

  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Sadly at least here in Canada I don't think "either" of these are quite right
    "The major fast food chains in the UK did sell 'supersize' for a while (I seem to remeber it was when I was a student back in the early 00's) but then they were taken off the menu, obv for health reasons- or they weren't selling.

    We actually don't have the Supersize option in the US anymore - they got rid of it after that documentary was released! They claimed it had nothing to do with the movie, but we all know that's bull. :) "
    They got rid of "super-size" as a menu option, you can still "large size" your order, but the large is what the old super-size was, medium is the old large .... small the old medium... so.... everything got shifted but they don't sell super-size now. Even though you get just as many calories from the "new" large
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    To have a balanced outlook at the problem you should also watch "FATHEAD". It will show you the load of crap we as a society have been fed about our diets and lifestyles.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I also recommend you watch "Fathead", it is free on Hulu I believe. What's funny to me is that we make such a big deal about fast food but no one seems to realize that the meals you get at most sit down restaurants are just as bad if not worse.


    Seriously McD's has some decent options for food on the run in airports and other "holy crap need food but don't have time" situations like the Snack wraps, McMuffins, Grilled chicken / salads, etc. It's not super high in calories. Yeah, the ingredients aren't the best, but it's better than a "healthy" organic muffin from some coffee shop that's organic YET completely calorie and sugar laden.

    And the supersize thing? Meeting the demands of the American consumer. Funny how EVERY person interviewed on the street in Fat Head was completely aware that large McD's meals are very calorie dense and NOT good for you.

    So...Europeans, you may not have supersize fast food (yet), but you all have some serious supersize beers. Believe me, it's difficult for this American to not drink like a fish upon my visits to your continent with all the bars coercing me into ordering the big beer :drinker:
  • rmrainbow
    rmrainbow Posts: 37
    I am American, and sometimes I worry that other countries' people look at McDonald's and all the extremely obese people eating it constantly and think that all of us are like this. Of course people loves fast food every once in a while, but not all of us Americans eat FF for every meal, every day.

    That being said, it is part consumer, part producer who are to blame. These days in America, fatty, sugary, horrible foods are MUCH less expensive than healthy foods. If you watch "Food, Inc." they make this point. A head of broccoli is much more expensive than 2 liters of coke.

    The fact that McDonald's and other chains can make such filling, satisfying meals available at an extremely affordable cost (for people who really have tight budgets and really struggle to feed their families), sometimes it seems to be the only choice. The fact that these foods are HORRIBLE for your body is overshadowed by the understanding that you could feed your whole family for less than $10.

    So. We Americans are not all helpless obese people who need a handout and are desperately in need of other countries' help to ban McDonald's. I wish the U.S. could stop being labeled as the only obese country, the only country with obesity-related deaths on the rise, the only country that supports this kind of consumerism and big business.

    I just wish it weren't the way it is, that people could afford making the healthier choice.
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    You need to watch Fat Head. I love Morgan Sperlock, but it seems like Supersize me is kind of full of cr*p. Fat Head gives you the other size of the story =]
    On a side note, I do love Supersize me =]
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Sad part is, many of the fast food places around here are getting rid of their small option. Our local Wendy's doesn't have small anything... just medium and up!
    Mcdonalds uses their small's on the dollar menu and in kids meals. Other than that... nadda.