The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 3 (DITR



  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    QOTD Thursday:

    What is the worst purchase you have ever made?

    Hmm, worst purchase I ever made was my first car purchase on my own. It was a Mazda 626 and the thing left me stranded on the side of the road the first week that I drove it. I kept it for about five years and had problem after problem with it. I poured so much money into that car, it was RIDICULOUS!
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    THANKS TO all the resonses to what hrm , i appreciate your imput.
    QOTD Thursday:
    What is the worst purchase you have ever made?

    I've made alot of them, there was this thing called flexible flyer and of course it was an exercise machine of sorts and i used it maybe twice and then it became my clothes hanger . I've had lots of those . from watching infomercials. I'm a sucker when it comes to them. so I try to stay away from them.
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    QOTD Thursday:
    What is the worst purchase you have ever made?

    This is going to sound really bad....but our house! We purchased a brand new manufactured home 5 years ago. Since the day we moved it we have had nothing but problems....the wood trim buckles because there is a gap between the ceiling and walls, almost all of the windows had to be replaced because the double pane glass was not sealed right so moisture got between them, etc! That would explain why the company that built it is no longer in business :(
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    QOTD Thursday:
    What is the worst purchase you have ever made?

    HMMM- there have been lots over the years that have disappeared as a result of them being poor purchases. The one I still hold on to in the hopes I'll become more coordinated (which will probably never happen) are my roller blades...
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    QOTD Thursday:
    What is the worst purchase you have ever made?

    Our worst purchase was a boat. We bought it shortly before moving. At the time my husband had a Ford Ranger pick-up. As we were leaving our house, pulling the boat, the Ranger started smoking from underneath. We ended up having to sell the pick-up and buy a used Jeep Grand Wagoneer (the one with the ugly wood siding) in order to pull the boat. Bottom line is, we put a boat-load (get the pun?) of money into this stupid boat, NEVER put it in the water, and SOLD it after 2 more moves!!! Absolutely ridiculous.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    QOTD Wednesday: I really don't use any other tools as far as online things go. This is the only website I use. I love using my food scale to actually measure out what I'm eating. Sometimes I fear I get a little obsessive about it, but in a good way! I also love the C25K program that I bought for iTunes. The only thing I don't like about that is by now I should be to week 9, but I'm still on week 3 because I have to keep repeating weeks because I just can't push forward yet.

    QOTD Thursday: The worst purchase I ever made....hmmm........I would have to say......I'm not too sure! LOL Me and my mom tend to both get sucked into infomercials. I guess one thing we bought we never used except the day we bought it was this ab workout machine thing. It was supposd to help if you have problems with hurting your neck while doing crunches and sit ups and stuff, but it really didn't help at all!
  • journey2size10
    QOTD Thursday:

    I looked at this earlier and could not think of anything for the life of I came back and looked at it again I was about to say the same when suddenly it popped in my head!
    When I was in college, I paid for a sound system in my first car..big speakers, new radio and a whole lotta boom boom.. that boom boom was stolen out of my vehicle twice and caused me to have to replace the window both times..not worth it.. I still like loud music and bass, but factory systems are A-OK with me now, lol.
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    QOTD Thursday:

    What is the worst purchase you have ever made??

    I'd say anything I spent on my recent ex-boyfriend of 7 months, he didnt have any money so I paid for all this meals when we went out, which was quite frequent and bought him a bunch of new clothes when all that money I could've put in my college savings account!

    booo, oh well learned the hard way!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    QOTD Thursday:
    What is the worst purchase you have ever made?

    Our worst purchase was a boat. We bought it shortly before moving. At the time my husband had a Ford Ranger pick-up. As we were leaving our house, pulling the boat, the Ranger started smoking from underneath. We ended up having to sell the pick-up and buy a used Jeep Grand Wagoneer (the one with the ugly wood siding) in order to pull the boat. Bottom line is, we put a boat-load (get the pun?) of money into this stupid boat, NEVER put it in the water, and SOLD it after 2 more moves!!! Absolutely ridiculous.

    This is just too funny to me because I can totally picture you guys working so hard to haul that boat! LOL.
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Silly me, I'm thinking... when is this person going to post the Question of the Day. Lol, but it's MY day! Okay, here it goes:

    QOTD Thursday:

    What is the worst purchase you have ever made?

    My response: Oh, I have so many on that list, but I think the winner will have to be a purchase I made in high school. I don't know if you guys remember when that song More Money More Problems with Puff Daddy was popular, but all of the rappers were wearing shiny jeans. Of course, I just HAD to have a pair of shiny jeans! By the time I actually got a pair though, they were only in style for about 1 more week! I never even got a chance to wear them. LOL.

    This is back when I thought this looked cool:


    lol sounds like something i would do (about waiting for someone to post lol)

    i would consider my worst purchase were video games (some of my game boy and/or game cube games) they were a total waist of money because i almost never played them
  • fitbye45
    fitbye45 Posts: 23
    sounds interesting, how do i join?
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    OK, so Friday is my turn for the QOTD, and I am going to go ahead and post it tonight so I don't forget!!

    QOTD Friday: What is the worst diet/weight-loss/exercise advice you have ever gotten?

    The worst advice I ever got from someone was to just stop eating for a week and "reboot" my body. Then when I start eating again just eat 2 meals a day. How in the world would this possibly work? And how is it even close to being healthy? LOL Let's just say I did not follow this all....ever....LOL
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    OK - I'm sure I'm not the only person who ever tried the cabbage soup all-the-time and only cabbage soup diet. I couldn't even stand to be in the same room as me :blushing: :laugh: :sad: :embarassed:
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member

    QOTD Friday: What is the worst diet/weight-loss/exercise advice you have ever gotten?

    The worse advice Ive gotten work out HARD everyday .. or to ignore pain when you first start working out, your body is going to be for the rest of your life, take care of it the right way and ease into the exercising, once I did that I really improved my cardio and strength..also to work on a certain body part everyday.. like ab workouts, which should be at least every other day since the body needs to recover itself and have time to grow the muscles and rest them!
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    QOTD Thursday:
    What is the worst purchase you have ever made?

    I feel like I should have a big list but believe my brain has already gone to bed...several impulse-buy purses that still sit in my closet (hidden from my husband), hex bugs for my boys, big stainless steel grill we never use.

    Wait, wait, wait, I've got it. The WORST purchase is Moon Sand. OMG what an awful mess.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    QOTD Thursday: What is the worst purchase you have ever made?

    QOTD Friday: What is the worst diet/weight-loss/exercise advice you have ever gotten?

    I'm not sure what the worst purchase I've ever made is. I guess I'd say my KISS tickets. I don't regret going for a second, but I waited too late and got them off eBay instead of buying them right away from Ticketmaster or something. I got nosebleed seats for the cost of floor seats because I waited too long....Bummer! Great show though!

    As for the worst diet advice I've ever heard, I guess that was something along the lines of eat nothing but celery and water for 2 weeks. Ummmm, yeah.
  • lisa_lotte
    lisa_lotte Posts: 216
    QOTD Thursday: What is the worst purchase you have ever made?

    Hmmmm.... probaly a handbag that cost me £600 (which I couldn't afford) which I then never used because it was too pretty and I was too scared of ruining it...

    QOTD Friday: What is the worst diet/weight-loss/exercise advice you have ever gotten?

    To not eat fruit :noway:

    Have a great day everyone

    Lisa :flowerforyou:
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member

    QOTD Friday: What is the worst diet/weight-loss/exercise advice you have ever gotten?

    I'm almost embarrassed to say that I tried the "Master Cleanse" for weight loss. This is basically a "diet" where you don't eat and drink a ton of water (the good part) mixed with salt, lemon juice and a little maple syrup. You also either add cayenne pepper or take a cayenne pepper pill... which is what I did. The most exciting part is the laxative tea you are also drinking.

    ...drinking this exclusively to lose weight? Yeah, never!

  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    sounds interesting, how do i join?

    Look out for the next round to sign up. We are almost at the end of this round. If you are 5'4" or under, there is a LIttle Diamond sign up going on now. I am not sure if it is full or not.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    QOTD Friday: What is the worst diet/weight-loss/exercise advice you have ever gotten?

    I have a co-worker that does one fab diet after another, cabbage soup diet, master cleanse diet, lemon juice diet.. And was always talking me into trying them. :noway: The best thing that anyone can do is stop looking for the magic diet and to make a lifestyle change! As a lifestyle, I will have to eat healthy most of the time (occassional treats are ok) and I will have to be active. When i finally realized then it took a lot of stress and miserableness (if that's a word :wink: ) out of weight loss.