SIXERS Headed for the Beach--Week 5



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    everyone have a great time on vacations.

    lovin the new washer. whites in there now, than delicates and i am done.

    taco bake for dinner. body is really sore from the workouts i did this week. that JM 6 weeks for 6 pack still has by tummy hurting. it's a good hurt. had trouble sleeping, every time i moved rolled over my body ached. to not doing anything today. maybe a swim later. just shocked it so depends on if still green. rain makes the water green. almost lunch time.hungry today.

    have a good weekend
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    hello everyone,

    i'm feeling a bit rotten again this afternoon!! havent exercised yet but have just logged JM 30 DS so i best go do it now... its going to be painful but its only 20 mins and then i can lie on my bad a feel sorry for myself for a further 20mins!

    went to order my wedding ring this morning which was exciting and we pick it up a week on tuesday. its so prettttyyyy!!! cant wear it for another year though :-( booo!!!!

    hope everyone is well, ok Jillian Here I come!!!!!!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning...

    a little down today. since i have been off my meds, my numbers have increased for morning readings and the scale has increased just a bit. even though i am eating well and exerciseing well. will continue another week and see and maybe have to restart next week.

    have a great weekend. off to church here in a bit.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    heres what we learned in church this morning.....

    "it's ok to sit on the pitty potty, just don't sit there long enough to get a ring around your hiney"

    for some reason made sense for dieters.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    you people on vacation remember when you get back we will have started and about to end this challenge. keep that in mind when you go to put that bite in your mouth.....

    we need a new name. tuesday begins the last week. let's see we will go birthday, international friendship day is the 7th, school starting at least here in the south.
    it's going to run from july 19th (my birthday) to Aug 30th.

    names please.....
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    have a safe trip shanell.

    i am such a most every aspect of my life. i am so down right now.

    hope everyone has a great day. either kisten or i will start the new thread today for tomorrows weigh in.

    zumba tonight.
  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    Cathy - Cheer up! You are not a failure! We are here for you!!! PLus you are kicking a** in all of our 6-week challenges!!! Hugs :flowerforyou:

    Had a so-so weekend. Didn't do much "exercise", I was active though... and I ate ok. I am curious what the scale will say - I feel heavy, but I am just going to have to bite the bullet and get on the scale... :ohwell: Going to get in a 6 mile ride today, and hopefully take the pups out for a walk (it is hot and they don't do well in the heat, so we will have to wait until late tonight)

    I still haven't found an outfit for the bachlorette party on Saturday - I feel fat in everything... ugh :sad: sorry, I am just feeling bad for myself... I need to take that and use it to fight my cravings. this is going to be a good week. :drinker:
  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    hmm name ideas...

    SIXERS Slimmer in Summer

    SIXERS Swimming to Success

    not anything amazing, but I tried :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    Can I just say I wish I could re-do this weekend...BAD eating, NO exercise, COMPLETE LAZINESS! Gah! Oh well...onto a new week, and a new day! Woo!

    Plan today:
    B-Crunchy Nut cereal, skim milk, coffee w/sugarfree creamer
    L-Mixed green salad with baby tomatos, cucumber and spritzer dressing, Light yogurt
    D-Tilapia filet, brown rice, cooked carrots
    S-FF Frozen Yogurt with cool whip free

    JM Ripped in 30-Level 1
    Maybe a run outside...hopefully!

    Hmmm...I like the SIXERS Swimming to Success! That's my vote!! Can't believe this week will be week 6 already!

    Have a great day!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    AH! I spelled out name wrong for the last week...and I can't edit! Sorry all...
  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    Hey Ladies,
    The plan for today...

    B. Onion Bagel with Lite Cream Cheese
    S. Cheddar Rice Cakes (Im going to get some more of these, make some fresh salsa, and sprinkle a little cheddar cheese on the top for afternoon snacks)
    L. ? (going out w/ co-workers)
    S. ?
    D. Hot Turket Sausage w/ bell peppers, mixed green salad w/ balsamic vinigrete

    Lots of room to make mitakes today... not much food in the house. Going for a quick shop to grab some cheese, meat, bread, salad dressing... etc. after work.

    Have a great day!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    moving son out tomorrow (from his storage unit and a little from here). he's still just a few short to get power on. we offered to help he said no. we just want him out. he is watching shanells house this week, so we will have the week to ourselfs. it will be nice.
