 : 284lbs
    28/09/2011 : 279lbs
    04/10/2011 : 279lbs
    15/10/2011 : 277lbs
    01/11/2011 : 274lbs
    08/11/2011 : 275lbs - 1lb Up

    Been a bit too relaxed the last few weeks, time to sort myself out and get back on it seriously for the final push.
  • andy_gilfrin
    Started at 349 lbs in June

    13/09/2011 : 286lbs
    20/09/2011 : 284lbs
    28/09/2011 : 279lbs
    04/10/2011 : 279lbs
    15/10/2011 : 277lbs
    01/11/2011 : 274lbs
    08/11/2011 : 275lbs
    15/11/2011 : 270lbs - 5lb down
  • andy_gilfrin
    Started at 349 lbs in June

    13/09/2011 : 286lbs
    20/09/2011 : 284lbs
    28/09/2011 : 279lbs
    04/10/2011 : 279lbs
    15/10/2011 : 277lbs
    01/11/2011 : 274lbs
    08/11/2011 : 275lbs
    15/11/2011 : 270lbs
    22/11/2011 : 259lbs - 10lb down

    Hmm must have been an error in there somewhere as I was actually only about 6 down and I'm sure there is a step I have missed somewhere along the line.

    Only 9 pounds to now to reach the target I initially set, although I will be setting another one (another 30-40) right away.
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Im in!! I get weighed later at 6pm. I will post my latest weight then. I get weighed at my local weight watchers class.

    Luan x
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Nice work Andy! And welcome Luan!

    I did weigh in last week, but just had a brain fart and didn't report here - I was down 1 lb over two weeks (unable to weigh due to a business trip). I can't weigh this week as I am off work for Thanksgiving, so I'll report back next week.

    I'm thinking of starting a group for us tuesday weighers...any thoughts?

  • Bheller234
    I think this is a great idea and hopefully will help me out a bit to have others to work with on this. I don't have a working scale in my house but i have one at my karate building that i go to, so i will post after i get home from practice tonight. This is only my second day of using fitness pal and i really hope this is going to be the best option for me. :D

  • andy_gilfrin
    Hi Andre

    Yes a group sounds good (sorry for not replying to the suggestion of a reboot of the thread you made a few weeks ago).

    I think Tuesday is a good day to weigh in because it keeps you focused on the weekends, knowing you have a weigh in looming makes you think twice about letting it go at the weekends.

    Brandi - Andre and Southtowngirl have been a great help in keeping me focused, it's great to have other people to support you and it's nice to encourage others at the same time. MyFitnessPal has been great for me and as my ticker shows I'm down 85 pounds, I don't think I could have done that without the support for the guys on here.

  • lougru
    lougru Posts: 55
    Can i join please? Ive been on MFP for a few months now but i have only yo-yo'd up and down and this time i really want to start shifting some weight and keepiong it off. hopefully something like this will motivate me! I weighed this morning and am currently 144lbs. My goal is 135 :)
  • andy_gilfrin
    Started at 349 lbs in June

    20/09/2011 : 284lbs
    28/09/2011 : 279lbs
    04/10/2011 : 279lbs
    15/10/2011 : 277lbs
    01/11/2011 : 274lbs
    08/11/2011 : 275lbs
    15/11/2011 : 270lbs
    22/11/2011 : 259lbs
    29/11/2011 : 257lbs - 2lb down

    Slow and steady now, no problem with that at all. All after a big day out at the football on Saturday too.

    Just 5lbs to go now and 3 1/2 weeks to do it.... although the time part is really not that important.